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Tools & Technology in Preparation - Hacks & Resources / Apps / Evernote /Onenote

@capricornape Anki is free to use on desktop.

I have an ipad but I do not have an Apple pencil. It is too costly. Any alternatives?
@Kasturi22 How do you create so many cards? Isn't it a very time consuming exercise?

@BenevolentBeing Kindle is amazing. It's the first thing I bought for myself with my first salary. It is great for books and documents. Unfortunately, it isn't that great for browsing etc.

I have the paperwhite version which is one step above the cheapest model. It has the added capacity of backlight which is very important imo, the cheapest model would not work properly in dark.

In documents and books, you can highlight and make notes. You can then extract them to your PC by connecting Kindle to PC. If you make notes on books purchased through Amazon, you can also use their website to take a look at highlights and notes. This facility (of website) is not available for books you transfer to Kindle. You can still connect to PC and export notes though.

Also, for documents like PDF, the formatting wouldn't be nice. The best formatting is usually of .mobi files. You can try by downloading the free Kindle app on your phone and sending a document that you intend to read on it and try reading it from there.

Let me know if you have any other questions about Kindle.

And on a related note, I also use eye drops regularly. It is very important. Also remember to blink. We usually blink lesser when glued to screens.

@BenevolentBeing Battery life is good. Even with heavy use, you wouldn't need to charge it more than once a week (and that's with heavy). I have a friend whose battery life lasts more than 1 month. It is very durable. People use it for years and years without any problem. :)

Always happy to help. Do ask away if anything else occurs to you.

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