How to create an account with ForumIAS?

You have been observing for sometime now. Or maybe you have just arrived. Something tells you, you want to join the discussion, participate, share, or just say Thanks.

Your guess is – I will need to sign up for this. But I don’t see where to create an account. This post will show you how to begin.

What you need:
  1. An Internet enabled device – Computer or Mobile Device.
  2. An account with Facebook or Google.
1. You do not create an account with You just Sign In.

That is true. If you have not created an account with ForumIAS, the good news is  – you don’t have to. You can just “sign in”.


2. Click on Sign IN on the Menu Bar
3. You see three options there.

You will need a Facebook or a Google Account to start participating in

a) Sign In using Facebook Account

b) Sign in using Google account

c) Sign in using Open ID

3. Choose Google or Facebook.

If you have a Google account or an FB account, click on the respective button. It will take you to Google / Facebook login page.You may be asked to login to your Google/FB account.  FB/ Google will display a message – This website wants your Name/ Email address. Click on OK

4. Click on Ok

Once you click on OK, Google/FB will pass the data to ForumIAS saying that the given user is a genuine account holder with us and will return us a valid email address. (This ensures that robots don’t sign up with us in thousands, and only real persons sign up)

5. You are half way through.

You will now come back to ForumIAS’s website and will be asked to choose a username for yourself. Choose something nice. You will be prompted to set a password. This username and password can also be used to directly login to ForumIAS, without having to sign in using Google/FB

6. In case you do not get to choose your username and password, worry not. You should be now signed into Your page will display your Username.