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The success myth

Success Success Success

What is it like to be successful in a world that has failed? USA a successful nation built on wars, Europe on Indian famines, Middle east on Kafala slavery.

What is it like to be successful in a country that has failed? Gas chambers of Delhi winters, green revolution belts turning into cancer capitals, Mauritius being top FDI source.

What is it like to be successful in an ecosystem that has failed? Mark Zukerberg's wealth is fueled by depressed anxious teens, death of an EY employee due to workload. 

Most people today have a success fetish, meanwhile I wonder what the hell success is? Few centuries ago who dreamt to be a billionaire or thought of being elected as head of state. Perhaps few centuries down the line having a stable family and happy relationships being seen as success? Or health being a big aspect of success. Thoughts?

- A failure



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