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what is your opinion of satyam jain UNDERSTAND UPSC ?

i just came across video of understand upsc on youtube posted by satyam jain. he is claiming 750 students from his free guidance program, and is saying that all coachings are providing "paid misguidance". since this community is considerably mature with large number of upsc qualified students, interview appearing students, want to know their view..

not posting youtube link here to avoid getting into trouble,, but just search understand upsc..



@Neyawn sir ur views on this?


you keep creating your own discussions and keep commenting on it and live in your world.

@TwoFace if you know me, you would not have asked such questions. the title itself is offputting. if you have to ask questions, you ask proper questions. this community will give you answers. if you ask stupid questions, find answers on youtube.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

superman159,Oshoand1 otherslike this
Not able to edit the title sir. Do not mean disrespect to you. But some people are saying that forum charges handwriting class fee of 6000 rupees and is misguiding students that handwriting is reason behind failure.
Not able to edit the title sir. Do not mean disrespect to you. But some people are saying that forum charges handwriting class fee of 6000 rupees and is misguiding students that handwriting is reason behind failure.

I am not aware of "some people" who have said this. Few months ago there was a video about burning test series. And I think I had addressed questions related to using test series. So not aware of this development.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Sir, this has to do with latest video on channel understand UPSC where Satyam Jain sir has said that 700 students have been selected from his channel because of his guidance ( he is one of them in the 700 ). He is saying that you are misguiding people to join your handwriting classes for 6000 rupees. 

Handwriting classes ?

Can you tell me

1. Did you ever see a newspaper ad for handwriting class?

2. Did you see a YouTube video about handwriting class?

3. Did you see such classes being organised every year ?

4. How did you know about these classes?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

superman159,KenMilesand1 otherslike this
Also that village students join this expensive course and lost their money.

@TwoFace IMO it all boils down to "Maano toh mai Ganga, na maano toh behta paani". If you believe a person or a coaching or course can help you, you invest into it (monetarily or non monetarily); if not you refrain from it.

In the end it would just be you and your hardwork that'll be ultimately responsible for your win.

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
Neyawn,Dionysusand18 otherslike this


Handwriting classes ?

Can you tell me

1. Did you ever see a newspaper ad for handwriting class?

2. Did you see a YouTube video about handwriting class?

3. Did you see such classes being organised every year ?

4. How did you know about these classes?

sir, no newspaper ad , or YouTube video was there, but mail was sent to students about program. I heard this from one of my friends l. I think last year for mains it was organised. And one class was arranged 2-3 years back.


That's the whole point! It wasn't "sold" on YouTube or through Ads to a large number of people. Truth is that it has been conducted two times in past five years.

First time there was a student who said Sir if I am able to improve my speed even by 10% , then I know I will become ias. I said what do you plan? He said there is a teacher in Chandigarh. I am planning to go there for the session. But it will be great if you can call him as many people have this problem. So we got the teacher.

What should I say to him? He had already done 2 mains , and had practiced enough. Writing vlis a technical thing. The person who badly wants IAS wants it. If slow writing is someone's problem, it is a big problem for him and maybe his only big problem.

Just like if csat is your problem, but not mine, it is a big thing for you, but not for me. I may think you are a fool to spend money and time in doing a course, but in the end you have to do something about it. Or simply waste 6 attempts!

That student arranged the teacher. His fees was 5000/student. Forum is a pvt Ltd company with GST liability .If we collect fee it becomes 5900 which we have to pay to govt.

Also, there was another candidate who had this problem and had gone to Chandigarh and made improvements. I had a personal testimonial, so the decision was easier.

I would be fooling a student of I said - practice more and write 4 more mains to a student who has already written two mgps and 2 mains, but can't complete paper. can't say practice more as he has already done that.

That person called the teacher, we arranged a session, he improved his writing speed ( and aesthetics ) to some extent , got IPS and then got IAS in next attempt - Himachal cadre. That person is no other than choti singh.

You have to understand that writing speed and aesthetics is not just a matter of practice, but is a technical thing - how you hold your pen and how you do the strokes. If it's not your problem, it doesn't matter to you, for someone for whom this is a problem, he has to solve it or go home.

We dont do writing classes, but every 2-3 years, enough number of people accumulate who have bad writing speed, and come down in groups. Once 15-20 students are there, we arrange for the class!!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

superman159,Oshoand7 otherslike this

And regarding the fee it is a teacher's prerogative to fix his fee structure. Where was this course sold on YouTube or on a generic platform with lots of village students ? It was for people with 1-2 mains who knew they had this problem and they had to solve it or exhaust attempts and save 6000!

As to wheather it works or not is difficult to measure immediately ! Also it may work for some and may not work for others!

I go by what I believe in. And there are people who have high stakes with good career which they have left for upsc. You want to tell him that exhaust attempts, but don't spend on a course ?? 

Sorry to say, but this you can say in youtube, but I don't get brownie points for looking like messiah with free stuff. Forum has earned its position by delivering results, not by attracting students in name of free education.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

superman159,Oshoand4 otherslike this


Today Forum's biggest challenge is not the kid who has done 2 years proper offline foundation, ( he is trainable ) but the kid who is doing "मन में तैयारी" through youtube and lightweight edtech and has learning disorders, attention deficit, and can't sit for 3 hours. And he has spect 3-4 years ( which could be used in building a foundation ) on watching YouTube !!

Perfectly said sir. I have been with forumias and was able to clear prelims with SFG and mains with awfg and mgp.

Uma harathi ( ias rank 3 ) told me about awfg and it did worked for me. Last year only due to SFG I was able to clear prelims but could not clear mains. Still I kept doing awfg after failure and my content got improved. I met you last year in December before leaving Delhi and this time I came for interview CA classes in Delhi, but had to leave because I could not get a slot with you, and my date has also not come yet. Seek your blessings sir. I have pinged you in telegram, but have not been able to get a response.

There is no substitute tohard work


@Neyawn sir,@TwoFace is talking about this video which satyam Jain has made. He is blaming coaching institutes, but he himself is the biggest fraud by claiming 750 interview calls from  his SFG group. He has completely copied all the things from forum and is showing himself to be a saviour to innocent students who instead of studying are misguided by him. They don't know that name of sfg is itself copied from forum when he was studying there.

At least he should hv the decency to say that u do ur course properly wherever he has joined and then cm for guidance to me.. but he is targetting innocent people who are watching him on youtube and instigating dem to not study and "seek guidance" from him. At first I was also fooled by him, but after his latest vdo I am 100% convinced that he is out there to fool.stdnts. govt should take action against such persons who claim result on youtube 

There is no substitute tohard work


@Neyawn sir,@TwoFace is talking about this video which satyam Jain has made. He is blaming coaching institutes, but he himself is the biggest fraud by claiming 750 interview calls from  his SFG group. He has completely copied all the things from forum and is showing himself to be a saviour to innocent students who instead of studying are misguided by him. They don't know that name of sfg is itself copied from forum when he was studying there.

At least he should hv the decency to say that u do ur course properly wherever he has joined and then cm for guidance to me.. but he is targetting innocent people who are watching him on youtube and instigating dem to not study and "seek guidance" from him. At first I was also fooled by him, but after his latest vdo I am 100% convinced that he is out there to fool.stdnts. govt should take action against such persons who claim result on youtube 

Not interested in who is making what video. Past 2 months hv been so hectic, hv not watched even a reel, leave alone a video.

Every 15 minutes wasted means 1 student denied one on one session. Let's use time more wisely.

Besides, our strategy has been to allow and to some extent let anti forum content thrive. This helps in segregation of students, and we get good quality of students. Not weak resolved students who will drop at the first sight of trouble.

Pls speak to nivedita ( number shared in interview group ) , for online / offline slots.

May not be able to answer questions on this thread anymore.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

MagnetWalker,Varun_Dwivediand3 otherslike this

bt sir, pls tell me why toppers promote coaching institutes when dey hv not coaching, or wen coachings say that xyz is our student.. bt it is actually fake ..for eg garima lohiya m'am said she didn't take coaching anywhere.. bt I saw forum ads saying garima lohiya ias rank 2 ws student of forumias... What is the real truth..


bt sir, pls tell me why toppers promote coaching institutes when dey hv not coaching, or wen coachings say that xyz is our student.. bt it is actually fake ..for eg garima lohiya m'am said she didn't take coaching anywhere.. bt I saw forum ads saying garima lohiya ias rank 2 ws student of forumias... What is the real truth..

plz verify before writing anything ,it's request . 

She was a part of MGP and dipin sir's class .

superman159,Haryanaand1 otherslike this

@TwoFace I am surprised by the fact that you expect a selected candidate to jump and shout about which coaching he has taken when the news of selection has just come and media has their mic thrust in the face of candidates. I am glad that Garima said she did not take any coaching publicly. Especially at the time of news of her immediate selection and too much media around.

You see when a person is selected, his success has several factors. The very fact that a person has been able to afford sitting and preparing for the exam is a great parental support who have not only provided financial support but also insulated the candidate from wider societal criticism.

When I was interviewing Garima, I asked her three times where she was coming from. She was an online student and a diligent one. I was surprised that she was preparing all throughout in online mode from Buxr. Last year, I think we had two very bright people who were preparing in all earnest from remote towns - Garima from Arrah / Buxar ( dont remember, and I confuse between those two places since childhood ) and Vaishnai from Gonda, UP . And they were fantastic candidates so much so that I had a great rest-of-the day feeling - feeling gaga over how programs of forums are reaching out to the right people.

Imagine if she said she was doing some modules of forumias academy from delhi, and every person listening to her in her neighbourhood  would join programs such as MGP or CA, it would neither work out for us , nor for the student. The mgp is a demanding program where there is a huge onus on the candidate to study. If some one has written 18 tests it means he has done 54 hours of test writing and if one were to study 5 hours for every 1 hour of test writing , that makes it 250+ hours , which means he or she will make progress. Its not that just by doing it you clear IAS. The effort that you put will make a lot of difference. The efforts that you put in understanding the feedback, discussing with mentors and making amends / changes - they all go a long way in making small changes that help you succeed over a period of time.

Remember that a selected candidate has a social responsibility. In a country that is vastly poor, he should not be promoting a private coaching in public.

Unlike  JEE or NEET topper, the UPSC topper has a much wider respect and more responsibility.

And it is not that topper tell lies. Most students make open disclosures in their blogs and their telegram channels etc. Also, they do send dozens of college juniors to classes they attended, or any academic help they took.

We get few hundred students every year from reference of old students, and we are happy about it. I even get phone calls from students of 2016 , 2014 and its a good feeling that they remember us!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Animesh_Maths,MagnetWalkerand3 otherslike this
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Perfectly said sir. I have been with forumias and was able to clear prelims with SFG and mains with awfg and mgp.

Uma harathi ( ias rank 3 ) told me about awfg and it did worked for me. Last year only due to SFG I was able to clear prelims but could not clear mains. Still I kept doing awfg after failure and my content got improved. I met you last year in December before leaving Delhi and this time I came for interview CA classes in Delhi, but had to leave because I could not get a slot with you, and my date has also not come yet. Seek your blessings sir. I have pinged you in telegram, but have not been able to get a response.


If you have an Interview call, focus on it. These are distractions.

Few years ago, somebody wrote a lot of bad things about me. Some of my students were not happy - some of them were also forum members.

I could sense that they were a lot disturbed about it, and as for Minal, who was a little fragile in those days ( later got rank 35 and IAS later ) , I felt she would lose focus and flunk in the exam.

Other was Targareyen on the forum. ( The GoT was quite popular back then, hence the name ). I thought if they get caught in some BS they would lose an attempt. Time is crucial, and a wise strategic use of your time before the interview is very important.

Going through your post , I felt like sharing this. You can see how after 1 year of their original comment, they kept themselves away from all such things and were able to get IAS and IPS respectively.

And this 

You can see them below

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

Animesh_Maths,gryffindor0507and2 otherslike this

JUST WATCHED the video, one thing I can for sure say (with my limited knowledge) is that the narrator is having some kind of personal grudge for Ayush sir (hope i may wrong).

Talking about his 750+ selections, I don't find it fake it's rather misleading. Look if you are handling a you tube channel or any social media interaction platform for Public Service Commission or any self help channel it's very much possible in a way or another many people must have encountered your content in them many must be the so called serious ones as well. Your consumer base may even increase when you are dealing with controversial topics. Logically it can be claimed like many institutes do, that look many came accross my content and now they are benefitted. It will be much better if the selected ones are member of any peer group created by the channel.

Way Forward :😅
Its fine time for the top shots to evalute their working procedures. Increase their work efficiency put much hard work to deliver better results rather than only spending in advertisements.
I hope Forum is not much in advertising and must be very much in 'Building Officers' with their comprehensively revised n reviewed content. 

If I was targeted in the video the way founder of forum was targeted. I must have followed my father's path i.e. first liking the video and subscribing the channel for the motivation "Ki itna bda empire bana ke ab isse to nhi hi haarunga". Kaise nhi haarunga just by making notes of the things that he's criticising about and improving it to the helllll.You keep improving that is the only way forward.
"Its not destination it's the journey itself." You keep improving that is the only way forward.

Note: Kaafi time se answer writing nhi kri thi to socha isi pe kr du, kitne number doge sir 4 ya 5. :joy::pray:

Neyawn,superman159and3 otherslike this

@ray Quite mature thoughts! How *old* are you? 😃

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

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