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No, you don’t need to take any classes for it, but how do you do :-
1) If you are covering syllabus on time?
2) If what you are studying is the right thing?
3) If you are writing answers as per UPSC
So do join a test series. It will help you figure out all the three.
Hope this helps.
I have taken pub ad as optional,but doing study by myself only..not taking pub ad class anywhere???does it need to take coaching class ??as many have suggested to take.although I m confident to do by myself..but sometime get confused .pls guide me in this and suggest me…what should I do???.
congrats and thanks for sharing mam
Thank you very much.all the best for future.
I am having one question. How to improve the writing skills…..
Congrats and thanks for sharing the valuable knowledge….
One Question i am having how to improve the writing skill…….
Congrats and thanks for sharing the knowledge…….
Awesum bro… it will help me. Thnkxx n thnxx a lot
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