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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


@sator i kept snake plant and moneyplant in  my room during my stay in orn, there wasn't considerable impact. Keep the windows and door closed most of the time, that shall keep the room fine to some extent. I used n95 while going out. 
Atmosphere in delhi was greyish for around 2-3 months, not just diwali effect. 
Coming from just 9 months of stay at orn though. 

Celeborn,satorand4 otherslike this


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Had a very bad day today. I am not habituated to high pollution, and Delhi is choking me (having throat irritation and watering eyes). I am also going through headaches from yesterday evening. Cound not focus at all. Also, I missed today's AWFG.

Delhiites, please suggest how to tackle this. Does air purifying plants help?

Not a delhite, but I've stayed there for 5 years and I know what this gas chamber feels like.

Some of my delhite friends use air purifiers, they say it works but then when AQI is already 500-600+ , so idk how much it will help.  But something is better than nothing... 

On a side note Use Hankerchief soaked in water and put it on ur eyes and nose when u lie down.. 

Headache is also bcz of the smoke, it will go eventually... 

Thanks for the advice, will try it out.
As you have stayed long enough in Delhi, can you tell, is this temporary Diwali effect, or will it stay during the whole winter?

Edit - I was talking about indoor plants, not planning to invest on a purifier for just 2 months:blush:

It’s mostly subsides after Diwali but the smog is still going to persist. It’s better if you invest in some air purifying plants because even March-April m stubble burning se AQI drops

Celeborn,satorand3 otherslike this

Forgot to post in the morning. Managed to do a 1.5 hour test, polity, and some bits and bobs of PSIR. Hopefully tomorrow will be better

D503,plmokn25688524and6 otherslike this

Targets for tomorrow:

1) Governance (2/3)

2) PDE 

3) AWFG 

4) Governance class 

5) Newspaper 

1 done 

2 90% done. Some PYQs left 

3 done 

4 60% done 

Rashmirathi,Jammuand1 otherslike this

I've reached a point where I'm sitting for many hours. Now I need to improve my effectiveness in making full use of those hours. So from now on aiming to work harder. 

Targets for tomorrow:

1) Governance (3/3) 

2) Polity - some pending portion 

3) Numerical Analysis theory + PYQs 

4) CA class 

5) Newspaper 

D503,IwWand8 otherslike this
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A bad day

*Just managed Models and theories

Targets for 5/11/21 will be

*Revise Human geography of paper 1

Happy day

*Revised pretty much topics of Human geography 

*Done CA class

To be done on 06/11/21 will be

*Essay test.

*Human geography left over topics revision.

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this


Targets for Nov 5, 2021

  • Meditation 2x
  • Complete PSIR 1A (1/2) + PYQ + 3 hours AWP
  • Glancing throuh good 1A copies
  • No new backlog

Looking flrward to flexible friday !

Hey Friday, you were fantastic. Please have spill over effect on other days !

Note to self - let’s put in more hours starting tomorrow ✨

Dhanananda,Falconand5 otherslike this
Finally a good day....though target not completed but gave my best.

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Bad day yesterday. Good morning people, looking towards a fruitful day.

1. revise pair part 1 a paper 1

2. Art and culture part 2

3. Newspaper 

plmokn25688524,Celebornand3 otherslike this

Good morning dostoen !

Target for Nov 6, 2021
  • Meditation - 2x
  • PSIR 1A (2/2) + PYQ + 2 hours AWP + Value Addition
  • Good 1A copies
  • No new backlog

Looking forward to super saturday !

Dhanananda,Falconand5 otherslike this

Lets nail it


2.Current cum paper

3.Lil Gs and questions

4.As per time Ethics or state

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

Phone got damaged, won't be available at YPT, for a week I guess.

Will try to be accountable by posting here.

6th Nov

  1. NP - At least 3
  2. Complete optics
  3. Ethics lecture
  4. AWFG test + Review
  5. MGP test 20
Celeborn,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

6th Nov 

1) Geo remaining portion.

2) Polity next 15 page 

3) Art n Culture 

4) PSIR Hobbes Locke and Mill

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Good morning guys... Woke up so so late.. Almost missed a brainstorming zoom session with my senior.. 
Kal se I will have to ask my parents to snatch away my cozy blankets after 6 am, If i havent woken up by that time..

It will be a slow first half of the day, because expecting a lot of relatives on the occassion of bhai dujh..

Anyway, Targets for 6/11/21

  • Finish revision of Archaeology (optional)
  • Finish ethics topic 6 and 7

That's all folks !

Falcon,SAand9 otherslike this
I can't join YPT since that room is full. I tried joining Forumites. Can someone help me out here? :3 
Celeborn,satorand1 otherslike this
Is anyone interested in discussing and brainstorming Vision ias Mains test series questions subjectwise - 2hrs everyday to accelerate prep speed?? Only disciplined ones - pls msg

Political Science Optional Peeps, do you write your answer in Paragraph only format or in points format ? Also when asked to compare or contrast, do you make a table and do one to one comparison or in the old paragraph type only.

People with Sociology/history can also tell me. This is my first mains. thanks.

I can't join YPT since that room is full. I tried joining Forumites. Can someone help me out here? :3 

I guess@Infinitybeyondinfinitycan help as he is group leader.


Ssup people. Shifting few gears again. Will be more relaxed as we don't have to give exam tomorrow but on 7th Jan. There would be many marginal gains everyday, need to keep calm. Also, it's either optional or GS days. Not mixing them up. 

To do 6-11

        - EPIC of past 10months for Eco/agri/env

        - Eco survey 2021. If time permits, few pointers from previous editions

        - Revise prev notes - Eco/agri/env

        - Will be sharing stopwatch time 

Done with one test already, 19 more to go. Will make sure I write the next one on schedule as well. 

Do we have a yearly compilation of EPIC just like mains365? it would be really helpful.

piano,Celebornand4 otherslike this

Political Science Optional Peeps, do you write your answer in Paragraph only format or in points format ? Also when asked to compare or contrast, do you make a table and do one to one comparison or in the old paragraph type only.

People with Sociology/history can also tell me. This is my first mains. thanks.

Paragraphs over points (that’s the SR recommended style). Compare and contrast ones can also be done in paragraphs. Though the table format is much more efficient. I would suggest that you try one of those out for a test series and see what reviews you get. And please share what they say about it :p

plmokn25688524,Celebornand6 otherslike this
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