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Were you allowed to carry an analog watch last year?

I attempted CSE 2019 and wasn't allowed to wear a simple analog watch in my exam centre even after arguing. Have you had any such experiences?



It boils down to the personnel involved at your centre. I personally find no use arguing as it disturbs your mental state, you’ve gone to the centre with a purpose and should stick to the purpose. If they don’t allow watch, remove it, and keep asking the invigilator for the time (in case classroom does not have wall clock)

Can't believe about the watch issue. I personally have been able to carry a watch every time. But yes, invigilator may as you to take it off and in that case, usually there is a watch in the classroom.

As rashiv has suggested, it is okay to ask the teacher for the time. From time2time


Hey Will this kind of watch be allowed? if anybody has any idea please share. Thanks


Can't believe about the watch issue. I personally have been able to carry a watch every time. But yes, invigilator may as you to take it off and in that case, usually there is a watch in the classroom.

As rashiv has suggested, it is okay to ask the teacher for the time. From time2time

My centre had a broken bench, a dim light and the invigilator got agitated after I asked her for the time more than 3 times. I got used to practicing the paper continuously looking at the watch, gonna practice without it now

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