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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


Past 3 days are not going good. Having Heart burn and acidity problem. Can you guys suggest something? how many days will it take to cure this? It has happened for first time with me. I am taking the syrup of antacid. It gives instant releif but even after eating light food, The heart burn happens again. Any remedial measures so that it doesn't happen again?

Have done a little study. But it's just not happening.




Past 3 days are not going good. Having Heart burn and acidity problem. Can you guys suggest something? how many days will it take to cure this? It has happened for first time with me. I am taking the syrup of antacid. It gives instant releif but even after eating light food, The heart burn happens again. Any remedial measures so that it doesn't happen again?

Have done a little study. But it's just not happening.

saunf/fennel seed helps...right after food.

in longer run... try eating 4-5 leaves of tulsi on empty stomach..i.e. first thing in the morning...gulp them down with water, like a pill...  Both these things have helped me personally.

Both saunf and tulsi are naturally basic....will help neutralize excessive acidity.

@Anthro There is an antacid called nixocid syrup. It's a homeopathy medicine but helped me a lot. 
Take it everyday in the morning empty stomach and at night right before sleeping. You will see marked difference in 15-20 days and it generally doesn't come back. 

Also, stress and bad sleeping pattern often lead to acidity problem (I suffered from it, I still do before exams). See if you can make some changes there.

@calvinhobbes Humanities background & I was not able to clear CSAT in my previous attempt !



Past 3 days are not going good. Having Heart burn and acidity problem. Can you guys suggest something? how many days will it take to cure this? It has happened for first time with me. I am taking the syrup of antacid. It gives instant releif but even after eating light food, The heart burn happens again. Any remedial measures so that it doesn't happen again?

Have done a little study. But it's just not happening.

have some physical activity like walking etc helps in digestion ..

honey water in empty stomach early in the morning , no for coffee & tea

eat curd rice that may relieve your stomach 

oily and gluten , sour foods may worsen the situation so have a check on them for some time 

i had homeopathy tablets that worked for me & i still take care of myself .

root,Auroraand21 otherslike this
@nerdfighter Everyday I try to convince myself the same that there wouldn't be an optional or ethics paper to write, if I don't clear prelims. My head though isn't able to get it yet.

Aurora,EiChanand4 otherslike this
@D503 what could have  been expected from a guy who snooped on his daughter's age girl ?


Everyday as I sit down & tell my mind that all I have to do is Prelims ka prep. Just focus on prelims now, I repeat to myself. One thing at a time. You can do it. One thing at a time.

But my mind keeps sending a buzzing notification every five minutes. "Optional kuch bhi nahi hua hai. Panic. Panic. Panic."

It's like encountering those effing Zomato ads before every single youtube video exactly when you are fasting.

I dont want to relate, but I relate. *nervous laughter ensues*

ssver2,Auroraand6 otherslike this
प्रवाळ भस्म (1)
अविपत्तीकर चूर्ण (2 bottles)
मुक्ता भस्म (1)
शंख भस्म (1)
Mix above mentioned powders and take whenever you have acidity. Work wonders for acidity. It's advanced Ayurvedic formula for acidity. Take very small amount like pinch of salt. Little bit costly but will last for very long time. 

@ashish854that's going too far. I'd use more dignified words for dear leader 😆. Nevertheless , another thing that piqued my interest was that someone was snooping on that staffer who accused Gogoi of sexual misconduct.
Snowden ke naam par justify kar denge log taht if USA can why shouldn't India. But my question is it's justified to some extent ( tho I find it immoral) for State to surveil for security purpose, but can this thing be justified if state resources were being used to further political interests of a party?
With the kind of tools available at the disposal of state , they can virtually create a Bentham type panopticon effortlessly. 
Also, I have heard Intelligence bureau profiles everyone on forum , agar jyada bologe toh interview kabhi clear nhi hoga 😆😆 kidding PJ 
Also I love this thread , conspiracy theory se leke acidity sab discuss ho rha yha.
and here they go the

According to the report in theLe Monde, the use of Pegasus software began “just after” Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Israel in July 2017, a visit that was marked by his close interactions with then PM Benjamin Netanyahu.


BJP is running a fiefdom it seems. No distinction between Party and State.

Digital Authoritarians of China and Russia have a new comrade in India

UPDATE -if someone asks me if evms are amenable to manipulation? i wont answer in the negative any more. Blame a party-cum-govt using spyware on dissenting Election Commissioner. The hunger for power of those 2 is insatiable, no compunctions, no respect for institutions or democracy , no red lines. Also, the spineless institutions that allow such a misuse of power , that at a drop of hat permit transformation of a republic in to an empire, can never gain my trust.

GaryVee,Haryanaand2 otherslike this

Attention !

Senior serious aspirant n forumias troll Kummy !

Searching farebi for some links to mock interview (mrunal) etc 

Where is farebi?  Need mrunal contact 

tg ID @Kummies thanks in advance! 

Kindly help me get in touch wid india bhai..  Blocked in IBG long ago..

Not well versed with quest forum 🤦‍♂

@Anthro Try pudin hara tablet night before sleeping and morning after wakeup. Also diagnose the problem my avoiding red chili, besan, maida and avoid eating hot food/drink. This worked for me when I was not able to find the reason  why acidity happened to me everyday. For permanent solution go to ayuverdic doctor who is reputed in Nadi specialist. This work for me as I was having acidity problem from last 5 years and try every thing.

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