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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


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Also if someone has been able to improve time management in answer writing, I could use some tips. 

I feel like I’m writing too much in 10 markers, but what if kam likha hai woh 3.5 marks se bhi kam milne lage 😒

And to others who fret about not finishing paper on time. I would say come exam, there is this epic adrenaline rush in actual exam, so you would be actually surprised with the speed. This is for those who are slow coz they are not able to get points and content quickly. And not applicable to those who write slow normally so here you would have to write more than 6 hours daily until you reach the required speed. 

In last attempt I didn’t finish any mocks on time ( I just like to think not write:/) and I was most worried about this. But surprisingly I was able to complete all papers on time except ethics(left 1 question) 

But frankly speaking you shouldn’t be worried about speed. Quality matters here a lot. Choose those questions you are good at and spend more time on them and less on weak topics. Prioritisation matters a lot. For example if I didn’t study RPA, 1951 I shouldn’t be wasting time on them and spend more on say IR and get maximum marks from them.  Basically score well from 10-11 questions with really good answers, 5-6 average and rest below average. 

D503,Xeraand9 otherslike this
can someone tell that which financial year father's income should be written in DAF . Request to please tell this in urgent . Thanxs !!
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Also if someone has been able to improve time management in answer writing, I could use some tips. 

I feel like I’m writing too much in 10 markers, but what if kam likha and woh 3.5 marks se bhi kam milne lage 😒

I just completed my paper today within 3 hours for the  first time :p 

Few things ig that worked for me 

    - Going chronologically with the questions to be answered. If it's GS3 then you'll get all the points for that question as you write. We generally end up wasting 5+mins flipping the pages to check what all have we attempted, brainstorming about the question again as you already did that before you decided not to attempt right now. 

    - Writing relevant words only, skipping the standard sentence structure. 

    - Writing around 1.5 and 2.5 pages for 10/15markers

    - I'm using uniball for 2 years, generally for notes. For handwriting and small fonts, it's good but not apt for papers. Since it has a bit of friction in nib, not good for speed. Thus switched it to v5 and now fingers don't ache     either

chamomile,Pam123and11 otherslike this

wasn't posting for a week as My phone got damaged

Targets for 01/12/21 will be


@Investment models


@Agri marketing

@Major crops and cropping patterns


@Economy CA notes revision.

DM,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Good morning guys! Its first iteration day for GS 1 (whoowee!- not really). Targets for 1.12.21 are:

Geography- physical

Geog- environ


Env- DM

PSIR- schools of IR

PSIR- 1B (1/2)

Ethics- AWP

Let’s see how much of this i manage to get done by the end of the day. Let’s get this bread!

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this

1/12/21 Targets: 

Complete revising GS2 and 3 OneNote 

India Maps pyq for Geog

Aloha forumites! Missed ya' all. There was some disruption due to my relocation. Now back to my metro.  Syllabus coverage has not been upto mark. I tried to make it up through answer writing. This week will be revising just what I have prepared till now in GS2,3,4 and give tests. Next is work on neglected portions GS1, essay and optional. Somehow missing the kick SFG used to provide on a daily basis...AWFG with all its greatness wrt quality of questions fails to kick me out my bed every morning. Let's see how it goes from here. 

plmokn25688524,Celebornand7 otherslike this

Felt really great after moving over my inertia and backlogs

to do 1/12 

    - 365 - IR/Social justice

    - GS2 sectional test

                - write without any breaks :3 

Celeborn,satorand6 otherslike this

1/12/21 Targets: 

Complete revising GS2 and 3 OneNote 

India Maps pyq for Geog

Aloha forumites! Missed ya' all. There was some disruption due to my relocation. Now back to my metro.  Syllabus coverage has not been upto mark. I tried to make it up through answer writing. This week will be revising just what I have prepared till now in GS2,3,4 and give tests. Next is work on neglected portions GS1, essay and optional. Somehow missing the kick SFG used to provide on a daily basis...AWFG with all its greatness wrt quality of questions fails to kick me out my bed every morning. Let's see how it goes from here. 

So good to see you back.. I was thinking of texting you over the past few days.. 

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

1/12/21 Targets: 

Complete revising GS2 and 3 OneNote 

India Maps pyq for Geog

Aloha forumites! Missed ya' all. There was some disruption due to my relocation. Now back to my metro.  Syllabus coverage has not been upto mark. I tried to make it up through answer writing. This week will be revising just what I have prepared till now in GS2,3,4 and give tests. Next is work on neglected portions GS1, essay and optional. Somehow missing the kick SFG used to provide on a daily basis...AWFG with all its greatness wrt quality of questions fails to kick me out my bed every morning. Let's see how it goes from here. 

So good to see you back.. I was thinking of texting you over the past few days.. 

I missed the forum so so much! And just managed to submit the DAF on time. No more distractions, no more disruptions from now. 

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this
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Also if someone has been able to improve time management in answer writing, I could use some tips. 

I feel like I’m writing too much in 10 markers, but what if kam likha and woh 3.5 marks se bhi kam milne lage 😒

If you are writing too much for 10 markers then Just Control your Urge not to Write More! Its that Simple but not so easy to implement Because Firstly you Will have a constant thought that oh someone's else might write more than you and in turn score more marks..Secondly You will have some pre concieved Strategy such drawing flowcharts Giving quotes etc in that search of extra marks clearly when you don't have time in Your Hand. Thirdly One Might Have a Ego of filling in the whole of blank space under a question thinking that writing more is proportion to More Marks this Mindset works when you good content and good writing speed but what if you dont gave either of this then this strategy is nothing but a time consuming mindset.

Work on your Mindset and Bring in more strictness while writing answer!
Here is the Methodology
->Start a timer for 10 Markers @ 7 mins
->Write a answer within 7 mins and count the no of Numbers of Words. IF its 120-40s Then its good you are good to Go!
->But if You are slow like 80-90s in 7 mins in question where know the content by hurt then Increase your Speed bit by bit but never Breach the time limit ,
be more rigid in implementing this strategy ques after Ques in a full length test! This Worked for me atleast in ethics when thinking over a question eats a lot of time! I Reduced my time from 3:45 hours to 2:50.

In Economics there is theory called " The Paradox of choice" I think It applies in your case the Paradox of choosing Quality or Quantity. Clearly In going Towards Quantity a bit of Quality might suffer but again no body knows what's a good quality in UPSC Mains {Yes Coaching might Suggest Good Flowcharts, Quotes Data, Meta etc. But Even after doing so many people Fail } .So why Bang your head over Quality...

chamomile,Celebornand4 otherslike this

Honestly Mains is not tough because of the hardness of the level!Its tough because Complex!! That is why people who manage complexity in abetter way manner sailsthrough and people who get entangled in the complexity Remains Entangled in the Process of Prelims-Mains..

P.S: This is what i have been feeling over some months

Biryani,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

YPT is really awesome. Was sceptical but I am finding it better than forest, I can actually see the time I am wasting in mini breaks.

BD,Infinitybeyondinfinityand6 otherslike this


YPT is really awesome. Was sceptical but I am finding it better than forest, I can actually see the time I am wasting in mini breaks.

@Pam123 Is there any group in YPT, i would like to join it to gain some consistency


i am trying to follow 60-14 approach...7questions of decent quality in 60 minutes and rushing 3 below avg/avg  in the next 12-14 minutes, target is not to take 75+ minutes in  the10 markers. also forum's evaluation is a bummer kuch bhi marks de rhe.. can't really trust evaluation. 

Pam123,Celebornand6 otherslike this
@Apollo11 facing the same thing  ..... 



YPT is really awesome. Was sceptical but I am finding it better than forest, I can actually see the time I am wasting in mini breaks.

@Pam123 Is there any group in YPT, i would like to join it to gain some consistency

There is Forumites group but I couldn’t get the pw. I have joined a group named ‘dream upsc 2022’, that one was open 


wasn't posting for a week as My phone got damaged

Targets for 01/12/21 will be


@Investment models


@Agri marketing

@Major crops and cropping patterns


@Economy CA notes revision.

*All Done except Economy CA revision

Tomorrow's to do list is:-

*GS4 revision.

*2 hrs for S&T[Biotech,Nanotech,AI]

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

1/12/21 Targets: 

Complete revising GS2 and 3 OneNote 

India Maps pyq for Geog

Aloha forumites! Missed ya' all. There was some disruption due to my relocation. Now back to my metro.  Syllabus coverage has not been upto mark. I tried to make it up through answer writing. This week will be revising just what I have prepared till now in GS2,3,4 and give tests. Next is work on neglected portions GS1, essay and optional. Somehow missing the kick SFG used to provide on a daily basis...AWFG with all its greatness wrt quality of questions fails to kick me out my bed every morning. Let's see how it goes from here. 

One Note revision is 30% done. During revision, I end up dumping even more notes. This is a con of digital notes where the vast ocean of www is just a click away. 

Maps will take another day. 

No internet while revising tomorrow!

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

Felt really great after moving over my inertia and backlogs

to do 1/12 

    - 365 - IR/Social justice

    - GS2 sectional test

                - write without any breaks :3 

Started post afternoon due to lazy foggy morning. 

- IR 365 done; social security not done

- Wrote essay test without break

- Discussed prev mgp copy 

Celeborn,sstarrrand5 otherslike this

To do 2/12

- Social justice 365 

- revision for test

- write GS2 sectional test - carryforward

Celeborn,Archandand7 otherslike this
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