@Srinjay i dont think there is any fixed ratio or rule usually its around 12 times vacancies but they will easily be getting more than 10k people clearing csat thats not an issue as people appearing for other exams too fill upsc form similar way people preparing for upsc end up filling other forms but gs cutoffs will drop compared to last year
@AureliusM insights has given two quant questions wrong for sure(ie 5 persons and tasks answer is 24 and 1186 remainder answer is 9)incase you attempted them you probably will have +6.xx marks to your score
@MoorkhDuryodhan its true to certain extent that csat is advantage to engineers/people with maths background. but when it comes to 2023 csat paper it felt like it was designed to fail the guys who solve only quant/reasoning questions.it forced everyone to attempt atleast 4 to 5 comprehensions and it finally boiled down to these additional comprehension questions that would probably help to cross the cutoff.Guys who rely on only maths without even looking at comprehension question have higher chances of failing in this year paper than people relying on comprehension.having said that the paper definetly crossed the limits of syallabus
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