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Best wishes + Paper Discussion Mains 2024

I know this is not for CSAT. But asking a question since i am getting doubtful answers. Can anyone help? Meanwhile, you will also practice 1 CSAT question.  

Q. Consider the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5. How many 3 digit numbers can be formed out of the given 6 digits such that the number is greater than 300 and is also even. Repetition of digits is allowed.

a) 54

b) 51

c) 53

Doubt: Excluding 300 as one possibility gives - 54-1 = 53 as answer. But then, there is problem of zeroes. So, i tried it with different cases and got the answer to be (45 + 6) = 51. Can anyone confirm what the real answer is? 51 or 53?


Joining this thread from today:

4th May 2024:

1. Sim3 revision 

2. Polity complete

3. Revision of all test notes


1. Done
2. Partially
3. Done  
4. Partially

5th May:
1. Complete polity (pending from 4th May)
2.  Mock
3. Mock solutions
4. CSAT - 1 hr
5. Modern history for SFG


@Ykjaiswal 5th May:
1. Sim4 done - GS (103.3) + CSAT (90)
2. CSAT - done
3. For tomorrow's SFG - could only do PYQs - will read relevant portion before test

6th May targets:
1. Revise for SFG before test
2. SFG solutions + making notes of Sim2, 3, 4
4. Next day SFG

@Ykjaiswal 1. Couldn't do much apart from SFG for 7th May.


7th May targets:

- Modern history revision

- SFG and solutions

- CSAT 2023 complete

8th May targets:


- Making notes of Sim2, Sim3, Sim4

- To be Updated based on status of 7th targets

@Ykjaiswal Couldn't do much on 7th and 8th as i fell sick. 
9th May:
- Clear the backlog of last 2 days


11th May 2024:


- world climate

- Landforms and interior of earth


- Monsoon

- Geography (all PYQs) and quick glance on imp topics

S3, S4:

Revise notes 


12th May 2024:

- Sim5 (GS-107, CSAT - 80)

13th May 2024:


1. Number system (done)

2. Sim notes (on it)


13th May - done

14th May - targets:


S2: Sim3, 4, 5 notes

S4: Start polity revision


16th May:

- CSAT - done

- Polity PYQs - last few chapters remaining - to be completed on 17th.

17th May:

- Finish polity PYQs (in morning slot)

- Polity CA - finish entirely (half already done)

18th May:

- Full Laxmikant revision 


- Polity all PYQs - done
- PT365 of Polity - done 

19th May:
- Sim6 (GS and CSAT)
- Status: Done (GS-88  - lost mark in too many negatives, CSAT - 113)

20th May:
- Finish PT365 of IR 
- Status: Completed on 22nd May (2 days behind plan)

21st May:
- Finish PT365 of economy
- Status: Completed on 24th May (3 days behind plan)

22nd May:
- Finish PT365 of science and environment (more than 50% already done)

Targets for 5 days:

24th May:
- Try to finish PT365 of science (more than 50% already done)
- PT365 of economics (done -  4 P.M)

25th May:
- Finish science PT365
- Status: Done

26th May:
- Sim7 (GS and CSAT)
- Status: Done (GS-114, CSAT-111.67)
- Test analysis

27th May:
- Finish remg. portion of PT365 environment

28th May:
- Finish PT365 of culture and social issues (and thus all PT365s!)


28th May - Wasted

29th May - half day wasted

30th May - PT365 of Art and culture (will continue on 31st May also)

31st May - Done

S1: Finish PT365 of Art (20 pages remg)

S2: Finish PT365 of Social issues

1st June: Finished mapping  + starting revision of static (ancient and medieval history)

2nd June: Forum open test and finish ancient, medieval revision.

    Status: Server issue, solved Vajiram mock instead


2nd June: Vajiram mock 3 (GS-98)

3rd June: Forum simulator 10 (GS-101.3, CSAT - 80)

- Now back to revising ancient and medieval history (to be finished on 4th June)

4th June: Finish ancient, medieval, art and culture

5th June: Polity

6th June: Economy

7th June: Modern history

8th June: Geography

Only Environment revision pending. To be adjusted after all these major subjects are over.

Anyone planning to join MGP 2024 cohort 11. Can anyone make a thread on which everyone of us can have related peer discussions? Will be of much help to learn from each other for the 2024 mains exam?


GS2 - done - but can't say completely - revisions pending

GS3- Economy portion done + Science (to good extent)

GS4 - Revision started

- Writing a GS3 and GS4 FLT tomorrow based on whatever I could recall.


- Paper 1 - Part 1 done

- Paper 1 - Part 2 test on 28th

- Paper 2 - not revised since a long time - will get to it soon after Part 2 test

But overall - feel as if i have done nothing.

@Ykjaiswal Wrote GS3 and GS4 FLTs as planned. Completed the papers just in time, except GS4. 

- Wrote Optional FLT. Next target GS1 and Optional 2A
Hello , can someone please help wrt this confusion - some people are advising energy drinks like redbull for mains. Is it really helpful? But on the net it is showing that it's impact falls after 2 hours. Has anyone tried this for mains so far? This will be my first mains and i haven't tried any energy drink yet. I am thinking of using it on 2nd shift of each day - like for forenoon session. 
@Qurafaat Thanks bhai. Will try with simulators.


@DM is writing with a black pilot v7 a problem. Some people in the centre said there's some issue of writing with black or blue pen. I wrote today's paper with a black pen. 

@DM Thanks sir.


Post-test analysis of my mains:

Essay - wrote the one on Empires in first part. But i feel my interpretation was a bit offbeat than what most coaching classes suggest. I clearly wrote the thesis and scope to clarify my interpretation and tried to defend it well too. If my interpretation is rewarded, i would score good. Else, that may prove to be a blunder. 

GS1: Wrote all answers, except twister - as there was no point bluffing in that question

GS2: Wrote all answers - except last question - could write ~2 pages (last 1 page left blank)

GS3: Wrote all answers - except life products question

GS4: Section A was good (didn't write dimensions of ethics - as i forgot what to write!). Section B case studies (not upto the mark, but wrote all - last case study - wrote in big handwriting - still reached 3 pages only)

Optional: (PSIR): Had studied keeping in mind that i will choose more questions from section A in both papers. Ended up choosing more questions in Section B in both papers, as there was at least 1 question in question sets of Section A which i was not so sure about - so, had to make that choice. But I think, i did justice to the papers.

Overall assessment: Wrote decent answers. Since this is my first mains, i don't know how much UPSC's marking differs from coaching mocks where i scored above 100 with similar type of answers. However, i improved too - as in mocks i missed out on conclusion many times, while in real exam - i made it a point to write good conclusions in all questions. Further, i wrote adequate number of points, drew maps wherever i could - as per demand of the question. Also, could complete the papers on time with slightly above average content (but again in mocks, I always felt i wrote average content, but after seeing the same paper again - i felt it was good enough. Hope this happens for the real mains too).

However, there is a feeling that i could have done much much better, with more revisions (but many would feel the same). But can't do anything now - as the deed is done. Hope, the results are in favour. Confused what to do in the interim period, till the results come.

@Averageaspirant I wrote it on following lines: How the key to every problem or solution in this world lies in the mind? For instance, it is the mind where all ideas, imaginations firm up, it is the mind where concrete plans are made - only then they come into action. How for example - if we want a world based on peace and not wars, it is our minds where we need to put the defences (this was one topic in mgp essays too). Further, what are some no-go areas even in spheres of technology? like should genetic editing be allowed - it's the mind that has to set the principles for this. Further how we can think through all our plans in the mind, make necessary corrections, improvements to further organise our future. I gave multiple arguments and examples for this. IN the end, i wrote that however, it's not only the mind, where the empires are built. It requires us to heed our heart too. Like, our mind is more calculative, but not all decisions can be based on calculations or logic. An empire of peace and compassion requires us to listen to the heart too. Then around 1 page discussing on this aspect. Finally, i ended with the need to fuse the two: mind and heart. I concluded with a poem - 
"Future, future, where are you? 
In my mind is that true?
Do you have an empire in store for me?
Future replied - well, fuse your mind and heart - and you shall see!"

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