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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


30th &  31st oct targets 

1) newspaper

2) optional - durkheim topic full + answer writing 

3) eco - infra

4) prelims static- sci& tech

5) daily ca & backlogs

6) revision 


Things to do today-

Test - the one that i was supposed to take yesterday. 


Governance and LSG notes 


- will try to get better at planning and implementation. 

this will be done by tonight. 


-complete leftover GS-2 notes as much as possible.


-Ca 1 lecture video


@Gaurav  best wishes... Just do it!!


@Vinay12 Thanks :)

@Wordsmithyy Thank you. I will, for sure. :)  


Tasks for today:

  • Economy - 3 topics
  • Newspaper

That's it.

I fell ill and couldn't complete anything. This is my target now for the next 2 days.

@thistooshallpass sir jee plz guide abt commerce optional... Commerce thread is not working..or plz coordinate for commerce.. Whatever notes I make for commerce.. I will share with u.. Plz guide for commerce.. I m from baba aadaam times.. When even format of balance sheet was different


Hi everyone,

Couldn't come to online for past 3 days.

gonna start full fledged study mode from today.

1)medieval history - 2 topics

2)modern history- 2 chapters

3)ethics- ethics in human action and value, aptitude

4)(1/3)rd of portion Revision of this month study 

Medieval history, revision and ethics - done

didnt study modern history

Todays Target - 31 -10 -2020

1)med his- next 2 topics

2) Sep CA- env+ eco

@thistooshallpass sir jee plz guide abt commerce optional... Commerce thread is not working..or plz coordinate for commerce.. Whatever notes I make for commerce.. I will share with u.. Plz guide for commerce.. I m from baba aadaam times.. When even format of balance sheet was different

Writing mains this year or preparing for 2021?? 



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Writing mains this year or preparing for 2021?? 

@Bread_pizza Just now recalled I have asked same question earlier too. So, kindly disregard and sorry for the inconvenience that may have been caused. :) 

@Gaurav this yr sir jee


It's being increasingly difficult for me to study in isolation. Also I feel if I am unable to control my frequent login on Forum as also visiting various thread, is it really feasible for me to study in isolation which demands even stricter self control? To successfully execute the latter which requires higher self discipline I must learn first to successfully practice the former. Is my analogy right? Can anyone here help me in subsiding my confusion?@Vinay12 @Mauraisles @Luna Lovegood and others as well 



1. Newspaper: 1.5 hour -- completed

2. Optional: 2.5 hours (50 pages) -- completed 50%

3. Prelims QA: 1 hour -- completed

4. Mains QA: 2 hours -- completed 50%


@Gaurav It is not as if you consciously login to forum to check various threads. It seems to have become your unconscious habit. For breaking the habit chain, just try leaving your laptop or smartphone (whichever way you access internet) away for 1 week. Keep it out of your sight and out of your reach. Whenever you feel the need for a break, instead of fidgeting on the internet, talk to someone, get some fresh air outside, or try reading books (non-fiction, that are not addictive). That's it, you don't need to develop any higher self-discipline on that. You just need to break the cycle. This is something I have gone through and am speaking through experience, not by only reading books. It is something that works.

Habits consist of cue, routine and reward cycle. By repeatedly making the same conscious choices, you make the habit a part of your unconscious self (This is done by the brain to save energy). Habits never die, they only get replaced by newer habits. Unless you form a new habit that keeps the same cue but a different routine, eradicating habit is very difficult. Reference: The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Gaurav,psyduckand3 otherslike this

@Gaurav It is not as if you consciously login to forum to check various threads. It seems to have become your unconscious habit. For breaking the habit chain, just try leaving your laptop or smartphone (whichever way you access internet) away for 1 week. Keep it out of your sight and out of your reach. Whenever you feel the need for a break, instead of fidgeting on the internet, talk to someone, get some fresh air outside, or try reading books (non-fiction, that are not addictive). That's it, you don't need to develop any higher self-discipline on that. You just need to break the cycle. This is something I have gone through and am speaking through experience, not by only reading books. It is something that works.

Habits consist of cue, routine and reward cycle. By repeatedly making the same conscious choices, you make the habit a part of your unconscious self (This is done by the brain to save energy). Habits never die, they only get replaced by newer habits. Unless you form a new habit that keeps the same cue but a different routine, eradicating habit is very difficult. Reference: The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Thanks brother. I forgot to specifically tag you above but good that it didn't matter. :) Very practical advice of yours. I will definitely give it a try but just tell me one thing if at all I manage to keep my laptop out of my reach for a week (Because I access via it only, already have packed my smartphone), isn't it that I will ultimately have to exercise a part of discipline too after those 7 days given the same habit may begin troubling me even then also?? Please clarify. 


Nov 1st Target-

Map(Prehistoric site completion)


Upender Singh - Sources of History

1st Chap Yojana

Ethics notes 1 topic

If time permits, Answer writing practice and Insights CA



It's being increasingly difficult for me to study in isolation. Also I feel if I am unable to control my frequent login on Forum as also visiting various thread, is it really feasible for me to study in isolation which demands even stricter self control? To successfully execute the latter which requires higher self discipline I must learn first to successfully practice the former. Is my analogy right? Can anyone here help me in subsiding my confusion?@Vinay12 @Mauraisles @Luna Lovegood and others as well 

Oh! you are not alone... I too had that problem i overcame it by using some apps in mobile like Forest, FocusME (block specific sites and apps),LeechBlock â€“ set time limits on distracting sites, Freedom – lock up the internet.

"Practice makes a man perfect".

Self control have to be achieved by step by step. 1st day set a goal for not entering internet for an hour then increase it half an hour everyday.

Between "short" study breaks I used to visit internet for relaxation, instead of that , now I'm boiling water to drink like tea. you can try some other physical exercise. 

I don't know if i make my point clear. I hope you find your own way of dealing with distractions like i did

Gaurav,psyduckand2 otherslike this

Hi everyone,

Couldn't come to online for past 3 days.

gonna start full fledged study mode from today.

1)medieval history - 2 topics

2)modern history- 2 chapters

3)ethics- ethics in human action and value, aptitude

4)(1/3)rd of portion Revision of this month study 

Medieval history, revision and ethics - done

didnt study modern history

Todays Target - 31 -10 -2020

1)med his- next 2 topics

2) Sep CA- env+ eco

Med his and sep eco CA - finished.

Today targets.

Revision of entire week+ incomplete targets +1 essay.

@GauravIt will take effort, or what you call self-discipline for 2-3 days. Then, slowly your other habits will become dominant and you will stop missing your laptop. Substituting the procrastinating habit of browsing social media with another habit such as reading books definitely helps. Also, after seven-ten days, even if you have got rid of your habit, keep your laptop at a reach and check forum or any other preparation site only once or twice a day (for 5-10 mins), at pre-planned times. That much time is sufficient to extract useful information.

Gaurav,psyduckand1 otherslike this


It's being increasingly difficult for me to study in isolation. Also I feel if I am unable to control my frequent login on Forum as also visiting various thread, is it really feasible for me to study in isolation which demands even stricter self control? To successfully execute the latter which requires higher self discipline I must learn first to successfully practice the former. Is my analogy right? Can anyone here help me in subsiding my confusion?@Vinay12 @Mauraisles @Luna Lovegood and others as well 

Im hoping by isolation, u mean u study alone and still have study circle with whom u talk once or twice a week. If u have such frnds, forumias serves little purpose. For me, I come here coz I want to get that feel of being with aspirants which i dont have outside. like mauraisles said, apps help.. I  used pomodoro app intially to mke me sit for half n hour continuously. It takes time but works. Keep coming back to studies with all distractions. Choose a subject that doesn't require ur laptop for 2-3 hrs. Try reading that subject everyday eventually u ll study and websites will be sidelined. Also have a frnd circle outside forumias that helps u in advice, venting out as well. ( distractions are thr for everyone, u r nt alone). 

Gaurav,IamThatand1 otherslike this

30th &  31st oct targets 

1) newspaper

2) optional - durkheim topic full + answer writing 

3) eco - infra

4) prelims static- sci& tech

5) daily ca & backlogs

6) revision 

Only newspaper done in those 2 days. Hitting a roadblock - tiredness is overtaking me and climate doesn't help either. 

1st November - work day

Newspaper, daily ca nd revisiondone 

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