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Thread to Clarify Doubts, Seek Guidance from 2021 Batch Civil Servants

1. What is currency hedging?

2. "If India accepts IEA's full time membership, she has toraise strategic oil reserves to 90 days requirement." Please explain what it (the underlined phrase) means.

3. "Poll panelhas also been seeking modification to form 24A to mandate disclosure of donations above Rs. 2000, instead of Rs. 20000." Please explain (underlined phrase).

4. An example:

    BJD party secures a large chunk of vote share in Odisha and wins 12/21 LS seats in the last election. Can it be called a national recognized party?

[It secures >6% vote-share if I include smaller states (like Manipur,, Goa, Sikkim) to make up the condition

a) Vote-share is >6% in 4 states.. and 

obviously it conforms; b) num of seats in LS= 11 i.e, >4]

N.B.- 1. In order to simplify things if answered in Hindi or meme-ic language, tab bhi chalega.

2. I am absolutely new to CSE. Pls overlook any glitches/ silliness in queries.
@morsmodreThanks a lot.


Queries on news of 25.6.22

1. Under PMAY-U, Housing shortage is decidedbased ondemand assessmentby
States UTs. What does demand assessment mean?

2. C-DOT isaregistered societyunder Societies Registration Act, 1860. What does the act talk about and 'society' mean here?

3. What is 'air shed' in the context of air pollution? What are functional differences of CAQuM and NARFI [Commission for Air Quality Management and National Air-quality Resource Framework of India] (in one line)?

No judging. Thanks in adv.



1. Value of the vote of Member of Parliament (MP) islikely to go down to700 from 708in presidential polls  due tothe absence of a legislative assembly in Jammuand Kashmir.

J&K is not participating this time? Had it participated even though AS A UT, the VoV would have remained the same, right? because VOV_MP= sum(VOV of MLA) / (no of MPs)

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