- It has 2784 questions
- Its free
- Can search multiple words
- Results can be sorted or filtered by year
Hi All,If you want to search Prelims Questions (Previous Years), visit this Search Portal - SearcherFeatures:
- It has 2784 questions
- Its free
- Can search multiple words
- Results can be sorted or filtered by year
Kindly share your feedback please.Thanks,this is very user friendly and neat. i noticed the results also include terms from options and that's super helpful. thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the feedback.
Kindly share feedback on how to improve it or new features.
If there's a similar service to search Article Titles shared by Insights or Vision - Will it be helpful?
Hi All,If you want to search Prelims Questions (Previous Years), visit this Search Portal - SearcherFeatures:
- It has 2784 questions
- Its free
- Can search multiple words
- Results can be sorted or filtered by year
Kindly share your feedback please.Thanks,this is very user friendly and neat. i noticed the results also include terms from options and that's super helpful. thanks for sharing!
Sorry for not mentioning earlier. We have recently launched this portal and we are seeking feedback to improve it.