"News of the death of Mr. Déby, 68, was broadcast to the nation on state television by a group of military officers, who also announced that the president’s son would succeed him and head a transitional military council that would lead to new elections in 18 months."
That sounds like a coup.
Also - https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/12/06/chad-deby-coup-leader-democracy/
For the China irrigation question; almost all the coachings have referred Ashok Gulati's article but what is the original source of that data. Any inputs ?
Edit - Found a link : http://english.scio.gov.cn/m/pressroom/2022-11/08/content_78508226.htm
It says 50% irrigated land for China. Govt link. Should the answer be A then?
For the Gandak question;
The source cited says Gandak. Burhi Gandak just flows close to the lake. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/kanwar-lake-birds-paradise-lost-44693
The source says " Kanwar jheel, as it is locally called, is located 22 km north-west of Begusarai town. It is a residual oxbow lake, formed due to meandering of Gandak river, a tributary of Ganga, in the geological past. "
Vision says " Kanwar jheel, as it is locally called, is located 22 km north-west of Begusarai town. It is a residual oxbow lake, formed due to meandering of Burhi Gandak river, a tributary of Ganga, in the geological past. "
https://www.latestlaws.com/bare-acts/state-acts-rules/rajasthan-state-laws/scheduled-areas-state-of-rajasthan-order-2018 One of the entries says Peepla village in Rajasthan implying a village can be declared as a Scheduled area.
Says no safe level of mercury.
Also the article implies that above 20 micrograms is definitely dangerous but not that below it is safe.
There were analysis where one even claimed that clear csat and you will write mains, as it will be tough for upsc to find 15k students clearing csat. Jhut ka dilasa dete h, atleast they should have done some research..
Why would UPSC give 15k results in that case? Also is there a minimum number of people that should qualify prelims?
Mere csat me Insights se 64 aa rhe lekin Vision aur forum se 70 aa rhe hain. Kya chances hain clear karne ke? Vision forum aur insights me accurate key kaun si hai?Sab mai galtiyan h. Also in vision they have given two options for 2 answers, so how are you calculating?
What did you mark in "vernal window" question ?
A should be correct for that imo.
Mere csat me Insights se 64 aa rhe lekin Vision aur forum se 70 aa rhe hain. Kya chances hain clear karne ke? Vision forum aur insights me accurate key kaun si hai?Sab mai galtiyan h. Also in vision they have given two options for 2 answers, so how are you calculating?
What did you mark in "vernal window" question ?
A should be correct for that imo.
I have marked "A" in that question. But Vision's key says "D".
It was a/d afaik
@Srinjay it was a and d visions key makes more sense for csat last year i was getting 75 from vision key and there were few doubtful passages ended up getting 74 finally so have trust over itRest household finance mein a mark kara hai what do u think is right there i think vision has marked a though .Baki lets see kya hota hai
Had marked D though, but seems A is correct because innovations are not implied in the passage.
@The Force what is the expected date for results ?
@Srinjay hmm i need one correct from above 2 vernal and household finance 😊to get those magical 66 marks both mein a and a mark kara hai.... although gs mein bhi border hai but still failing in csat would hurt more
Same to Same 😂
About that statesman q, many have given a but vision and Rajeev nv has cited b as answer. Any thoughts on that q?
Have marked b, seems correct
Honestly, would depend ki kaha se uthaya hai sawaal.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3096006/
What are the authentic sources for constitutional amendment question (1st vs 42nd amendment) and the due process of law?
Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution (First Amendment) Bill, 1951 which was enacted as the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951
During the last fifteen months of the working of the Constitution, certain difficulties have been brought to light by judicial decisions and pronouncements specially in regard to the chapter on fundamental rights. The citizen's right to freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by article 19(1)(a) has been held by some courts to be so comprehensive as not to render a person culpable even if he advocates murder and other crimes of violence. In other countries with written constitutions, freedom of speech and of the press is not regarded as debarring the State from punishing or preventing abuse of this freedom. The citizen's right to practise any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business conferred by article 19(1)(g) is subject to reasonable restrictions which the laws of the State may impose "in the interests of general public". While the words cited are comprehensive enough to cover any scheme of nationalisation which the State may undertake, it is desirable to place the matter beyond doubt by a clarificatory addition to article 19(6). Another article in regard to which unanticipated difficulties have arisen is article 31. The validity of agrarian reform measures passed by the State Legislatures in the last three years has, in spite of the provisions of clauses (4) and (6) of article 31, formed the subject-matter of dilatory litigation, as a result of which the implementation of these important measures, affecting large numbers of people, has been held up.
@Sangaideer squirrel, prison, migration pact imo....but who knows......
what should be the answer for GCM? A?
@Srinjay yes.just open this official website & read 23 objectives: it clearly mentions local migrations........ don't know what is the issue...
Did you file representation. Don’t think this would be the answer. Marked A myself.
@Omen hfc and fluorocarbons are different
It says hydrogenated flourocarbons though
HFC - Lubricant question.
We need to carefully read the question. The question is not asking whether HFC can be used as lubricant or not. Question is simply asking whether HFC can be used in "making" of Lubricant or not. Catch is in the word "making".
For example Electricity can not be used as lubricant. But Electricity can be used in making of Lubricant. The word "making" has made the question very broad.
Also it is noteworthy that, though HFC can not be directly used as lubricant, but HFCs can be used in making of spray based lubricant. There are many spray type lubricant which uses HFCs.
For reference I'm attaching the question below. You can notice the word "maing" in it.
Q. Consider the following:
2.Foam agents
3.Fire retardants
In themakingof how many of the above are hydrofluorocarbons used?
By this logic answer should be - "D" (All four correct).
Though UPSC might as well give answer as - "C" (Three pair).
I think that it is a bit of a stretch. It would imply that HFCs are used in making any good that requires refrigeration.
1. stupa
2. literary works- nagasena or nagarjuna
3. Due process of law
4. Prisons
5. Amendment question
6. finance bill/money bill
7.community reserve
8.scheduled areas
9. indian squirell
11. gandak river
12.carbon markets
13. chad/guinea/mali/sudan
14.besnagar/bhaja/sittanavasal- some are claiming shaivite cave shrine is in besnagar
15. GCM(internal migration)
16.temperature contrast (summer/winter)
18.pulsars - right or wrong
19.MSME loans
20. SHG
21. preventive detention/PoTA
42(+14) marks - difference in answer keys of various institutes
1,13,18,20 seem settled.
1. stupa
2. literary works- nagasena or nagarjuna
3. Due process of law
4. Prisons
5. Amendment question
6. finance bill/money bill
7.community reserve
8.scheduled areas
9. indian squirell
11. gandak river
12.carbon markets
13. chad/guinea/mali/sudan
14.besnagar/bhaja/sittanavasal- some are claiming shaivite cave shrine is in besnagar
15. GCM(internal migration)
16.temperature contrast (summer/winter)
18.pulsars - right or wrong
19.MSME loans
20. SHG
21. preventive detention/PoTA
42(+14) marks - difference in answer keys of various institutes
1,13,18,20 seem settled.
Pulsar is right or wrong?
@Srinjay what are answers for 1,18,20. For 13, I guess it is D
stupa - B; pulsar - A; African countries - coup; SFG - Only 2
@adi5manit330 But there is another thing. Finance bill HAS to be passed in 75 days..........so I guess JS is necessary if deadlock isn't solved till then.....
But maybe I am again mixing things up...........
75 days limit was introduced during the British period. Don't think it would have implied joint sitting at that time as Viceroy had far more powers.
kisi ne wo China India proportion of irrigated land pe representation file ki hai kya?
P.S: Options debate nahi karna tha.......Bas ye jaan na tha ki log sirf yaha pe discuss karthe hai ya representation bhi file karthe hai.
P.P.S: I have filed representation on that finance bill and money bill Q
@Immortalknight had said that he will file for A as the answer. Also, what have u argued regarding money bill question?
Point 50 says consumer lists are not intangible. So the answer to intagible question can be 2?also in hindi translation its written dark suchi.
None of the keys have considered it
In the same document "Intangible Assets 7. Enterprises frequently expend resources, or incur liabilities, on the acquisition, development, maintenance or enhancement of intangible resources such as scientific or technical knowledge, design and implementation of new processes or systems, licences, intellectual property, market knowledge and trademarks (including brand names and publishing titles). Common examples of items encompassed by these broad headings are computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer lists, mortgage servicing rights, fishing licences, import quotas, franchises, customer or supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market share and marketing rights. Goodwill is another example of an item of intangible nature which either arises on acquisition or is internally generated."
Also what you are referring to might be for internally generated customer lists.
In the same document "Intangible Assets 7. Enterprises frequently expend resources, or incur liabilities, on the acquisition, development, maintenance or enhancement of intangible resources such as scientific or technical knowledge, design and implementation of new processes or systems, licences, intellectual property, market knowledge and trademarks (including brand names and publishing titles). Common examples of items encompassed by these broad headings are computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer lists, mortgage servicing rights, fishing licences, import quotas, franchises, customer or supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market share and marketing rights. Goodwill is another example of an item of intangible nature which either arises on acquisition or is internally generated."
Also what you are referring to might be for internally generated customer lists.
I think he is correct. Because the option was mailing list of clients, which is an internally generated customer list I guess.
"Mailing list is also an intangible asset."
UPSC CSAT listed before Central administrative tribunal. Do u think anything will happen?
These are their demands : Got from reddit
The interim relief prayer is to put a stay on publishing of the result, and the relief sought by the petitioners is either 4 of these:
a. It is prayed that the tribunal may direct the commission to reduce the cut off for Paper II CSAT from 33% to 23%.
b. Alternatively, since this exam contains questions that are out of syllabus and questions that are not Class X level, same may be examined by an expert committee and then further action regarding these questions be taken on the basis of recommendations of the committee.
c. Alternatively, this tribunal should direct the commission to conduct re exam for Paper II (CSAT) as part of Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2023.
d. Pass any such order as this Hon’ble Tribunal may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the present case.
I didnt attempt this Question but just solving it now
Most coachings have copied from FE article with old data
saw this in one of our TGs. Koi insider hai they said.
Does it mean petitioners lost? BTW this comment is from yesterday and 52% is not too bad. People were saying >75%.
This is posted in th group named UPSC CSE UPDATES
1. Approx 12,500 to be selected for mains
2.Less than 8,000 qualifying in actual "
This is incredible, if it's true.
P.S. wonder how these guys get this kind of information.
Did they actually reduce the CSAT cutoff then?
Also what is "actually qualified"?
Also which channel? there are many with same name
Mann kar rha hain phone kahi dooooor phek ke bhag jaun.. This wait time truly sucks. Have not faced such anxiety even during CAT/Engg entrance because outcomes were more sane, though it was a long time ago.. At least pata to hota tha hua ki nhi. Seedha yes/no with some discomfort as always with competitive exams. But this, THIS is a whole different beast
Engineering entrance (particularly JEE) have a farrrrrr.. better system. They have fixed dates for everything from OMR display to answer key and results. They were offline too. Don’t know why UPSC can’t implement something similar.
Mujhe lagraha ye insaan fek raha. Playing with sensitive emotions of students. 🥺
@DaemonT less likely to be a leak. Guess it’s internal chatter about the nature of paper. This person might have access to that.
He knew marks of his friend , it’s 61 according to market keys and 80 according to official answer keys in Csat .
How is this even possible ? By this way they can even know the marks of mains selected candidates even before mains result ..WTF
@LightYagami the statement could also mean a magnetar. I also have my doubt on the home guard border battalion. To prevent infiltration is too direct. It is auxiliary for bsf, same way home guard is to state police. You take away the auxiliary to state police , while meaning changes. To be honest, it’s too open to interpretation
Home guard one is correct though. lifted straight from here https://dgfscdhg.gov.in/about-homeguard
@Murali he mentioned in one of his comments 20*3 , csat.
Could be for CSAT, some of the keys are extremely erroneous. My marks too had a variation of ~40 marks from diff answer keys
auxillary to bsf.to prevents infiltration in times of external aggression. Given the disruptive pattern, don't you think it has possibility of being a trick statement ?
Bro, copy paste hai "Fifteen Border Wing Home Guards (BWHG) Battalions have been raised in the border States viz. Punjab (6 Bns.), Rajasthan ( 4 Bns.), Gujarat (2 Bns.) and one each Battalion for Meghalaya, Tripura and West Bengal to serve as an auxiliary to Border Security Force for preventing infiltration on the international border/coastal areas, guarding of VA/VPs and lines of communication in vulnerable area at the time of external aggression."
"The role of Home Guards is to serve as an auxiliary Force to the Police in maintenance of internal security situations"
@AverageaspirantBhai aapka sirf naam hi AVERAGEaspirant hai! baaki score topper wale hain. Congratulations!!!
@Averageaspirant can u tell this website please
Bhai!!! _/\_
All the best for mains.Which Tool are you using to get This visual Range with respect to different answer keys
OR is it your own analysis