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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Good morning lovely people 

10/07/21-Targets for the day




If time permits then some book reading

@Anduin you can check ReSanskrit-they have amazing quotes in sanskrit but they only have  limited( 20 )shlokas of Shrimad Bhagvat Gita

mightyraju,ssver2and8 otherslike this


9 July 2021


Gs3: Topic 4

Topic 5 (1/2)

CA Class (1 pending, 1 Live)

Science and tech pt365 (1/10)

@whatonly @Rashmirathi @LetsGetThisBread Thank you guys for the kind words.

topic 4 done

CA Classes done

couldnt start topic 5.

pushed myself to read science and tech pt.....couldnt read more than 2 pages :P

okay okay day. will try improving today.

mightyraju,Archandand7 otherslike this

@sjerngal bhai I have had a recurring problem of dry eyes for quite some time. Earlier it used to be manageable, but this time it has become much severe .

@LetsGetThisBread @Infinitybeyondinfinity @Rashmirathi @Celeborn @whatonly A wholesome meme for wholesome people

I have the same issue too. There was a time I  used to intentinally blink my eyes so many times because they were so dry. 

Recently, when it was getting worse, I went to the eye specialist. He just recommended me to take some ice in a cloth and tap it over my eyes whenever they feel dry.  I really love doing this. I would suggest it to you as well. Maybe it will brinng some respite. 

Did this last night just before sleep, and had one of the deepest and healthiest sleep since ages. So relaxing ! Thank you, for suggesting it. Koi side affect bhi hai kya ? Coz am thinking to include this into my sleep routine.

mightyraju,ssver2and7 otherslike this

@sjerngal bhai I have had a recurring problem of dry eyes for quite some time. Earlier it used to be manageable, but this time it has become much severe .

@LetsGetThisBread @Infinitybeyondinfinity @Rashmirathi @Celeborn @whatonly A wholesome meme for wholesome people

I have the same issue too. There was a time I  used to intentinally blink my eyes so many times because they were so dry. 

Recently, when it was getting worse, I went to the eye specialist. He just recommended me to take some ice in a cloth and tap it over my eyes whenever they feel dry.  I really love doing this. I would suggest it to you as well. Maybe it will brinng some respite. 

Did this last night just before sleep, and had one of the deepest and healthiest sleep since ages. So relaxing ! Thank you, for suggesting it. Koi side affect bhi hai kya ? Coz am thinking to include this into my sleep routine.

No yaar, it's just cold water. Kya hi side effects honge. It is even good for puffy eyes. 

mightyraju,AJ_and5 otherslike this

Forgot to post : Today's target!

1. Environment - laws and institutions (1/1)

2. PSIR : Power and Indian political  though (1/2)

3. PT 365 economics (7&8/10)

4. Mrunal- Updates

5. Book read - Becoming 

6. CSAT 

I am truly missing my lunch time partner Susie Myerson! She was so much fun, I loved her. 

1. Done - I wish I could complete institutions too. 

2. Done - power notes (1/4th remaining)

3. 7/10 done

4. Mrunal - 1/4 done 

5. Done

6. Done

Today's targets 

1. Mrunal updates - 1/2 

2. Power notes + IPT complete 

3. Institutions (2/2)

4. Pt 365 - 8/10


6. Book

All the best peeps :)

mightyraju,Archandand6 otherslike this
 T5 10 July 2021 12 hrs

@Luffy Sit at your desk. Refuse to budge until done with readings for the day. Waise these hours are misleading. My useful study lasts for 6-7 hours only. 

3 hrs - may ca done and mock 94 marks (newspaper pending)
6 hrs - hooman geog ncert. Another 100 pages to go.
2hrs -maths. Another 45 qns to go.
Before sleep : analyse mock

@whatonly It is a Google find. All credits to the artist.
mightyraju,EiChanand8 otherslike this


closed 'society'. started modern history; hindu/factly


close modern history. revise all three (modern, world & society)


mock on above three; close Intl Law

mightyraju,Archandand6 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

Schedule  for 10-7-2021(Day 2)-

6:30-10:30-GS 2(A 19)

10:30-2- GS 2(M 19)

3:45- 7-GS 2(J19)

8:00-10- GS 2(Jl19)

10:00- 11:00- Newspaper

11:00-12- CA

Having a Saturday off from college will be quite a relief tomorrow.

Some cleaning and arrangement of books is to be done. Hope it doesn't eat much of the time.

Also making it a point to post shlokas from the revered Bhagvad Gita(in the hope that I  will be able to complete  reading the translation work by Bibek Debroyji ,which otherwise has been lingering on for days now)-

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय।।1.1।।

Dhritarashtra said-

O Sanjaya! Having gathered on the holy plains of Kurukshetra, wanting to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do? (1.1)

It has been such a disappointing day for me. Got up late by around half an hour(than my usual time of 5:30),gave a dopamine rush in the morning itself by watching some sports stuff, had to coordinate with a problematic courier vendor(never trust DTDC guys)during the day, then went out to eat  momos(have missed relishing on them since long). I feel so ashamed of having toyed with the whole day around.Lol.

Only finished 70% of 1st target and will do newspaper and CA now. I hope to improve upon these once in a week self destructive tendencies. 

@whatonly  Keep rocking buddy.

@LetsGetThisBread Sleep shouldn't be hampering plans.Rather it should be the ultimate plan.

Keep rocking buddies. 

ssver2,Archandand7 otherslike this

Didn't post daily targets in the morning cz woke up with a terrible mood swing.  I have realised that my mind is my biggest enemy. 
Anyway, did manage to revise some topics from optional and finished half of the mock test. 

Taking a break from Internet for 10 days. 
Targets till 20 july'21

  • Internal Security (80%)
  • Finish the last 3 videos on Ethics 
  • Finish Revision of optional paper 2 and give one mock test for the same.
  • Start environment Current affairs, finish atleast half. 

If someone sees me loitering here on forum for the next 10 days, please be kind enough to tell me to shut down my screens and get back to business. I would highly appreciate it. 
Just 3 months left now .
Its now or never.. 
Good night friends :) 

ssver2,EiChanand9 otherslike this

Mostly done with the targets for the day

Talked with my best friend after so so much long  so no book reading but as said by Dr Kalam ji - a good friend is equal to a library

@mightyraju bhai-

Good night comrades have sweet dreams - signing off for the day 

mightyraju,ssver2and8 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

Schedule  for 10-7-2021(Day 2)-

6:30-10:30-GS 2(A 19)

10:30-2- GS 2(M 19)

3:45- 7-GS 2(J19)

8:00-10- GS 2(Jl19)

10:00- 11:00- Newspaper

11:00-12- CA

Having a Saturday off from college will be quite a relief tomorrow.

Some cleaning and arrangement of books is to be done. Hope it doesn't eat much of the time.

Also making it a point to post shlokas from the revered Bhagvad Gita(in the hope that I  will be able to complete  reading the translation work by Bibek Debroyji ,which otherwise has been lingering on for days now)-

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय।।1.1।।

Dhritarashtra said-

O Sanjaya! Having gathered on the holy plains of Kurukshetra, wanting to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do? (1.1)

It has been such a disappointing day for me. Got up late by around half an hour(than my usual time of 5:30),gave a dopamine rush in the morning itself by watching some sports stuff, had to coordinate with a problematic courier vendor(never trust DTDC guys)during the day, then went out to eat  momos(have missed relishing on them since long). I feel so ashamed of having toyed with the whole day around.Lol.

Only finished 70% of 1st target and will do newspaper and CA now. I hope to improve upon these once in a week self destructive tendencies. 

@whatonly  Keep rocking buddy.

@LetsGetThisBread Sleep shouldn't be hampering plans.Rather it should be the ultimate plan.

Keep rocking buddies. 

Sleep is both the ends and the means

mightyraju,TambourineManand4 otherslike this

Good morning friends! Targets for 10.7.21:

PSIR- Plato, Machiavelli 

GS 3- environment

Editorial- IE+ Hindu

November 2020 C/A (1/2)



Daily C/A

Thats all folks! I really hope sleep doesn’t derail my plans. Trying to get back to my 10-4:30 routine is difficult. LETS GET THIS BREAD!!!

Managed to do all except GS 3, which is now getting to the point of an “essential task”. But I’m still counting today as win, because despite a slow start to the day, I didn’t flip the proverbial table and wait for tomorrow to be productive. Actually seeing your guys’ targets posted here was a bit of a booster for me as well, so thank you, you wholesome lovely bunch. Take all my love

Good night my friends!Spreadinglove and affection over the internet is becoming my new favourite thing

mightyraju,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Didn't post daily targets in the morning cz woke up with a terrible mood swing.  I have realised that my mind is my biggest enemy. 
Anyway, did manage to revise some topics from optional and finished half of the mock test. 

Taking a break from Internet for 10 days. 
Targets till 20 july'21

  • Internal Security (80%)
  • Finish the last 3 videos on Ethics 
  • Finish Revision of optional paper 2 and give one mock test for the same.
  • Start environment Current affairs, finish atleast half. 

If someone sees me loitering here on forum for the next 10 days, please be kind enough to tell me to shut down my screens and get back to business. I would highly appreciate it. 
Just 3 months left now .
Its now or never.. 
Good night friends :) 

Will miss you dost

mightyraju,ssver2and2 otherslike this

Good morning everyone!

July tenth, Twenty Twenty One 

1. Economic Survey

2. Budget 

3. S&T 365 2/2

4. May 2/2

5. Economics NCERT notes

Targets are a bit steep, but we'll try! Have a nice day everyone :)

Done for the day. Not confident about all the statistics I digested today - will revisit in a few days. What a simple pleasure it is to read your own handwritten notes!

@mightyraju sorry you had a disappointing day, and hope tomorrow is better! I do envy you for the momos though... it's been ages and ages. 

@sjerngal hope your digital detox works out well for you! We will miss you. 

@LetsGetThisBread I love your new favourite thing! Lots of love back to you and to the Forum!

Good night guys! Sleep well :)

mightyraju,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Good morning forum friends. Targets for 1007:

1. Newspaper

2. Ankification 

3. Optional modules 6-12

4. Sort remaining optional material 

5. CLD 2 subunits

6. Wind up by 12

Done with all the targets for today. The day went slightly off track in the beginning. Got emotionally triggered by something, wallowed in my misery for a bit, watched a trashy romcom to feel better and then moved on with my day. 

I so agree with what you said, @LetsGetThisBread. In the past I would have definitely thrown up my hands and thought well this day is lost, let's start tomorrow. So grateful for this lovely community. It has changed the way I'm approaching everything on such a fundamental level.

Good luck sjerngal (not tagging because I don't know if you've already started your detox haha). 

Good night friends!

mightyraju,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Since 1-2 days study was nearly zero by personal issues. Now Tommorow with new day new hope new energy will try to get back to my table and recover the past days all the best to everyone 

@sjerngal we all are having an eye on you :p don't worry mate all the best for you detox ( as@fortarach63  says not tagging you here as detox has started now 😅😅)

mightyraju,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Mostly done with the targets for the day

Talked with my best friend after so so much long  so no book reading but as said by Dr Kalam ji - a good friend is equal to a library

@mightyraju bhai-

Good night comrades have sweet dreams - signing off for the day 

Thank you dost.So kind of you. 

ssver2,Rashmirathiand1 otherslike this


mightyraju,ssver2and8 otherslike this

Since 1-2 days study was nearly zero by personal issues. Now Tommorow with new day new hope new energy will try to get back to my table and recover the past days all the best to everyone 

@sjerngal we all are having an eye on you :p don't worry mate all the best for you detox ( as@fortarach63  says not tagging you here as detox has started now 😅😅)

Kal table ka tabla bna dena bhai🙂😑! 

ssver2,Villanelleand5 otherslike this
So it took me more than 2:30 hours to re arrange my books. Gosh. Good night mitron. 
ssver2,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this
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