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Thread to Clarify Doubts, Seek Guidance from 2021 Batch Civil Servants

I don't know if this is the correct thread for this question but I am going to give it a try - how did you deal with your emotions, especially in the time period between the Prelims and their result? One minute I am sure I will make it and the next, the What Ifs start haunting me? I am generally good at staying in the present but this specific time period before the result has been really troubling me. I keep on thinking, what if can't make it this time too (this is my 2nd Prelims - left my job for health, have dedicated around 1.5 years to this process)? Career? Marriage pressure?  

Yeah, what tips would you recommend to help with these emotions? Anything you read that helped you? I meditate and that generally helps but even meditation is not helping right now. Thanks in advance.

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