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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@D503 is it not like in other countries newspaper by Indian embassy that BJP or congress has successfully completed so many years since it's inception on today. Whether it happens. Secondly the Hindu newspaper is relevant only to civil service preparation so not wide circulation in India. 

@Arsene one wonders what even is the point of CPC putting up advertisements in Indian newspapers. I believe it’s just ‘communist’ propaganda which definitely has a lot of takers in India.

@D503 trade between India and China did not halt. An ethical problem would have arisen if we had alternatives which I don’t think we did. India is very much dependent on China for trade and halting it would be disastrous for the economy, the COVID fight and what not. Would China allow an Indian Govt./ BJP advertisement in their newspapers? In fact, we don’t see any other ads from political parties of different countries. IR students could better analyse it but I believe this is just how China wants to gain greater acceptance and shed negative perceptions about it. 

Plus when you have the reader’s editor giving sermons about journalistic ethics every now and then, it really isn’t a good look. Even if it’s coming from the Embassy it’s CPC propaganda. But then again, moolah speaks and I’m guessing not enough people have ever raised an issue with this so The Hindu sees no problems in doing it. Only thing that irks me is a newspaper which is so concerned with ethics, journalistic standards and many other buzzwords, in essence this is all that these words are to them, buzzwords.

Aurora,dwightschruteand3 otherslike this
@necromancer china in every country has dominant role through its embassies, by these methods as in Hindu. India is not only country, there are so many countries where it's embassies do whatever they want as per China government which is really a bastard thing as to show host country the its superiority. It's happening in real as Nepal, Maldive, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many African countries. Where 

India has first presence , china came second and it's gaining and taking advantages there by its diplomacy like the above. The Hindu newspaper should not publish this without government permission as it's vivid how China accedes further step by step. I think so.


for current affairs we need to do past 2 year issues ??? am i right ?? so how to cover past one year current affairs ?? monthlies or mains 365 or pt 365 or something else ??@AzadHindFauz @whatonly @SergioRamos @sjerngal @nerdfighter @Villanelle @LetsGetThisBread @Rashmirathi @fortarach63 @Infinitybeyondinfinity and all other peeps

You cannot possibly do so much current affairs. I’m sure there are people who do it, but it’s not possible to do so. Do one year’s worth very thoroughly and make sure you know enough background knowledge about the topic, that should help you cover things. I use my notes that I make from insights daily C/A as the base notes and I also do the vision PT 365 towards the end just to make sure I’ve covered all my bases. More importantly you have to remember that prelims isn’t about getting all 100 questions correct, you need to only know a maximum of 110-120 marks worth of things, for which a good hold over static will help as well. Don’t lose sleep over C/A beyond what is controllable. I’m sure the others could add to this/ give you an entirely different perspective on it. 

EiChan,whatonlyand1 otherslike this
@Arsene one wonders what even is the point of CPC putting up advertisements in Indian newspapers. I believe it’s just ‘communist’ propaganda which definitely has a lot of takers in India.

@D503 trade between India and China did not halt. An ethical problem would have arisen if we had alternatives which I don’t think we did. India is very much dependent on China for trade and halting it would be disastrous for the economy, the COVID fight and what not. Would China allow an Indian Govt./ BJP advertisement in their newspapers? In fact, we don’t see any other ads from political parties of different countries. IR students could better analyse it but I believe this is just how China wants to gain greater acceptance and shed negative perceptions about it. 

Plus when you have the reader’s editor giving sermons about journalistic ethics every now and then, it really isn’t a good look. Even if it’s coming from the Embassy it’s CPC propaganda. But then again, moolah speaks and I’m guessing not enough people have ever raised an issue with this so The Hindu sees no problems in doing it. Only thing that irks me is a newspaper which is so concerned with ethics, journalistic standards and many other buzzwords, in essence this is all that these words are to them, buzzwords.

i am not an expert, but so far my limited knowledge goes, soft power projection is a legitimate way of gaining goodwill and change perceptions. Every embassy takes measures to boost its soft power and project its values in foreign lands, thats what diplomacy is for. Our diplomats celbrate diwali and yoga day, for china it's cpc centenary.

With China within reach of superpower status ,the advertisements, propaganda or whatever shibboleth people wanna use for it, are bound to increase further. The confucious institutes will increase in number and will be better funded , chinese political meritocracy will be pitched against and claimed superior to liberal democracy, chinese advances in space, AI, quantum computing etc  , will attract global attention, and chinese institutions AIIB, SCO,NDB will lay the foundations of Beijing consensus to rival the washington consensus. The legitimation exercises are not going to stop. As to india/bjp , howdy modi, townhalls, tahnk you modi for vaccine advertisements in canada, can also be called rightwing propaganda.
@D503 I genuinely believe your dislike is leaking here. 

Our diplomats celebrate culture, we’d surely be raising issues had they be celebrating 100 years of Hindu Mahasabha. But it’s understandable since China doesn’t care about stuff like this and also the fact that their bureaucrats are CPC members first and foremost. So their duty is to their party, again, understandable and not the point of contention. I hold an issue with TH carrying their advertisements, that too only when they’re the ones projecting a lot of ethical and journalistic standards.

The events you’ve mentioned are aimed at or hosted by Indian diaspora, which has a large presence there. Even then, Howdy Modi was chastised by the very same newspaper we’re talking about. There were multiple editorials chiding the event as against international diplomacy ethics which were till now followed by the Indian government. 

It might be a little hard to digest but Thank you Modi posters in Canada, privately funded, aren’t problematic when you have active propaganda running against the current Indian government by Khalistani activists and sympathisers, present in the millions in Canada and USA. For one, India isn’t actively hostile towards Canada. 

The ‘Rightwing propaganda’ (XD) is aimed at diaspora. So now, what diaspora is the CPC advertisements aimed at? I’m not aware of a lot of Chinese people living in India reading The Hindu. However what I’m aware of is, N Ram was the VP of SFI, a lot of The Hindu readers are communists. So answering my own question here really, it’s not just general propaganda, it’s also aimed at pleasing some readers. 

I’m not really criticising CPC attempts at gaining international legitimacy, I actually admire them. All I want to point out is values don’t matter to those who always project so. The Chinese are ruthless and don’t care about any niceties or ethics we all are so worried about defending. Sometimes I wish we too could have been the same but are priorities will always lie elsewhere. So we’ll have citizens downplaying Chinese propaganda while harbouring a deep content for any Indian (not always rightwing) propaganda elsewhere.

While we’re on the topic, what about CPI(M) leaders extolling China? I thought they were very value driven? Or do the values only apply to when they’re participating in domestic fear mongering, for communists across the world are brothers, even if they’re killing your own countrymen. Utterly shameful that CPI(M) has this much of disregard for Indian polity.

Integer,MikeWozniakand7 otherslike this
@kasanasandy007133 just one thing, I don’t think government shouldn’t be the one dictating content here. It should be the newspaper’s own prerogative and they really should have chosen better.


@D503 While every help we got from China was much appreciated, but last I read it was of commercial nature not aid. Nevertheless, any help is welcome. 

But that’s not the point. An embassy or any organisation are free to publish or propagate their views and ideology. They have every right to do so, no doubt about it. But my question was not directed towards them or even Indian govt for that matter. Rather it was directed towards a national media. Surely considering that they do have ethical norms and journalistic standards, could they have at least appreciated and respect the sensitivities. My question was simple - could they have drawn the line somewhere?

Regarding your point on reading about Mao, definitely not wrong to read about it at all. In fact, I am all for reading their history for better understanding and could even help us if we can learn from the mistakes. But I think it’s somewhat inappropriate or unethical if you go out and celebrate that person and whitewash his crimes, without acknowledging and respecting the sentiments of those who were killed particularly even more so for a national media.

MikeWozniak,dwightschruteand3 otherslike this

for current affairs we need to do past 2 year issues ??? am i right ?? so how to cover past one year current affairs ?? monthlies or mains 365 or pt 365 or something else ??@AzadHindFauz @whatonly @SergioRamos @sjerngal @nerdfighter @Villanelle @LetsGetThisBread @Rashmirathi @fortarach63 @Infinitybeyondinfinity and all other peeps

What @LetsGetThisBread said. I did monthlies for prelims and mains 365 for mains. This year for lack of time i am doing half pt 375 and half monthlies. If you do it smartly, really understand the stuff that matters and disregard the stuff that doesn't, and revise enough, I think it should be enough. Besides, a lot of issues are repeated across two years. I think doing one year intensively is better than doing two years less intensively.

I thought , we have become superpower and vishwaguru in past few years and defeated China in Galwan valley and killed their 100s of soldiers. So what is the fuss now? a lesser power publishing ad in newspaper and giving revenue to us, should not be our concern. I have seen ad of russia , japan, australia, UK and USA multiple times. 
@necromancer yes you are right, but who will control these actions which contain international politics as well as national interest. The Hindu newspaper will never do this, all know. Then a well educated section of Indian society always will provide comments, ideas, discussions, etc. It will be keeping on. I also admire if government role is minimal in India like countries. Yes you are right. 

@ashish854 all of these countries are not our enemy, but with China we have enimity like relationship apart business. That's the concern.


on serious note..very same people who question ethics The Hindu publishing ad of CPC will dare not question our own govt or army who have surrendered Depsang plain so meekly and they wont even accept it despite multiple accounts telling that chinese have blocked our patrol to those areas ( defacto change of LAC). 

Whole Nationalism and ethics is limited to newspaper and not to govt of the day which is taking us down economically, socially and militarily, consequence of which will be borne by future generation.

focusing on convenient superficial thing rather matter of substance.


on serious note..very same people who question ethics The Hindu publishing ad of CPC will dare not question our own govt or army who have surrendered Depsang plain so meekly and they wont even accept it despite multiple accounts telling that chinese have blocked our patrol to those areas ( defacto change of LAC). 

Whole Nationalism and ethics is limited to newspaper and not to govt of the day which is taking us down economically, socially and militarily consequence of which will be borne by future generation.

I was hoping to make this discussion civil as much as possible and that includes not making false assumptions and painting everyone with the same brush. Of course, we should question it or else it would be plain hyprocritic of us.

Could they have handled this better? Yes.

Could they have been more transparent on border issue? Yes. So didnt I dare now? We are free to question everything. 

But right now, I wanted to focus on a particular issue. Else the discussion tends to get political and would not want to discourage others to share their views.

MikeWozniak,Auroraand4 otherslike this

on serious note..very same people who question ethics The Hindu publishing ad of CPC will dare not question our own govt or army who have surrendered Depsang plain so meekly and they wont even accept it despite multiple accounts telling that chinese have blocked our patrol to those areas ( defacto change of LAC). 

Whole Nationalism and ethics is limited to newspaper and not to govt of the day which is taking us down economically, socially and militarily, consequence of which will be borne by future generation.

I don't think these two things are by any means comparable.

Moot point is CCP runs a totalitarian govt, not to mention the ongoing ethnic cleansing of millions, which the world just conveniently turns a blind eye to. Is it okay for a newspaper which otherwise espouses democratic values to give them space for ads? The Hindu editorial team should've known better than to publish pages after pages of its propaganda, no matter the fact that its completely legitimate.

Integer,MikeWozniakand11 otherslike this
What do you guys think about the Nobel Peace Prize - how do they manage to fail so spectacularly every time? First with Suu Kyi, now Abiy Ahmed.

Is it really that hard to find someone worthy of the award, who wouldn't go on to be involved in a literal genocide in an year or two? 
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