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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


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It's commendable that you are trying your best to do the right things. It can be really discouraging to hear your loved ones pull you down. Especially because you can't really ignore them. 

Do know that even if they're older, doesn't mean they are right. While we respect those who are elder, sometimes age does not equal wisdom. Emotionally it may be hard to ignore their words but rationally we can choose to not accept their truths. 

Also realise that you're strong. We've seen you post continously here on this thread and other threads. We've seen the hours you put in on the YPT app. You're doing great. You're on the right path. And now you only need to hold on for a few more weeks. From your words it seems as if this isn't the first time this is happening. It means you have survived this before. It means you can survive this now. 

Also there are times when things are out of our control. One thing that helps me in situations like this is to imagine that experience as a training moment. For instance, right now this experience can strengthen you so that in the future when you take the tough decisions as an officer, even if the whole world is against you, you will hold on. You're training yourself so that even when no one believes in you, even when there are countless barriers before you, you overcome everything and blaze forward in glory.

So go forth and do your thing. :)

I hope you wake up feeling better. Wish you all the best. 

Yes I am feeling better. Thank you. New Day, New Me!

And everyone

@Rashmirathi (those are powerful lines. Coincidentally I was reading it early morning before I saw it mentioned here :)),

 (best time was yesterday, next best time is today! But also take care of health),

@Rewl1 -Thanks for sharing the videos. Saved on my go to playlist. Clocked no of hours was before I got dragged into the conversation.

 Yeah. Another few months. Just another few months. :D

@sjerngal had very rightly pointed out about the middle class household never ending issues. Totally reminds me of Khichdi "Bade Log. Bade Log". I just feel fortunate to have this forum and so much support from each of you. Wish that we keep pulling up each other from the bad mood sink holes. 

Now I have decided to not get involved into any long winding conversation with anyone post dinner. Until exams.
@sstarrr Going your style!

TambourineMan,AJ_and11 otherslike this

Targets - 

CA till Jan or Dec

Polity MCQs

Economics OneNote

Bonus Quest - History(Ancient)


Another day and another hectic schedule 

Ah Shit, Here We Go Again | Know Your Meme

TambourineMan,Celebornand4 otherslike this
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It's commendable that you are trying your best to do the right things. It can be really discouraging to hear your loved ones pull you down. Especially because you can't really ignore them. 

Do know that even if they're older, doesn't mean they are right. While we respect those who are elder, sometimes age does not equal wisdom. Emotionally it may be hard to ignore their words but rationally we can choose to not accept their truths. 

Also realise that you're strong. We've seen you post continously here on this thread and other threads. We've seen the hours you put in on the YPT app. You're doing great. You're on the right path. And now you only need to hold on for a few more weeks. From your words it seems as if this isn't the first time this is happening. It means you have survived this before. It means you can survive this now. 

Also there are times when things are out of our control. One thing that helps me in situations like this is to imagine that experience as a training moment. For instance, right now this experience can strengthen you so that in the future when you take the tough decisions as an officer, even if the whole world is against you, you will hold on. You're training yourself so that even when no one believes in you, even when there are countless barriers before you, you overcome everything and blaze forward in glory.

So go forth and do your thing. :)

I hope you wake up feeling better. Wish you all the best. 

Yes I am feeling better. Thank you. New Day, New Me!

And everyone

@Rashmirathi (those are powerful lines. Coincidentally I was reading it early morning before I saw it mentioned here :)),

 (best time was yesterday, next best time is today! But also take care of health),

@Rewl1 -Thanks for sharing the videos. Saved on my go to playlist. Clocked no of hours was before I got dragged into the conversation.

 Yeah. Another few months. Just another few months. :D

@sjerngal had very rightly pointed out about the middle class household never ending issues. Totally reminds me of Khichdi "Bade Log. Bade Log". I just feel fortunate to have this forum and so much support from each of you. Wish that we keep pulling up each other from the bad mood sink holes. 

Now I have decided to not get involved into any long winding conversation with anyone post dinner. Until exams.
@sstarrr Going your style!

Happy it helped :) 

AJ_,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Hello everyone,

Neyawn's article on the last month before Prelims compelled me to check ForumIAS again. Reached this thread and just wanted to write this - I've seen many a lows in my Prelims journey, have lived almost every emotion related to Prelims. If anyone wants to talk, share their fears or even generally just empty their heart, I'm always here. You can DM me with your contact number, I'll call you back and I'll be there as a blotting paper - listening to you, not judging and just giving you the comfort that this too shall pass.

Take care,

Katyayani Bhatia

Rank 246 CSE 2017

chamomile,Omenand28 otherslike this

Targets for today :


Ethics (pvt, public relation, human values)

Economy (fiscal system , half of monetary policy)

Modern world history ( american revolution)

@Shailputri : takes courage to share these. I can relate to whatever you said. Hope you're alright now and ready to grind some hours today. 

@Rashmirathi : lines 👌 :ok_hand:

AJ_,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Anyone who scored 110+ in forum simulator please tag me or Inbox me..As i need help regarding the test to sort out the s

P.S: I would have tagged or messaged you but i dont know the scores.

AJ_,Celebornand5 otherslike this
Done for the day, overall ok day given my headache that seems to not go. I finally took some medicine which I’ve been avoiding for a long time and it gave me respite for a little while at least to get a few hours of quality study. 
August 2021 C/A
Daily C/A
Good night, let’s hope our bread is soft and fluffy tomorrow 
Villanelle,TambourineManand11 otherslike this

Villanelle,AJ_and10 otherslike this

Dedicated to the beautiful people of this thread.

I and@LetsGetThisBread were talking about something and then this was said by both of us. We wanted to share this with all of you because it was so so heartening and pleasing to the eyes and heart. 

In the time when internet appears to be more of a bane to us, we all were able to create such a wonderful gang, who is and would always be there to support each other and give each other the required push during tough and challenging times. 

To all the wonderful people, I hope we all succeed in whatever we aspire for. Love to each and everyone.

Villanelle,TambourineManand14 otherslike this
T63 15 Sept 2021 

Revision Notes - Done
Polity CA

Shubhratri everyone!

@LetsGetThisBread  You okay? Please take a day's rest if possible. Recover sleep or whatever is causing the headache. You can push through later once it subsides (we have seen you do that - 13 hrs!). We all have super and sub-optimal days. So, don't bother much about hours lost etc. Please take care. 
Villanelle,TambourineManand7 otherslike this

Done with targets for the day -great day

Signing off for the day 

TambourineMan,AJ_and4 otherslike this
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The bad day streak continues. Not as bad as it could be, but bad enough when prelims is so close. I finished June CA, almost finished July CA (90%) and didn't analyse the open mock. That'll happen tomorrow. Still, did give a mock test when I didn't want to do anything else and then went on to solve extra questions. 


  • Environment Revision (1/4)
  • Finish Open Mock Test Analysis 
  • Finish July CA 

Also, hoping that Forum conducts another open mock test so that I can redeem myself after the super rank today! 😂

Finished revision for the day and CA.  Spent a lot of time on revision because I didn't want to stray off the revision schedule. That led to today being another day of not being able to make time for test analysis. Will do tomorrow. 


  • Environment Revision (2/4) 
  • Finish Open Mock Test Analysis 

Done with both of the targets. Not happy with the pace of revision, but I'll take it. 


  • Environment Revision (3/4)
  • Finish Test Analysis 
  • Give a Mock (if time permits)
TambourineMan,AJ_and5 otherslike this
Good Morning friends
targets for 16th September 2021
Environment Legislations, bodies, conventions
National Parks
Mapping: Mountains
CA Revision
Mock test & Analysis
Villanelle,TambourineManand7 otherslike this

CA done till Jan

Constit/Pol position PYQ done

Economics Onenote revision done

Couldn't do the bonus quest but still a good day overall.

GN folks!

Villanelle,TambourineManand8 otherslike this

Sept 16, 2021-





Villanelle,TambourineManand7 otherslike this

Today's Minimum Program:

- NP Notes 13/14

UPDATE 1: Reduced Target ~ removed NP 15.

UPDATE 2: All Done.

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Yesterday wasn't a good day. I didn't study anything substantial.

In the past I've had this problem that one bad day is followed by another. Today I'll try to not give in to that loop. 

My aim is to study 7 hours. My targets are 100 pages of Economics + Newspaper + CA notes on Eco. I'll update in the evening whether I managed to accomplish everything or not. 

AJ_,Archandand5 otherslike this

Good morning to all the lovely people here

16/09/21-To be done today 


Fundamentals of Physical geography

CSAT video

Polity-Constitutional bodies

CA- S&T revision 

Thats all for the day

AJ_,Celebornand4 otherslike this
Yesterday was good, completed all the targets .

Targets for today: 

Newspaper (note making for last 15 days )
Ethics - human values and quotes (till mk Gandhi)
Economy- monetary policy (till wpi)
History- FR (1815) + Kant+ Rousseau+ Marx

Good day everyone 🤘👍
Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this

Targets - 

CA for 3/4 months

Ancient History - Will try to complete 1/2

Economic Survey at afternoon

Polity PYQs


Hamare Mann Mein Tumhare Liye Ijjat - Meme Template

AJ_,Celebornand7 otherslike this
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