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What are some memorizing techniques that you have developed for Civil Services preparation?

I usually recall everything which I have studied during the whole day while laying on my bed. Serves two purposes helps me sleep, helps in revision. Also, it's the first thing I do after waking up. I think this helps me reduce the number of revision iterations required to memorize something. Also spaced revisions as suggested by@Steph_Curry and others is what I do for better recall. 



I don't have very efficient memorization techniques and mostly rely on repeated readings! But here are a few things that I can suggest.

1. Spaced revision- Not letting anything go unrevised for too long.

2. Memory pegs for lists [Duties, Articles, Schedules]- Remembered them from a Roman Saini video 4-5 years ago and haven't forgotten since.

    - 1=sun, 2=shoe, 3=tree...

3. Finding linkages- If I read 'X' from a booklet in my notes, then I note down every important thing that I know about X on the side of the page. Doing this repeatedly creates good linkages and the topic gets revised decently every time I come across it in difference places in my notes.

4. Finding Patterns- Constitutional articles jump from center→ state by following

    -Rule of 89: for Art (72 to 88)- {80, 82} and Art (99 to 111) - {108}

    -Rule of 90: for Art (112 to 124)

5. Mnemonics [It'll work as long as it makes sense to you]

    -MP ON KD: WtE for protected areas of NEI [Manas-Pobitora-Orang.....]

    - NtS order- Astana, Bishkek, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Asghabat | AsBiTaDu As

    - Buddhist councils-

            RVPK- Rajgir Vaishali Patna Kashmir

            AKAK- Ajatshatru Kalashok Ashoka Kanishk

6. Using brute force- Repeating the order in my head till it makes sense

     - NtS→ nallamalla velconda palconda nagari seshachalam javadi shevaroy panchmalai sirumalai palani

7. Using Maps/ Diagrams- Way easier to remember visuals/ images/ numbers than words


8. Explore Method of loci- At the moment, I can recall ~first 100 digits of PI using that method. It's not UPSC related but it definitely works for small lists of 10-15 items

9. Use Google maps to your advantage-Plot stuff and see the locations relative to other places. .


Can u link the video u talk about in point 2? here have a look at it. 

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