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What tool do you use to make / collect digital notes ?

So this is going to be a tough contest. One note VS Evernote !

jack_Sparrow,DMand5 otherslike this


one problem with microsoft products is you never know when they will pull the plug out, or change their software completely. I relied on edge browser for reading epub books and it was very efficient with highlighting, search, notes, book marks and all. But they killed its epub feature last year or so and now all my notes and highlights are gone.  similarly they killed their Groove music and now advertise spotify on their music player. they also tried to rival twitch with mixer and now they have abandoned that as well. Not to forget their biggest betrayal - the windows phone. the list so so long. Microsoft works like a psu , it has so much money it takes up random projects that it never manages to finish. 

root,Auroraand5 otherslike this
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Elaborate on your usage like would you be using iPad just for study purpose or for other things as well  like gaming, drawing or any other form of content creation?

Study/Games. Donno, might create content in future.



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Study/Games. Donno, might create content in future.

Creating content ranges from using Adobe Premiere Pro to just Notepad. 

Minimum specifications required for both is quite different. 

Is investment in tablet good considering upsc prep?If yes then latest iPad model or previous iPad models or Samsung Galaxy tab s7+ plus should be the right choice?
I think "notion" is the best note-taking app... its free and unlimited storage is also there...
Is investment in tablet good considering upsc prep?If yes then latest iPad model or previous iPad models or Samsung Galaxy tab s7+ plus should be the right choice?

iPads are quite expensive (especially the latest models) for simply upsc prep alone. I use an iPad Pro as my only device beside a phone and I’m really happy with it. I would not advice you to buy the keyboard if you do choose to go with the iPad, however the Apple Pencil is a really good stylus, very responsive which is especially useful if you are into digital drawing.

@DeekshitaP adding to this, if it’s going to be your only device along with your phone, you can justify the price. 
Out of Samsung and Apple, I’d say go for the iPad. In my view Apple has perfected how a tablet should function. 
If you need a keyboard then you could go for a generic aftermarket Bluetooth one. 
I use the older model and I don’t face any glaring issues. However, in technology 4 years is a long time, so I’d advise that buying the newer model would be worth it. Also, the 128 GB model would be more than enough as it’s better to have a cloud subscription for backups. 

If you can afford it, then go for it.

@DeekshitaP adding to this, if it’s going to be your only device along with your phone, you can justify the price. 
Out of Samsung and Apple, I’d say go for the iPad. In my view Apple has perfected how a tablet should function. 
If you need a keyboard then you could go for a generic aftermarket Bluetooth one. 
I use the older model and I don’t face any glaring issues. However, in technology 4 years is a long time, so I’d advise that buying the newer model would be worth it. Also, the 128 GB model would be more than enough as it’s better to have a cloud subscription for backups. 

If you can afford it, then go for it.

True, I wanted the newest model but I found it ridiculously expensive so I had to settle for the older version. I bought the keyboard as well, but it conked out conveniently after the warranty expired so I’ve been using a Bluetooth keyboard which works just as fine. But the apple stylus is hands down one of the best non-drawing styluses that I’ve used. It’s heavy though which makes it not the greatest for prolonged usage. Is the additional iCloud worth it?

@DeekshitaP oh yeah totally worth it just for the peace of mind alone. I now don’t have to worry about losing any of my notes or any data. For notes you can workaround with using Google Drive as backup but it’s a bit wonky since it tends to not work always. 
I learned the value of backing up the hard way when I lost all my notes because I couldn’t remember my passcode (in a stupid panic attack) and had to reset the device, losing all data.
So now the only thing is people to get is some sort of cloud backup. 

I agree the pencil is heavy and it’s even changed my on paper handwriting since I tend to do all my rough work on the iPad itself. The newer one is much better: lighter and with a far superior grip.

@DeekshitaP oh yeah totally worth it just for the peace of mind alone. I now don’t have to worry about losing any of my notes or any data. For notes you can workaround with using Google Drive as backup but it’s a bit wonky since it tends to not work always. 
I learned the value of backing up the hard way when I lost all my notes because I couldn’t remember my passcode (in a stupid panic attack) and had to reset the device, losing all data.
So now the only thing is people to get is some sort of cloud backup. 

I agree the pencil is heavy and it’s even changed my on paper handwriting since I tend to do all my rough work on the iPad itself. The newer one is much better: lighter and with a far superior grip.

Also more expensive hehe

@DeekshitaP oh yeah totally worth it just for the peace of mind alone. I now don’t have to worry about losing any of my notes or any data. For notes you can workaround with using Google Drive as backup but it’s a bit wonky since it tends to not work always. 
I learned the value of backing up the hard way when I lost all my notes because I couldn’t remember my passcode (in a stupid panic attack) and had to reset the device, losing all data.
So now the only thing is people to get is some sort of cloud backup. 

I agree the pencil is heavy and it’s even changed my on paper handwriting since I tend to do all my rough work on the iPad itself. The newer one is much better: lighter and with a far superior grip.

I tend to mail myself most of my stuff after having learnt the hard way as well 

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True, I wanted the newest model but I found it ridiculously expensive so I had to settle for the older version. I bought the keyboard as well, but it conked out conveniently after the warranty expired so I’ve been using a Bluetooth keyboard which works just as fine. But the apple stylus is hands down one of the best non-drawing styluses that I’ve used. It’s heavy though which makes it not the greatest for prolonged usage. Is the additional iCloud worth it?

And  u say u are,not tech savvy/,luddite :p



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Study/Games. Donno, might create content in future.

Creating content ranges from using Adobe Premiere Pro to just Notepad. 

Minimum specifications required for both is quite different. 

Hmm. Postponing the idea of buying, for now. Thanks :)



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True, I wanted the newest model but I found it ridiculously expensive so I had to settle for the older version. I bought the keyboard as well, but it conked out conveniently after the warranty expired so I’ve been using a Bluetooth keyboard which works just as fine. But the apple stylus is hands down one of the best non-drawing styluses that I’ve used. It’s heavy though which makes it not the greatest for prolonged usage. Is the additional iCloud worth it?

And  u say u are,not tech savvy/,luddite :p

I really am not. iOS is made for people like me for whom the only windows they know to operate are attached to window frames and hinges 😂

@DeekshitaP oh yeah totally worth it just for the peace of mind alone. I now don’t have to worry about losing any of my notes or any data. For notes you can workaround with using Google Drive as backup but it’s a bit wonky since it tends to not work always. 
I learned the value of backing up the hard way when I lost all my notes because I couldn’t remember my passcode (in a stupid panic attack) and had to reset the device, losing all data.
So now the only thing is people to get is some sort of cloud backup. 

I agree the pencil is heavy and it’s even changed my on paper handwriting since I tend to do all my rough work on the iPad itself. The newer one is much better: lighter and with a far superior grip.

I tend to mail myself most of my stuff after having learnt the hard way as well 

And there you go. You gave such a nice idea. I have been printing all my stuff to not loose it but this is awesome one. :)

@DeekshitaP oh yeah totally worth it just for the peace of mind alone. I now don’t have to worry about losing any of my notes or any data. For notes you can workaround with using Google Drive as backup but it’s a bit wonky since it tends to not work always. 
I learned the value of backing up the hard way when I lost all my notes because I couldn’t remember my passcode (in a stupid panic attack) and had to reset the device, losing all data.
So now the only thing is people to get is some sort of cloud backup. 

I agree the pencil is heavy and it’s even changed my on paper handwriting since I tend to do all my rough work on the iPad itself. The newer one is much better: lighter and with a far superior grip.

I tend to mail myself most of my stuff after having learnt the hard way as well 

And there you go. You gave such a nice idea. I have been printing all my stuff to not loose it but this is awesome one. :)

It’s actually my mum’s idea, so I will thank her on your behalf. 😄


I use Evernote for backup.

usually i write on A4 then scan to upload otherwise use the Google Docs and type on it via earphone mic then copy paste and formatting on evernote

@Civilian I think u can go for ipad 7th gen with investing around 35K. 

@DHARNA Can you pls share the font used in the text, I'm yet to find a font which would be easy on my eyes while reading. 

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