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Tools & Technology in Preparation - Hacks & Resources / Apps / Evernote /Onenote

I use EverNote and OneNote both for different subjects on the basis of their pros. I have less handwritten notes.

--Like in Evernote, I recorded some voice notes for history in a storytelling way. Whenever I don't want to read or write anything I just listen to these voice notes. I like Evernote for this feature. 

--I use Onenote for making notes on important current affairs on topic wise. I find Onenote much easy for making my notes in sequence on different topics and sub-topics.

--Evernote has only one colour (yellow) for highlighting the text whereas Onenote has many different colours which make notes mesmerizing and interesting.

--here're screenshots from my Evernote and Onenote notes...



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