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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Targets for 13/10/21

  • Optional- Paper 2, Topic-4 (Finish first reading/revision)
  • Ethics in public administration (half)
  • Answer Writing

Are you gonna be posting here or on the other thread? Or both? 

Both as of now.. Jahaan zyada josh hoga !!

Haha sahi.... I guess I'll do the same till results come atleast :p 


1) Create a plan/timetable for the next 3 months

2) Sort out notes + make a list of new resources + figure out what test series/programs to join 

3) Go through various topper strategies/last year's Mains thread to figure out the nitty-gritties. 

4) Newspaper

Rashmirathi,nerdfighterand1 otherslike this

Targets for 13/10/21

  • Optional- Paper 2, Topic-4 (Finish first reading/revision)
  • Ethics in public administration (half)
  • Answer Writing

Are you gonna be posting here or on the other thread? Or both? 

Both as of now.. Jahaan zyada josh hoga !!

Haha sahi.... I guess I'll do the same till results come atleast :p 


1) Create a plan/timetable for the next 3 months

2) Sort out notes + make a list of new resources + figure out what test series/programs to join 

3) Go through various topper strategies/last year's Mains thread to figure out the nitty-gritties. 

4) Newspaper


@Celeborn @sjerngal  bhai why don’t we keep posting on this thread only ,it has been like a home 

Marigold,BuzzingBeeand5 otherslike this
I’ll be back here doston kal se. Let’s be a little optimistic and post on this thread till the result comes at least. Uske baad think of moving to other threads 
EiChan,Marigoldand6 otherslike this

Targets for 13/10/21

  • Optional- Paper 2, Topic-4 (Finish first reading/revision)
  • Ethics in public administration (half)
  • Answer Writing

Are you gonna be posting here or on the other thread? Or both? 

Both as of now.. Jahaan zyada josh hoga !!

Haha sahi.... I guess I'll do the same till results come atleast :p 


1) Create a plan/timetable for the next 3 months

2) Sort out notes + make a list of new resources + figure out what test series/programs to join 

3) Go through various topper strategies/last year's Mains thread to figure out the nitty-gritties. 

4) Newspaper


@Celeborn @sjerngal  bhai why don’t we keep posting on this thread only ,it has been like a home 

I second this.

Marigold,Celebornand3 otherslike this

I would suggest 2022 thread, for one sole reason and that is for the sake of community which we guys have created. It wasn't the thread but the people who made it feel like home. Some of us might clear and some of us might not. What matters is the sense of community, the support which we provided to each other. In my humble opinion, post on 2022 thread, its not just for the sake of posting targets but for sharing snippets of our life, for support the other people would provide and many more things. 

EiChan,Marigoldand5 otherslike this

Targets for 13/10/21

  • Optional- Paper 2, Topic-4 (Finish first reading/revision)
  • Ethics in public administration (half)
  • Answer Writing

Today was a lazy day. 

Spent the evening feeling guilty. I obviously knew I won't be able to get back immediately into the study Grove, but I still wanted to study enough to be satisfied at the end of the day.. 

Only Optional done half heartedly. 

Same targets to be carried on for tomorrow. 

EiChan,Marigoldand4 otherslike this

Targets for 13/10/21

  • Optional- Paper 2, Topic-4 (Finish first reading/revision)
  • Ethics in public administration (half)
  • Answer Writing

Today was a lazy day. 

Spent the evening feeling guilty. I obviously knew I won't be able to get back immediately into the study Grove, but I still wanted to study enough to be satisfied at the end of the day.. 

Only Optional done half heartedly. 

Same targets to be carried on for tomorrow. 

Koi na bhai .......all the best for Tommorow 

Marigold,Celebornand1 otherslike this

Day 85

  1. 8.30- 11.30-  anki optional
  2. 11.30- 2.00- ankify polity notes
  3. 2.30- 5.30- parsons and stratification
  4. 6.00- 8.00- essay prep
  5. 8.00- 9.00- newspaper

yesterday- could not complete stratification part. Wrote only one of the essay from test.

Marigold,Celebornand1 otherslike this

Woke up late for no reason. Guilt trip has already started.

Targets for 14/10/21

  •  10:45-12:45 Anthro 
  •  1:15-2:30 Anthro
  •   4-6 : Ethics
  •  7:15-9:15 Answer Writing
  •  Extra- Read  50 pages of Sapiens before sleeping


Good luck to me and others who are struggling and studying !!

EiChan,Marigoldand4 otherslike this

I'll be posting my targets here at least untill the results come. Since 2021 is the aim, it makes the most sense to do so here. 

At the same time, I agree with@sstarrr too. What has kept me going personally has been the community here. And it feels like a virtual Partition to see us all divided into two threads. Hence even if I don't post in the 2022 thread, I'll try my best to remain active there. And same for those choosing to post there. You're always free to come here and share your thoughts and stories. It's like a joint family that decides to buy the apartment right opposite to their original one, so that the newly married younger brother can move in there. They may be in different houses but they're still free enough to turn up at each other's houses uninvited. :P

Weird metaphor - I know - but you get the point right?

EiChan,chamomileand8 otherslike this

Also@root @Neyawn - can we pin this thread too? At least for as long as this is active?


Almost forgot to post my target:

Today wasn't most productive as I went out with my family. It was enjoyable though

What I managed to do -

1) Newspaper ->done

2) 3D geometry ->done uptill straight lined (IMS notes)

3) Indian Society ->only did around 20 pages of my notes.

Tomorrow's targets:

1) 3D geometry ->finish up to Cylinders

2) Society ->up to 75 pages of notes

3) Newspaper

4) 1 pending CA class

sjerngal,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

I'll be posting my targets here at least untill the results come. Since 2021 is the aim, it makes the most sense to do so here. 

At the same time, I agree with@sstarrr too. What has kept me going personally has been the community here. And it feels like a virtual Partition to see us all divided into two threads. Hence even if I don't post in the 2022 thread, I'll try my best to remain active there. And same for those choosing to post there. You're always free to come here and share your thoughts and stories. It's like a joint family that decides to buy the apartment right opposite to their original one, so that the newly married younger brother can move in there. They may be in different houses but they're still free enough to turn up at each other's houses uninvited. :P

Weird metaphor - I know - but you get the point right?

I think that title 2021 matters. Call it superstition but it does. 

This reminds of a story. In JEE days, some months before JEE Mains. I wrote on the walls of my study room this-- Misson Mains. I never saw the mistake in that. I dont know why. After coming back from my exam, I sat down looking at those words. And I said, "what a minute". And the words jumped out & shouted 'Miss on Mains'. Now, I put all the blame on those words. :D

EiChan,chamomileand8 otherslike this

Ssup everyone, joining again after posting daily targets for few months. Need some discipline for next two weeks for both mains and state pcs on 27th xD

Countdown #77 

RAS - 6hours 

  • Raj geo - complete 
  • Eco survey - 2 chapters 

Mains - 5 hours

  • Society revise
  • World history revision if time permits 

Will be checking if I'm able to clock the time too. This time I'll, for sure 

Kapiushon,Pam123and5 otherslike this

Today’s targets:

1. Newspaper

2. gs 1 culture portion(as much as possible)

3. Psir : Plato , Aristotle, Machiavelli

Kapiushon,Celebornand4 otherslike this

Targets for 15/10/21

  • Anthro-Paper 2- Topics 2-4 quick revision
  • Ethics- 2 hours (including case studies) 
  • Check Daily News analysis from October 1 
  • Write 2-3 answers on Anthro (very Important) 


Kapiushon,Pam123and5 otherslike this


- Newspaper 

- Maths- 3D revise PYQ day-1

- World History- revise classnotes (half)

Kapiushon,Pam123and4 otherslike this

Targets -

Optional - paper 2 (40pages +pyq)

Essay class

Ethics - class 1-5 revise


Kapiushon,Celebornand3 otherslike this

Day 84

  1. 10.00- 1.00- anki optional
  2. 1.15-  4.15- ankify polity notes
  3. 4.30- 7.00- anki optional
  4. 7.15- 9.00- newspaper and stats

yesterday-  stratification and essay prep was replaced by anki optional.

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this
anthro optional willing to do AWP, do DM me. we can start PYQ ASAP 
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