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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this



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Any suggestions guys?@Celeborn @Purplesunbird @sjerngal @Villanelle @LetsGetThisBread @Jammu 

For examples last year, I used La Ex document. 

You can look at Only IAS Prahaar for GS4. The examples mentioned contain current ones too. 

Pam123,plmokn25688524and5 otherslike this

Good morning everyone.

Targets for Nov 15 (been 15 days of posting here)

  • Meditation - 2x
  • 2 Sectional mocks of GS II
  • Good GS II and Essay copy.

Had a heavy b’fast, another reason to spoil the mock test. Good luck to all !

plmokn25688524,crikeymateand8 otherslike this
I know it might sound silly to almost everyone....but which is more tuned to UPSC.....The Hindu or Indian Express?
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*Done oceanography

*Loss of focus on optional,so shifted to gs(Economy).

*Done pyq analysis,some basics of economics and Economic survey

*Done Ethics and CA classes.

targets for 12/11/21 will be

*Economy-Srirams revision

*Done-substantial parts of Sriram's 

*Done budget

Tomorrow's assignments will be:-

*Essay test

*Ethics 1 to 4 topics revision for test

*Remaining chapters of sriram's.

#Walk atleast to reduce stress

*Done sriram's except WTO part

*Done essay test

*Done ethics revision but Agent action theories need 1 more revision

Targets for 14/11/21 will be

*Ethics test

*Economy Agriculture part

*Done ethics test

*Done some parts of agriculture.

Tomorrow's targets will be:


*Done biogeography(except soil degradation)

Targets for 16/11/2021 will be

*Environmental geography[1.5 to 2 days max]

Celeborn,youcandoand3 otherslike this

Yesterday was a rest day for me. Gave a maths test but otherwise didn't study much.

I've had a late start to the day today as well. Hoping to catch up soon. 

Targets are:

1) Economy (try to finish) 

2) Real Analysis pending portions 

3) CA class 

4) AWFG 

5) Newspaper 

1) 80% done. Need about 3-4 hours more to complete 

2) Done 

3) Done 

4) Done 

5) Not done. Due to lack of time, won't be reading newspapers from now on. 

chamomile,youcandoand6 otherslike this
I know it might sound silly to almost everyone....but which is more tuned to UPSC.....The Hindu or Indian Express?

I switched to IE because a) it's language was easier to comprehend b) the explained page was really good c) it looked more attractive and hence felt nicer to read. 

There are differences in approach between the two. But as such I haven't found major differences between the two, in terms of 'tuning' wrt UPSC. So safely choose anyone based on your personal preferences and which one you like most. 

Biryani,THE_MECHANICand4 otherslike this

Plan for 15/11/21

Anthro: Paper 1 topics: 2.5,3,4 and revision of 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4(till 1:30 PM)

Attempt Anthro test 1(between 2PM to 5PM)

IR: complete the notes of CA classes ( 6:15PM onwards) 

started well and was able to complete first two work i.e anthro revision and anthro test. But after 6:30 PM, i completely wasted time and couldn't complete the third one. Hope to improve upon it tomorrow. 
Targets for 16/11/21:
Anthro paper 1: complete chapter 5,6(till 1:45PM)
GS3 (economy): revise CA notes and topics for economy test(2:30 PM to 8:30)
IR notes; complete note making from CA classes(after 9:30PM)
Celeborn,Biryaniand5 otherslike this


Good morning everyone.

Targets for Nov 15 (been 15 days of posting here)

  • Meditation - 2x
  • 2 Sectional mocks of GS II
  • Good GS II and Essay copy.

Had a heavy b’fast, another reason to spoil the mock test. Good luck to all !

Wrote two sectional mocks, that’s it.

Tomorrow it’ll be almost a day off, cousin’s wedding, cant miss.

crikeymate,Celebornand5 otherslike this

Good morning!

Targets for today 

1) PDE 

2) Agriculture (1/2)

3) CA class 

Biryani,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this

Good morning guys, back to posting after a bit of a break. Targets for 16.11.21 are:


CC lecture

Econ (1/2)

Editorial- IE+ Hindu

Daily C/A


Copy Writing



Read model answers 

Raise ticket

That’s all folks!

IwW,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Hey guys, posting here for some accountability

PSIR- Political Ideologies

GS1- Art&Culture ncert

CA- Mains365 economy

plmokn25688524,Celebornand5 otherslike this

Good morning friends, 

Target for today-

1. Optional - Map revision and Modern notes

2. Ethics- AwP and Left over topics

3. GS- Geography notes completion and Economy discussion.

Celeborn,Biryaniand3 otherslike this

This was my fate last year when I was most prepared for mains, and somehow selected this year when I am least prepared. Upsc plays games

D503,GaryVeeand14 otherslike this
*Meanwhile, makings memes and sharing with my internet friends*

D503,GaryVeeand22 otherslike this
How are you people covering GS 2
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*Done oceanography

*Loss of focus on optional,so shifted to gs(Economy).

*Done pyq analysis,some basics of economics and Economic survey

*Done Ethics and CA classes.

targets for 12/11/21 will be

*Economy-Srirams revision

*Done-substantial parts of Sriram's 

*Done budget

Tomorrow's assignments will be:-

*Essay test

*Ethics 1 to 4 topics revision for test

*Remaining chapters of sriram's.

#Walk atleast to reduce stress

*Done sriram's except WTO part

*Done essay test

*Done ethics revision but Agent action theories need 1 more revision

Targets for 14/11/21 will be

*Ethics test

*Economy Agriculture part

*Done ethics test

*Done some parts of agriculture.

Tomorrow's targets will be:


*Done biogeography(except soil degradation)

Targets for 16/11/2021 will be

*Environmental geography[1.5 to 2 days max]

*Done envi geo[except Envi hazards part].

It got completed early thanks to some earlier consolidations.

Targets for tomorrow will be:-

*Envi hazards~disaster management(GS)

youcando,sjerngaland4 otherslike this

Good morning!

Targets for today 

1) PDE 

2) Agriculture (1/2)

3) CA class 

1) done 2) 50% done 3) done 

Targets for tomorrow:

1) Complex Analysis (1/2)

2) Agriculture (2/2) 

3) AWFG 

4) If time permits, S&T 

youcando,Biryaniand4 otherslike this


How are you people covering GS 2

My sources are:

Polity - Atish Mathur crash course + some parts of what I studied for Pre + Dipin sir's classes for current 

Governance - Vision VAM 

Social Justice - Dipin sir's classes + last year's notes I made from Rau's Compass 

IR - Dipin sir's classes + last year's notes of Mains 365. 

If I was beginning afresh, I would have gone for Sunya IAS booklet or Only IAS Prahaar ; since they are single source for all topics so would save time. As of now, I'm using Sunya as value addition (like data and examples for governance portion) 

chamomile,Pam123and5 otherslike this

Targets for Nov 17

  • PSIR 1B (1/4)
  • Essay : 3-4 hours (I daily plan for it, keep it as last target, and always miss it, kal issi se start karenge)

Good luck everyone, take good care of health.

plmokn25688524,crikeymateand5 otherslike this
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started well and was able to complete first two work i.e anthro revision and anthro test. But after 6:30 PM, i completely wasted time and couldn't complete the third one. Hope to improve upon it tomorrow. 
Targets for 16/11/21:
Anthro paper 1: complete chapter 5,6(till 1:45PM)
GS3 (economy): revise CA notes and topics for economy test(2:30 PM to 8:30)
IR notes; complete note making from CA classes(after 9:30PM)

could complete only IR note making and partially anthro revision

Target for 17/11/21:
Anthro: complete socio-cultural part with revision (till 5:45PM)
GS3: revise CA topics and relevant MAINS 365 topics (6:30PM onwards)

Biryani,THE_MECHANICand3 otherslike this
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