Avoid watching porn (even if you watch; don't masturbate else you are going to lose your vital energy; side effects memory loss ) /searching, calling escorts websites, getting a massage from the spa, tinder swipe, focusing on quantity of study and study materials, social media (selected quora/Fb/Instagram reading and insta story MCQ from on weekends could be done )
Keep a balance between gaining knowledge and giving tests; start with open book/open internet tests from the second month of your UPSC preparation even if you have started with zero / scratch; write whatever you know; rest copy paste answers from Vision IAS answer format to your test paper. #BeRidiculous #AnswerChor in answer writing .
Keep a balance between gaining knowledge and giving tests; start with open book/open internet tests from the second month of your UPSC preparation even if you have started with zero / scratch; write whatever you know; rest copy paste answers from Vision IAS answer format to your test paper. #BeRidiculous #AnswerChor in answer writing .
@Capedcrusader1 Tantra
@Capedcrusader1 I do; 4x pleasure of mastrubation without ejaculation #SemenRetention / #SemeHold just before climax
Exploring Kama Sutra (Series) - Episode 28Seema Anand StoryTelling
Film Maker: Bineeta Mitra
Bibliography and research:
Wendy Doniger, Sudhir Kakar, Richard Burton, Alex Comfort, Alain Danielou, Indra Sinha, Allen Edwards, Isabell Onians, Lee Siegal
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