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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Targets - 




Have to go for voting in the panchayat election

Night fully reserved for Ind-Pak match + Bar- Real Madrid + PSG match (Also relevant for UPSC now:joy:)

All completed. Bad day as all the three-match results were not what I wished for.
New Targets - 

PSIR - Marked questions solving


Notes refining for GS3


Less bakrr about result and cutoff. 
@sjerngal Toppers notes + CA + NCERT society for topics like urbanisation and you will find good case studies 

@LetsGetThisBread How is migraine now? You faced it a lot during the prelims days also.

Ok only thanks for asking. I really don’t know why it flares up randomly for no good reason, other than to waste my time.

Hi fellow migraine victim here. I am sure you must have prescription for your symptoms but I recently got a medicine from my doctor called Naxdom which you are supposed to take as soon as the migraine strikes, during the blurred vision phase. It really helps me reduce my symptoms. The pain level reduces and i get relief within 1 or 2 hours. Do discuss about this with your doctor if he hasn't prescribed this already. Hope you get well soon enough. 

Mine doesn’t get that bad usually. Lasts 2-3 days and manageable with OTC pain medication. Fingers crossed it stays that way only and doesn’t decide to get worse

Can't say for sure but migraine usually doesn't present itself like that. Its usually very intense with blurry vision but doesn't last more than 4 or 5 hours normally. And since you mentioned cold intensifies your problem it seems more likely a sinus issue. Do consult a specialist if you can. Whatever I am saying is just based on personal experience and my google research trying to self diagnose myself back in the day so I might be totally wrong. Consulting a specialist made my life so much better.

I’m genetically predisposed to migraines (among many other diseases, yay!) and it turns out my mother’s migraines also started like this, now they’re full on raging beasts with blurry vision and vertigo that lasts for 3-4 days minimum. Bas sabar karne ki zaroorat h it seems. I also do have sinus issues, so most of what starts of as a sinus headache turns into a migraine if I’m not careful. Thanks a lot for the concern :)

Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this

Good morning guys.. After a not so great Sunday, let's gear ourselves up for a productive week ahead. 

Targets for 25/10/21

  • Finish modern history
  • Final revision of world history
  • AWFG
  • Ca class (try to finish two) 
  • Newspaper
  • Sit for minimum 3 hours continuously for atleast once in a day. 

Targets are huge, but the exam is massive... Gotta do what it takes. 

Good luck to everyone. 

Same targets for today... 

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

Didn’t get much done as again the headache saga continues. Studied for 3ish hours when I was a little ok and a managed to get the current affairs backlogs done mostly. Just have 3 more days worth of work left for it. Hopefully tomorrow I should be fine.

@Rashmirathi thanks for the advice buddy. If I’m not ok tomorrow will definitely go to the doctor. Though these seasonal migraines are very common for me. Cold (it’s already cold in Delhi by my standards) tends to make them more frequent.

Hey do these migraine pre-date UPSC life for you? 

Also, sorry if this is weird of me to ask. I guess I’m just trying to establish if there’s a correlation b/w humare ‘dimag ka dahi hona’ due to this prep phase and migraines in general LOL. :P 

As far as I can recall no, but I’ve also spent a considerable amount of “youth” on UPSC, after which it is lifestyle disease central 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I get hypertension can I blame it on my prep days? waise hi baal safed h gaye h.

TambourineMan,Celebornand4 otherslike this

Targets - 




Have to go for voting in the panchayat election

Night fully reserved for Ind-Pak match + Bar- Real Madrid + PSG match (Also relevant for UPSC now:joy:)

All completed. Bad day as all the three-match results were not what I wished for.
New Targets - 

PSIR - Marked questions solving


Notes refining for GS3


Less bakrr about result and cutoff. 
@sjerngal Toppers notes + CA + NCERT society for topics like urbanisation and you will find good case studies 

@LetsGetThisBread How is migraine now? You faced it a lot during the prelims days also.

Ok only thanks for asking. I really don’t know why it flares up randomly for no good reason, other than to waste my time.

Hi fellow migraine victim here. I am sure you must have prescription for your symptoms but I recently got a medicine from my doctor called Naxdom which you are supposed to take as soon as the migraine strikes, during the blurred vision phase. It really helps me reduce my symptoms. The pain level reduces and i get relief within 1 or 2 hours. Do discuss about this with your doctor if he hasn't prescribed this already. Hope you get well soon enough. 

Mine doesn’t get that bad usually. Lasts 2-3 days and manageable with OTC pain medication. Fingers crossed it stays that way only and doesn’t decide to get worse

Can't say for sure but migraine usually doesn't present itself like that. Its usually very intense with blurry vision but doesn't last more than 4 or 5 hours normally. And since you mentioned cold intensifies your problem it seems more likely a sinus issue. Do consult a specialist if you can. Whatever I am saying is just based on personal experience and my google research trying to self diagnose myself back in the day so I might be totally wrong. Consulting a specialist made my life so much better.

I’m genetically predisposed to migraines (among many other diseases, yay!) and it turns out my mother’s migraines also started like this, now they’re full on raging beasts with blurry vision and vertigo that lasts for 3-4 days minimum. Bas sabar karne ki zaroorat h it seems. I also do have sinus issues, so most of what starts of as a sinus headache turns into a migraine if I’m not careful. Thanks a lot for the concern :)

Damn... Headaches can become such a 'headache' at times.. (Sorry for this poor attempt at pun) 

Get well sooner, the dough is waiting for you to make a bread out of it! 

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this

Hi beautiful people! How are you all? I have been away from here for some time. Back with some renewed energy and some self confidence kihumse bhi ho hi paegaand a good UPPCS prelims. It really went good, I had not anticipated it and with a crushed self confidence that I gave this exam with, this was such a confidence booster for me. One thing that shocked me was Hindi grammer and hindi question in CSAT. 23 such questions, I was dumbfounded. However tried some, I really hope CSAT doesn't crush me this time. But I am very happy with this exam, found my lost hopes and confidence.

Having told you about exam updates, a thank you for all of you who asked and wished me for the exam. It means a lot.

Life update :

Right now I am in my village, 2 days are my off days, for some meetings with my village people, whom I really love and adore, cooking some stuff and planning.

Tabtak, treating you people with see some pictures from my very own fields, rice crop ready to be harvested and fruit garden! What a place this is. I hope you love it.


Hi it’s so good to see you back and envigorated here! So glad you had a great UPPSC :)

plmokn25688524,Celebornand7 otherslike this

Targets - 




Have to go for voting in the panchayat election

Night fully reserved for Ind-Pak match + Bar- Real Madrid + PSG match (Also relevant for UPSC now:joy:)

All completed. Bad day as all the three-match results were not what I wished for.
New Targets - 

PSIR - Marked questions solving


Notes refining for GS3


Less bakrr about result and cutoff. 
@sjerngal Toppers notes + CA + NCERT society for topics like urbanisation and you will find good case studies 

@LetsGetThisBread How is migraine now? You faced it a lot during the prelims days also.

Ok only thanks for asking. I really don’t know why it flares up randomly for no good reason, other than to waste my time.

Hi fellow migraine victim here. I am sure you must have prescription for your symptoms but I recently got a medicine from my doctor called Naxdom which you are supposed to take as soon as the migraine strikes, during the blurred vision phase. It really helps me reduce my symptoms. The pain level reduces and i get relief within 1 or 2 hours. Do discuss about this with your doctor if he hasn't prescribed this already. Hope you get well soon enough. 

Mine doesn’t get that bad usually. Lasts 2-3 days and manageable with OTC pain medication. Fingers crossed it stays that way only and doesn’t decide to get worse

Can't say for sure but migraine usually doesn't present itself like that. Its usually very intense with blurry vision but doesn't last more than 4 or 5 hours normally. And since you mentioned cold intensifies your problem it seems more likely a sinus issue. Do consult a specialist if you can. Whatever I am saying is just based on personal experience and my google research trying to self diagnose myself back in the day so I might be totally wrong. Consulting a specialist made my life so much better.

I’m genetically predisposed to migraines (among many other diseases, yay!) and it turns out my mother’s migraines also started like this, now they’re full on raging beasts with blurry vision and vertigo that lasts for 3-4 days minimum. Bas sabar karne ki zaroorat h it seems. I also do have sinus issues, so most of what starts of as a sinus headache turns into a migraine if I’m not careful. Thanks a lot for the concern :)

Damn... Headaches can become such a 'headache' at times.. (Sorry for this poor attempt at pun) 

Get well sooner, the dough is waiting for you to make a bread out of it! 

Hahah thanks! Hope today goes excellently for you :)

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this

ISorry for barging in with these pictures and disturbing your daily thread as I have limited friends circle,  i just have this place to share my feelings! 

Introducing you all to the mother daughter duo,  who own this place and who hates me to the core :(

D503,dalphaand31 otherslike this

Yesterday completed my targets. (some portion of post independence is left which I'll do later)

Today's targets:

Art and Culture portion 

Statics and dynamics (day 1/3)


Pending CA class 


1) half done 

2) 60% done 

3) not done 

4) done 

5) done 

Kapiushon,Archandand4 otherslike this

Today's targets

1)Statics complete 

2)Society remaining portions 

3)2 newspapers 

4)CA class

Received the second dose of vaccine yesterday. So keeping today lighter than usual. 

Kapiushon,plmokn25688524and6 otherslike this

Hey all, 

Today - 

1. Ethics Revision

2. Optional Revision

3. AWP

4. CA & NP

Kapiushon,Archandand5 otherslike this

Targets - 26/10/2021

- GS1: Art & Culture

- PSIR: Concept of Power; Political Theory

- Newspaper

- Answer Writing (PYQs) - Theory of States

Kapiushon,plmokn25688524and5 otherslike this
@sstarrr These pictures are so beautiful! 
This post is evincing your happiness and confidence. 
All the best! 

Rashmirathi,sstarrrand3 otherslike this

today's target

1.mechanical engg - 4Q


Kapiushon,balwintejasand4 otherslike this

Today's target - 

PSIR - Indo_pak_Bhutan

Answer writing and discussion over the call




@sstarrr Probably jealous of the fact that you like cow's milk over buffalo's! 

Kapiushon,Dhananandaand7 otherslike this
@LetsGetThisBread I hav suddenly developed vertigo since last 2 weeks wch remains for few secnds.Any tip to handle plz??



@LetsGetThisBread I hav suddenly developed vertigo since last 2 weeks wch remains for few secnds.Any tip to handle plz??

I’m not a doctor so I would advise getting help from a specialist. Often vertigo is also caused because of ear infections, go to an ENT if possible. Eye and neck exercises (which you can google) can also help


Today's target - 

PSIR - Indo_pak_Bhutan

Answer writing and discussion over the call




@sstarrr Probably jealous of the fact that you like cow's milk over buffalo's! 

If I am not misunderstanding your comment, I guess you made the wrong guess. These are buffaloes and not cows.  I really don't like cow's milk. 


Targets achieved on 26/10/21

  • Modern history done
  • World history revision half done
  • Ca classes (1.5) 
  • Newspaper

Today was a lot better than yesterday. Can do a lot more, but I'll just try to sleep now.. 

Kapiushon,Dhananandaand3 otherslike this

Targets for 27/10/21 (posting so that I don't forget tomorrow) 

  • Art and culture (try to finish 1st iteration) 
  • Awfg
  • Mock test
  • Ca class 
  • Newspaper

Kapiushon,Dhananandaand3 otherslike this

Targets - 26/10/2021

- GS1: Art & Culture

- PSIR: Concept of Power; Political Theory

- Newspaper

- Answer Writing (PYQs) - Theory of States

GS1 Art & Culture -  Half Done

Rest completed.

Targets for 27/10/2021 

Art & Culture - Finish the left portion

Post Independence

PSIR : Rights & Equality


Answer Writing - PYQs: Concept of Power & Political Theory

Kapiushon,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this
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