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Timing of SFG/RLG Tests

Hello team,

It's gotten very cold these days, just querying if the timings for the SFG tests could be tweaked a bit. Some of the guys come from far off places and it's even more difficult for them.

Maybe ppl who are thinking to drop out from the program would reconsider if the timings are changed thus maintaining a good level of competition in the SFG/RLG group.




Integer,Oshoand2 otherslike this


Dear @aks07

We are seized of the matter, as it is the coldest winter Delhi has seen. While we are aware of the discipline that the 7AM timing has brought, it is likely to be cold till January 8th or so as per newspaper reports.

From 2nd January, the timings are likely to be temporarily shifted to 7:30 or 8AM for the next 10-12 days. We are working on this as it will have a cascading effect on all our other classroom programs. Please wait to hear from us on January 1st.

Dhanananda,Kartikeya_Aroraand3 otherslike this

Thanks for the concern. We do understand the constraints related to availability of classrooms.

Hopefully a temporary solution is reached 

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