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DM,Rise from Ashesand35 otherslike this


A perfectly timed write up to boost up my sluggish state.

Thanks, @Neyawn sir. :)

AJ_,AB12and2 otherslike this
The point no #19 about Dark Knight got me goosebumped too much. :D

So here is this. I was specifically asked by Nikhil from my CGP Team to keep it short :) I couldn't rests adding some story though :)

P.S. Someone a few weeks back had tagged me asking me get my Hands on two books - and one of them was Atomic habits. 

I just want to thank him/ her.I just got that book gifted by someone, wanting to change my habits :P

If you are reading this, please comment, so that I am able to locate you somehow.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

ssver2,Itachiand5 otherslike this


The point no #19 about Dark Knight got me goosebumped too much. :D

I didn't have this in mind when I said I wanted to inspire people B-)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

ssver2,sanemonkand3 otherslike this
@Neyawn Endure master@Neyawn . Take It. They will hate you for it, but thats the point of@NeyawnMake the choice no one can else. ;)

BTW...your username is strikingly similar to there a connection?

Neyawn,ssver2and6 otherslike this

@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

@sjerngal I would highly recommend you to check out 'Calm' app. It has meditation sessions related to anxiety, stress, better sleep, more focus, emotional healing etc. Even a 10 minutes meditation session over the app, before going to sleep, has helped me a lot. Some sessions are free although you can easily get cracked version of the app on telegram. All the best and take care.


@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

I would suggest you to go for a walk or run in the morning. Instant sleep the moment you go to bed at night. 

MaeveWiley,sjerngaland1 otherslike this

@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

I would suggest you to go for a walk or run in the morning. Instant sleep the moment you go to bed at night. 

This. Get some exercise. And the moment you feel drowsy, just go to bed. Don't wait for even 15 minutes. 


@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

I won't suggest anything

even if it is same case on the Saturday night, don't let that affect your thinking on Sunday

I couldn't sleep for more than 3-4 hours before 2019 prelims, got 122 

Had a good sleep before 2020 prelims, couldn't clear :P

don't worry about these things much, if they change in coming days - good, otherwise give your best on sunday 

ssver2,JSMilland14 otherslike this

@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

Start counting your breath with your eyes closed, you will not even know when did you sleep. Basically do a boring thing that will make you sleep.

dalpha,sjerngaland2 otherslike this
Hey. Hope you're alright. :) 

Firstly, there's nothing to worry about. It's alright to be unnervy and unsettled before the exam. All of us do. 

Secondly, I think you might be lacking in some physical/menial labour. Take time to go for a walk or play an outdoor game. 

Thirdly, post waking up even for an hour, try doing your most important task. 

There's no fourth, stay calm and healthy. 😊

God speed 🌀

Hey. Hope you're alright. :) 

Firstly, there's nothing to worry about. It's alright to be unnervy and unsettled before the exam. All of us do. 

Secondly, I think you might be lacking in some physical/menial labour. Take time to go for a walk or play an outdoor game. 

Thirdly, post waking up even for an hour, try doing your most important task. 

There's no fourth, stay calm and healthy. 😊

God speed

Brain fog is alright my peers. Try being in the moment and it will be alright. 
@Neyawn Endure master@Neyawn . Take It. They will hate you for it, but thats the point of@NeyawnMake the choice no one can else. ;)

BTW...your username is strikingly similar to there a connection?

It's an anagram? but the extra 'n'?

@sjerngal Been there brother. All I can say is this...start reducing studying, revising, solving mocks etc by Thursday. Mind needs to be rested. My suggestion is not to read anything on Friday, Saturday. I know it is counter-intuitive, but see the level of paper UPSC is setting. For that, You need a fresh rested mind, not a rattofied mind.

sjerngal,Shailputriand1 otherslike this
Always a pleasure reading such articles just before exam @neyawn sir. Have always benefitted me.

@Neyawn sirji always loved reading and benefitted from such articles in all these attempts. Your last year post was very motivating (doesnot mean this year's is not) my lonely the darkness of the night...I used to wonder kab sawera saal hogya :) 


thanks neyawn for the magical words !

sometimes do reply to emails as well matters !

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