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[official][prelims 2023] How was prelims result? In or out?

Cleared both cut off. Would not make the same mistake as last year's mains. Especially after this year's prelims paper lol. 
1) Biggest one is not making my own mains notes. I was so confused between toppers notes and making own notes that i did not have any solid notes to revise before exam. 
SOLUTION : I will make my own notes this times with keeping in mind the last days.

2) Not giving all mains tests.
SOLUTION: Will give every mains test this time.

3) Not completing paper on time in test series.  In fact i took 
continuously 6 hours to complete one of the tests. (Even though i completed all papers in final paper in time -but with below average answers)
SOLUTION : Will complete paper in 3 hours right from the beginning, and then improve the quality and content of answers afterwards.

4) Just not doing enough. Did not had the capacity to sit long hours.
SOLUTION: I made sure during prelims prep that i was able to sit for 10-11 hours (productive). That i believe would be useful this time around.
And other mistakes which i don't remember top off my head. But would try to rectify all of them this time. 
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