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UPPSC Prelims 2024 result out. IN or OUT?

So, I have managed to find GS paper of last 3 years(which is enough as pattern changed in 2018) and 2020 PSIR paper. If any one has 2018 &19 PSIR paper, Please do share.


Syllabus is same to CSE in addition it has 1 hindi paper and in essay we have to write 3 essay here. That's only difference.

Link -


I think apart from the traditional UPSC syllabus, we will have to cover history, geography, economy etc with focus on UP. Resources for the same can include-

1. A basic UP GK Book - there is one by Arihant and one by McGraw Hill

2. UP Budget 

3. UP specific schemes etc 

Hindi can be done from some channel on youtube. I'll share if I find something good.  

book for hindi - Nalandas general hindi by prithvi nath pandey can be done easly in 1 month by giving 2 hrs every day,

@messiji how about samanya hindi by aditya publication?

No idea, as I have not seen the book but I know there are lot of objective questions in it.

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