Good Morning!🌞
Back to posting targets on the thread!
1. Figure out Newspaper backlog ( 13 days)
2. CA Magz - Download
3. Chalk out a Revision Plan - Make adjustments to current one
4. Set my studying space ( Again!)
Alllll set!
Schedule: 03/10/22
1. Environment- Chap 1 (NCERT)+ PMF
2. Polity - 1/21 (Rev)
3. Eco - 1A -(Rev)
4. Eco 5A Lec
5. TIE ( Oct 1 & 2) + Notes+ 10 Pages CA Magz
6. Zoology : Biostats. Notes Rev.
Targets repeat for tommorow. Did not study for even one minute today. Starting YPT from tomorrow.
1. Did not use YPT but wrote a test today. First test, first 5 answers, of topics I thought I knew ....But..still recovering from the reality check
2. CA will start tommorow
3. Read notes did revision, did not read anything new
Schedule - 05/10/22
1. Bare Minimum
Eco Lec 5A
TIE+Notes ( 4+5)
Biostats. (Measures of Central Tendency)
Env. - CH1 + PMF
2. Revision
Eco - 1A2
Polity- 2/25
GC Qs - CH + Preamble
WYSK- CH + Preamble
This is me talking to myself (Please ignore)
Ab toh SFG bhi aa hi gaya, pata nahi mujhe kya hua hai, Don't feel like studying these days ( Me to myself - yeh kaisa excuse hai!!😅). Anyways, will start by 11 am today. This week it for warm up by Monday sab sort ho jayega.
Targets Repeat :/
no no, don't expose my self-talk in public, just like that. Please spare me some mental privacy ma'am.
I thought I was only exposing myself😅
Day 2/21 (7th October)
1. Current Affairs: Pending lecture watch + revise 2 lectures + newspaper
2. Forestry: Lecture on silviculture+ revise 1 lecture
3. Medieval history: Satish Chandra- revise 2 chapters, re-read 1 chapter
4. Polity: Read 5 pages of bare act
5. Read atleast 10 pages of 'Wanderings in the Himalayas'.
Once again, aim is to do these no matter the time and cost.
Anyone who can help me, kindly suggest an effective way to get rid of terrible neck sprain!It is turning out to be an actual Pain in the..................NECK!
Anyone who can help me, kindly suggest an effective way to get rid of terrible neck sprain!It is turning out to be an actual Pain in the..................NECK!
Try to get an office chair with neck support and get in some yoga .
Also if going to gym, look out for your posture and if you're not engaging your neck muscles instead of shoulders.
Anyone who can help me, kindly suggest an effective way to get rid of terrible neck sprain!It is turning out to be an actual Pain in the..................NECK!
I'm assuming this pain is due to studying at a table, reading a book placed flat on it, which means you have to continuously keep looking down (this is what happens to me).
An inclined desk might help.,31,1452,898_PT0_SX970__.jpg
@TomiokaGiyu @abracadabra I am not aware of the reason behind the sprain but could be either the bad posture at gym or reading on flat table or sleeping at a weird angle. But Thanks for the suggestions though. I'd try to incorporate these.
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
thank you!@khyali_pulao
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”