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[official][prelims 2023] How was prelims result? In or out?


was getting 87-95 in GS and 62 - 72 in CSAT from various answer keys. Looking forward to 2nd mains!


I wanted to ask those who have cleared this prelims. I can clearly see that attempting on the higher side has worked for many. Do you agree that our attempts should be on higher side given the increased subjectivity in the questions ? Has someone with conservative attempt (Less than 80) cleared here ?

Kindly share your experience if possible

I had attempted 77 this time and I was getting highest from Forum answer key (55 correct and 22 wrong) followed by IAS Baba (54 correct and 23 wrong).

I don't remember my attempts in 2022 but my score was 93.xx and I am sure my attempts must have been around 75-80 that time too.

I never understood this hype around doing extremely high attempts like 90+ even if one has no idea of the questions. I do take my risks and do guesswork but only in questions where I have at least some idea of things being asked or if I am at 50/50 and with the cutoff reducing with each subsequent year, I don't think it is wise to take that much risk either.

Sure, before 2020 when cutoffs were easily 100+, you had to do high attempts to even be in the race.

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