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[official][prelims 2023] How was prelims result? In or out?

Out. 3 consecutive prelims failure.

It feels like failure is the new normal. 

But one  good thing happened in this journey that I reached forum at this attempt and I found really good competitive peers. Which will remind me my old school days . When me and my close friends are competing for 1st rank in the class. 

Also in words of

Dipin sir " this exam need back to school mode of preparation " is definitely true. 

I hope i will gain my power of competive instinct again soon. 

Those who are are in guys make this attempt count. 

Best of luck 👍. 

@Lawstice if you want you can check SR mam for Essay( ₹999= 3 essay) currently 

And I have limited knowledge about ethics but you have to explore insightias. 



Out. 3 consecutive prelims failure.

It feels like failure is the new normal. 

But one  good thing happened in this journey that I reached forum at this attempt and I found really good competitive peers. Which will remind me my old school days . When me and my close friends are competing for 1st rank in the class. 

Also in words of

Dipin sir " this exam need back to school mode of preparation " is definitely true. 

I hope i will gain my power of competive instinct again soon. 

Those who are are in guys make this attempt count. 

Best of luck 👍. 

If you are not good with Prelims, please be willing to give it more time. There are a few thousand people who clear Prelims year after year. And don't leave things for Feb March. Finish off things by Dec and Jan and make sure you are writing FLTs from March

Thanks@Neyawn sir, I will surely do it, this time .. 

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