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[Community Initiative] Thread for Posting Performance Sheet. (Reviving For SFG 2022)

Test 01 /SFG2.0/15-07 score: 66

Total correct answers 37

Total no of wrong 12

Total no of unanswered 1

Total no of qsns 50

Wrong questions :-

no.12: 97th constn am act =coop societies

  18: 1861councils act =decentralization

26:coop fed: biz refrm axn plan,cwmi,leads

27:st helena:1833

32: 1861act * no locl govt=impose tax

34: local reprsntn@leg cnl=1853 act

36:1909 act= provncl leg ass= non off maj


42indian act 1947

43:sc & hc can revw const am act

47:1781 act exempted servnts of eic fr sc

48 marking error

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