CSAT, IAS 2015. UPSC 2015


Question 1

In which of the following three sets, can the third statement be logically concluded from the first two statements?

1. All watermelons are red. All reds are healthy. All watermelons are healthy.
2. All men have a business. Mohan has a business. Mohan is a man.
3. All flowers are fragrant. All roses are fragrant. All roses are flowers.

(A) Only 1

(B) Only 1 and 2

(C) Only 1 and 3

(D) 1, 2 and 3

Question 2

A man buys a bus for Rs.500000. If the annual maintenance cost of the bus is 4% and the annual tax is Rs.5000, for how much rent per month (in rupees) should the man rent the bus to get an annual return of 20% on the bus?

(A) 52500

(B) 25000

(C) 12500

(D) 8750

Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow:

A is the brother of B. C is the son of B. D, the daughter of A is married to E. F and B are sisters.

Question 3

How is D related to F?

(A) Niece

(B) Daughter

(C) Daughter-in-Law

(D) Cousin

Question 4

How is C related to D?

(A) Maternal uncle

(B) Paternal uncle

(C) Cousin

(D) Brother-in-Law

Question 5

How is E related to A?

(A) Son

(B) Nephew

(C) Father-in-Law

(D) Son-in-Law


1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C)

1. The following figure makes it very clear:


2-5. Put Dinesh at number 6.
The only number that is both a perfect square and perfect cube between 1-10 is 1. So, Sheela is there.
Now, Sheela is a female who is not a kid. So, she is a mother. Since she is at 1, her child will be in seat 2. And, her husband will be in seat 3.
Come back to Dinesh. His mother will definitely be next to him. But it is also given that Neetu’s mother is next to Dinesh. Since Dinesh is at 6, his mother and Neetu’s mother will occupy seats 5 and 7 (not necessarily in that order). But if Neetu’s mother is at 5, then Neetu’s family will have to occupy seats 3, 4 aand 5. Since 3 is already occupied by Sheela’s family, Neetu’s mother is not at 5. So, Neetu’s mother is at 7 and Dinesh’s mother is at 5. This also means that Dinesh’s family is at 4,5 and 6; and Neetu’s family is at 7, 8 and 9.
It can now be concluded that Neetu is at 8 (next to his mother) and Litesh (the one single guy) is at 10. Since it’s given that Litesh is next to Pawan, Pawan is at 9.
We have found the places of two of the kids: Dinesh and Neetu. Thus, the third kid – Dolly – must be Sheela’s family. This means she is at 2 and her father Dharam is at 3.
The only male left unaacounted for is Anil. He is in the only seat left unaccounted i.e. seat 4.
The final arrangement is :
Seat 1: Sheela
Seat 2: Dolly
Seat 3: Dharam
Seat 4: Anil
Seat 5: Parul/Sheema (Dinesh’s mother)
Seat 6: Dinesh
Seat 7: Sheema/Parul (Neetu’s mother)
Seat 8: Neetu
Seat 9: Pawan
Seat 10: Litesh

2. Parul is two places away from “the person seating next to Neetu”. Since “the person seating next to Neetu” is at 7, Parul is two places away at 5. So, she is Dinesh’s mother.

3. Dharam’s wife is Sheela. She is sitting at one end. There are people only on one side of her. The person sitting two seats away from Sheela is Dharam. And on one side of Dharam, there are only two more seats. So clearly, we are talking here about the person on the other side of Dharam. This person sitting five seats away from him is Neetu.


8 responses to “CSAT DAILY MISSION #75”

  1. Naveen Shekhar Avatar
    Naveen Shekhar

    The answer to Que 5 in last day’s series(Mission76)will be D,not C as given by you.

  2. Praful Avatar


  3. Naveen Shekhar Avatar
    Naveen Shekhar


  4. A,A,A,C,D

  5. A


  6. Vineet Avatar


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