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What is a suitable current affairs strategy? I will be giving Prelims 2021 for the first time and I already have a huge FOMO with regard to various CA compilations.

Things lie in your understanding, not in Some Current Affairs materials. e.g.- what is important , you can only understand with good base. so repeat static with madness[quality of static source is deciding factor].

Bcoz questions are based on the analysis of current happenings spread through credible reports and news. practice is must[unless u r lucky!].

e.g- in 2020 prelims paper , I forgot weather Siachin is above Gilgit or Nubra Valley? FDI is debt creating or not? May be it can spoil my whole year. These types of silly mistakes prevent a good candidate to get through. Current Affairs are problem only for those having weak base. 

Hope I answered the question.

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