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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Targets - 

6 Months CA revision

Polity PYQs

Forum test analysis

Economics Onenote


@sstarrr Hope you are doing ok broda! Stay strong. 

Didn't update
Could only do 2 months revision

Started Polity PYQs

Forum test analysis

Started reading enviro/polity 

Today's target - 


Test analysis on G-meet session

CA till January if possible

Polity PYQs


@HeNeArKr Bhai tension nhi lene ka..I got exact 120 marks but I am satisfied with my effort. 

@LetsGetThisBread Hope you are ok! Eat bread more often during headaches :)

AJ_,Celebornand8 otherslike this
T62 14 Sept 2021 
Mock Analysis - Done
Revision Notes - Incomplete
Polity and M His - Left over portions Done (it was not in the plan and just happened. So today's subjects get shifted to tomorrow).
QA - Not Done

This is going to be a banter/cranky post. So, 25 days before the exam I try to do all things that keep me in good spirit. I exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, study hard. But my grandparents go the extra mile to make me (and everyone else) feel pathetic. All their life, they have only spoken ill. They are capable of making a perfectly healthy person and environment sick. I am not the disrespectful kind to show my back on them while they are addressing me. It consumed my 2 hours today and I am still so full of negativity. No, my parents can't help in this either. They are themselves victim. Such a nasty feeling after talking to them. 
EiChan,chamomileand13 otherslike this

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing fine and studying well. 
Today, I don't know why I just feel very weird. A strange feeling. I am not tired.. I am not even sad per se. I just feel weird.  I did not even have a bad day. 

I just don't feel like studying anything today... but I also want to study... It's not like I want to burn my notes or something. 

I don't consume sugar, but today I went to a shop at 9 Pm to get chocolates.. I had one after I dont know how long.. 
Such a weird day...

I just want to listen to sad songs and cry... Yes, maybe I want to do that .. 

Villanelle,TambourineManand12 otherslike this
T62 14 Sept 2021 
Mock Analysis - Done
Revision Notes - Incomplete
Polity and M His - Left over portions Done (it was not in the plan and just happened. So today's subjects get shifted to tomorrow).
QA - Not Done

This is going to be a banter/cranky post. So, 25 days before the exam I try to do all things that keep me in good spirit. I exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, study hard. But my grandparents go the extra mile to make me (and everyone else) feel pathetic. All their life, they have only spoken ill. They are capable of making a perfectly healthy person and environment sick. I am not the disrespectful kind to show my back on them while they are addressing me. It consumed my 2 hours today and I am still so full of negativity. No, my parents can't help in this either. They are themselves victim. Such a nasty feeling after talking to them. 

Try the "Ek kaan se suno, dusre se nikaal do" purposefully.. 
I know its easier said than done.... but like I said earlier, "Who is going to lose if you keep thinking about what they said?"

Sorry if it makes no sense.. 

P.S: Comments like these make me realise how lucky I was to have the best grandparents in the world. My daadi who passed away last year was my partner in crime.. I was so lucky. 

Villanelle,TambourineManand11 otherslike this
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Try the "Ek kaan se suno, dusre se nikaal do" purposefully.. 
I know its easier said than done.... but like I said earlier, "Who is going to lose if you keep thinking about what they said?"

Sorry if it makes no sense.. 

P.S: Comments like these make me realise how lucky I was to have the best grandparents in the world. My daadi who passed away last year was my partner in crime.. I was so lucky. 

I am not so lucky in that department. :(

But over compensated by way of good parents and friends. 

Yeah sad songs and cry. I am gonna do that as well. 

Villanelle,TambourineManand11 otherslike this

What I could do today:

IR notes ->75% done 

IR CA ->only 4 months done. Rest pending 

Economics ->3 chapters done 

Newspaper ->not done 

PYQs ->not done 

I could have and should have completed IR. I'll have to find time for it soon. 


TambourineMan,AJ_and8 otherslike this

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing fine and studying well. 
Today, I don't know why I just feel very weird. A strange feeling. I am not tired.. I am not even sad per se. I just feel weird.  I did not even have a bad day. 

I just don't feel like studying anything today... but I also want to study... It's not like I want to burn my notes or something. 

I don't consume sugar, but today I went to a shop at 9 Pm to get chocolates.. I had one after I dont know how long.. 
Such a weird day...

I just want to listen to sad songs and cry... Yes, maybe I want to do that .. 

Bro, I have to say that you're really brave. It's not easy to constantly open up publicly about your struggles. I hope you emerge victorious. 

I get the same feeling you're describing. It's like a general sense of uneasiness but not knowing exactly what's wrong. And there seems to be no rational explanation why you're feeling this way. Till date I haven't found any quick solution to this.

The danger here is that this can quickly spiral down and form an anxiety loop. All sorts of negative thoughts and fears may arise. "What if I miss more days" "What if this hampers my chances" Soon your 'what ifs' trigger more anxiety, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is the problem. Not the initial uneasiness. 

The solution that works for me is to accept this uneasiness. Allow it to pass through. Remind myself that it's just chemicals in my brain acting weird. That the real world is fine out there. 

What you're doing is good. Eat chocolate. Listen to those sad songs. Cry. Maybe take tomorrow slowly, even if it means studying a couple of hours less than usual. And continue posting here if it makes you feel better. Just don't give in to the lies in your head. 

TambourineMan,AJ_and10 otherslike this

Done for the day except CSAT video 

Signing off for the day

TambourineMan,AJ_and6 otherslike this
T62 14 Sept 2021 
Mock Analysis - Done
Revision Notes - Incomplete
Polity and M His - Left over portions Done (it was not in the plan and just happened. So today's subjects get shifted to tomorrow).
QA - Not Done

This is going to be a banter/cranky post. So, 25 days before the exam I try to do all things that keep me in good spirit. I exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, study hard. But my grandparents go the extra mile to make me (and everyone else) feel pathetic. All their life, they have only spoken ill. They are capable of making a perfectly healthy person and environment sick. I am not the disrespectful kind to show my back on them while they are addressing me. It consumed my 2 hours today and I am still so full of negativity. No, my parents can't help in this either. They are themselves victim. Such a nasty feeling after talking to them. 

It's commendable that you are trying your best to do the right things. It can be really discouraging to hear your loved ones pull you down. Especially because you can't really ignore them. 

Do know that even if they're older, doesn't mean they are right. While we respect those who are elder, sometimes age does not equal wisdom. Emotionally it may be hard to ignore their words but rationally we can choose to not accept their truths. 

Also realise that you're strong. We've seen you post continously here on this thread and other threads. We've seen the hours you put in on the YPT app. You're doing great. You're on the right path. And now you only need to hold on for a few more weeks. From your words it seems as if this isn't the first time this is happening. It means you have survived this before. It means you can survive this now. 

Also there are times when things are out of our control. One thing that helps me in situations like this is to imagine that experience as a training moment. For instance, right now this experience can strengthen you so that in the future when you take the tough decisions as an officer, even if the whole world is against you, you will hold on. You're training yourself so that even when no one believes in you, even when there are countless barriers before you, you overcome everything and blaze forward in glory.

So go forth and do your thing. :)

I hope you wake up feeling better. Wish you all the best. 

chamomile,TambourineManand13 otherslike this
In the constant "Delima" ki iss Saal nahi hoga, constantly scoring low in the sectional and full length mocks.
No Negativity just "A random guy on internet at 12:28Am Sharing his thoughts.
AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this
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The bad day streak continues. Not as bad as it could be, but bad enough when prelims is so close. I finished June CA, almost finished July CA (90%) and didn't analyse the open mock. That'll happen tomorrow. Still, did give a mock test when I didn't want to do anything else and then went on to solve extra questions. 


  • Environment Revision (1/4)
  • Finish Open Mock Test Analysis 
  • Finish July CA 

Also, hoping that Forum conducts another open mock test so that I can redeem myself after the super rank today! 😂

Finished revision for the day and CA.  Spent a lot of time on revision because I didn't want to stray off the revision schedule. That led to today being another day of not being able to make time for test analysis. Will do tomorrow. 


  • Environment Revision (2/4) 
  • Finish Open Mock Test Analysis 
AJ_,Rashmirathiand5 otherslike this

Targets - 

6 Months CA revision

Polity PYQs

Forum test analysis

Economics Onenote


@sstarrr Hope you are doing ok broda! Stay strong. 

Didn't update
Could only do 2 months revision

Started Polity PYQs

Forum test analysis

Started reading enviro/polity 

Today's target - 


Test analysis on G-meet session

CA till January if possible

Polity PYQs


@HeNeArKr Bhai tension nhi lene ka..I got exact 120 marks but I am satisfied with my effort. 

@LetsGetThisBread Hope you are ok! Eat bread more often during headaches :)

Test analysis and G-meet session done

CA till march(1/2) only done

Polity PYQs done for 30 questions

Newspaper is being backlogged heavily and being a PSIR student, its hurting me now :(

@Shailputri Its all about the next 6 months or 1 year only. Hold on mate!

@sjerngal Come harder tomorrow! 20 odd days remaining only. 

@Captainfit Mocks are not the best gauge for prelims. use it to find the gaps in your preparation only. 

Gn folks!

AJ_,Archandand7 otherslike this
Good Morning Everyone
targets for 15th September 2021
Current Affairs
AJ_,Archandand5 otherslike this



To all of you fighting their daily battles, you are awesome!! Dont give up

AJ_,Archandand7 otherslike this
@Captainfit Iss saal kya hoga kya nahi hoga , aage kya krna hai , abhi important ni hai .
You have 25 days , just work hard and go for the kill. You got this buddy.👍

AJ_,Archandand5 otherslike this
@Shailputri You clocked most number of hours on YPT despite having a shitty day. Now that's something to feel proud of !

AJ_,Archandand6 otherslike this

Today's Minimum Program:

- NP Notes 10/11/12

UPDATE: All Done.

Archand,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this
Yesterday was going fine until my jaws started paining again. So I went to the doctor and he told me that it is happening because of stress. My jaw muscle which is probably the strongest muscle of a human body is the culprit here, duh! He has suggested some exercises and asked me to wear a night guard all day. 
Then in the evening, time was majorly spent in cross checking answers with official keys. I was mostly worried for CSAT (I did very well in the paper and could easily sail through but still from the past bad experiences it took me some great efforts to open that key and cross check. Luckily outcome is positive this time). In GS, barring 2-3 questions which according to this key are wrong but are right, I am getting 66.5 and 1.25 marks would definitely be added to this score I know. But again, anxiety kicked in last night. My mind was full of what ifs. I just slept. And now after waking up I see daily targets written in front of me and I feel devastated that I couldn’t complete yesterday’s one. 

Today’s agenda-
complete yesterday’s work 
EiChan,chamomileand9 otherslike this

A lot of it is not hard work – trust me – they have done the hard work already. The missing link in the preparation now is to stay positive, not be depressed, and keep walking somehow.

Because sometimes, we don’t know what will kill us first – the endless wait for something – or the final outcome.

Courtesy-@Neyawn 's old blog post ..  Beautiful words. 

EiChan,AJ_and8 otherslike this

Good morning comrades

15/09/21-To be done today


Polity- static +CA

Agriculture+Environment-CA revision 

CSAT video

@sjerngal @Shailputri @Captainfit and for all the lovely people here-

सच हैविपत्ति जब आती है

कायर को ही दहलाती है

सूरमा नहीं विचलित होते

क्षण एक नहीं धीरज खोते

विघ्नों को गले लगाते हैं

कांटों में राह बनाते हैं

मुँह से कभी उफ़  कहते हैं

संकट का चरण  गहते हैं

जो  पड़ता सब सहते हैं

उद्योग-निरत नित रहते हैं

शूलों का मूल नसाते हैं

बढ़ ख़ुद विपत्ति पर छाते हैं

है कौन विघ्न ऐसा जग में

टिक सके आदमी के मग में?

ख़म ठोक ठेलता है जब नर

पर्वत के जाते पाँव उखड़

मानव जब ज़ोर लगाता है

पत्थर पानी बन जाता है

गुण बड़े एक से एक प्रखर

है छिपे मानवों के भीतर

मेहंदी में जैसे लाली हो

वर्तिका बीच उजियाली हो

बत्ती जो नहीं जलाता है

रोशनी नहीं वह पाता है।

-Ramdhari Singh Dinkar ji

TambourineMan,AJ_and11 otherslike this
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