Saturday CSAT Quiz #13



Directions: Read the passage and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passage only.

When India became independent in 1947 after two centuries of colonial rule, it immediately adopted a firmly democratic political system, with multiple parties, freedom of speech, and extensive political rights. The famines of the British era disappeared, and steady economic growth replaced the economic stagnation of the Raj. The growth of the Indian economy has quickened further over the last three decades and become the second fastest amongst large economies. Despite a recent dip, it is still one of the highest in the world.

Although this growth has been rapid, making it sustainable remains an important, although achievable, goal for India. India’s leading economists argue that the country’s main problems lie in the lack of attention paid to the essential needs of the people, especially of the poor, and often of women. There have been major failures of measures both to foster participatory growth and to make good use of the public resources generated by economic growth to enhance people’s living conditions. There is also a continued inadequacy of social services such as schooling and medical care as well as of physical services such as safe water, electricity, drainage, transportation and sanitation. In the long run, even the feasibility of high economic growth is threatened by the underdevelopment of social and physical infrastructure and the neglect of human capabilities; in contrast with the Asian approach of simultaneous pursuit of economic growth and human development, as pioneered by Japan, South Korea, and China.

In a democratic system, which India has great reason to value, addressing these failures requires not only significant policy rethinking by the government, but also a clearer public understanding of the abysmal extent of social and economic deprivations in the country. The deep inequalities in Indian society tend to constrict public discussion, confining it largely to the lives and concerns of the relatively affluent.

Q.1 After 200 years of British rule, Independent India adopted resolutely itself:

1. To adapt to an egalitarian political system.

2. The single party system

3. Freedom of speech

4. Far­reaching political privileges

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

a) 1,2, 3 and 4

b) 2 and 4 only

c) 1, 2 and 3 only

d) 1, 3 and 4 only


Q.2 Which of the following indicates the end of the colonial era of British in India?

1. The disappearance of the continual famines that were striking India.

2. India began to witness growth in her economy.

3. Rank at number two in the list of fastest growing economies in the world.

 Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 1 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d) All the above


Q.3 Which of the following is/are suggested by the economists to address the problems existing in India?

1. Disregarding of the essential needs of the people.

2. Let­down to boost progress and to make good use of the civic assets.

3. Having sound knowledge concerning the deprivations of humans in India

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

a) 2 and 3 only

b) 3 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 1 and 2 only


Q.4 Vidya is selling apples at 25% cheaper than Shashi and 25% dearer than Vinutha. By how much percentage, Vinutha’s apples are cheaper than Shashi’s?

a) 30%

b) 50%

c) 40%

d) 60%


Q.5 Two friends Kavya and Lakshmi are talking to each other face to face. It is the time of the day before sunset. If Lakshmi’s shadow is exactly to her right, which direction is Kavya facing?

a) East

b) South

c) North

d) West


Q.6 The first and 7th letters of the word INTERCHANGED are interchanged, similarly the 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th and so on. What is the 6th letter of the word after interchanging?

a) C

b) E

c) D

d) G


Q.7 A student multiplies a number by 8 instead of dividing it by 8. The answer he got was 192. What should be the answer if he had done the calculation correctly?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 1


23 responses to “Saturday CSAT Quiz #13”

  1. Vijay Karthik Avatar
    Vijay Karthik

    Yes. Confirmed as i got verified with the fellow students.

  2. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    Are you sure? Because for your doubt I searched a lot and I haven’t found it changed for CPI… Please let me know if any source

  3. Vijay Karthik Avatar
    Vijay Karthik

    Thanks but for kind note base yr. for CPI has been change to 2011-12 like GDP base yr. Others remain the same..i.e for Both IIP and WPI (2004-05 )

  4. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    For IIP it’s 2004-2005
    CPI and WPI also same

    2011-2012 is for GDP calculation and others will be changed by this year end

    All website says it should have been released by March 206 but I couldn’t find any news regarding its change.. So I assume it’s 2004-2005 for cpi, WPI and IIP

    @forumias team please could you confirm this.

  5. Vijay Karthik Avatar
    Vijay Karthik

    please reply me. i asked u a doubt.

  6. Vijay Karthik Avatar
    Vijay Karthik

    Hey Rudrani, please tell me whether WPI changed its base yr from 2004-05 or not as it causes confusion. moreover please tell other base yr for CPI and IIP too. govt. website shows wpi and iip new base yr. is 2011-12. but when i refer in google it shows the base yr for WPI is 2004-05. please confirm and clarify me.

  7. Ashish Ranjan Avatar
    Ashish Ranjan


  8. Last Bench Avatar
    Last Bench

    Its okk… but i have something to add..
    Shashi = 100,

    Vinutha = 75

    Vidhhya = 75/125*100 = 60 ( i.e If 125% of Vinu is 75 then what would be ITS 100% which is value of Vid)

    Diff betw Sha and Vid = 100 – 60 = 40.

  9. Gautam Himanshu Avatar
    Gautam Himanshu

    1. D
    2. D
    3. D
    4. B
    5. C
    6. D
    7. B

  10. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    Oh yes.. I was solving something else and chose incorrect answer.. It should be D…

  11. 1d 2d 3b 4c 5b 6c 7b

  12. Vijay Karthik Avatar
    Vijay Karthik

    For 1st question the answer should be D. how come u chose that option ? If u eliminate the single party system then u can come up with the answer.

  13. Sonny Ethan Avatar
    Sonny Ethan

    1. D
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. B
    6. C
    7. B

  14. 1-d, 2-d, 3-d, 4-c, 5-b,6-c, 7-b

  15. vivek_drm_IAS Avatar

    one more way can be:
    V= 0.75S, also V=1.25Vin
    so Vin=0.75S/1.25=>Vin=0.60S
    so Vin selling @ 40% less than S.

  16. vivek_drm_IAS Avatar


  17. Kunal Shinde Avatar
    Kunal Shinde

    1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b 7 b

  18. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    Suppose (given) Vidya = 75
    Shashi = 100
    Vinduta = ?

    25/100 = 75-x/x

    1/4 = 75-x/x




    . . 100-60 = 40%

    Hope my method is okay along with answer..

  19. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    Let me explain just give me a minute or two..

  20. Last Bench Avatar
    Last Bench

    Hey…confusion over 4th qa …how did u solved.

  21. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    You should keep your name as first bench or super fast express train etc 🙂

  22. Rudrani M Avatar
    Rudrani M

    1. B ( should be 2 and 3)
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. B
    6. C
    7. B

  23. Last Bench Avatar
    Last Bench

    1-, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6c,7b.

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