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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Have been super unorganised and indisciplined. Gotta try this and see if peer pressure helps. 

Nov 22 2020 tentative 

1. A&C 2/3

2. IAS baba A&C questions practice 

3. 2 chapters from Optional with 

4. October current affair 30 pages 

5. IE editorials relevant to optional from last week and Evernote revision of polity 

I tend to get ambitious, but I still want to test my potential and focus on a Sunday in home env. Good luck to me. It’s 3 am already. 🤞🏻


Failed miserably with yesterday’s targets. Already running behind schedule with my test deadlines.

Time and weight waits for no one is something I have majorly realised this month. Wasted a lot of time, gained a few kilos. Life’s pretty much in the reverse gear at the moment. Gotta gear up. 

Slotted TT 23 Nov 2020. 

10-12: finish 30 pages Oct CA 

12-2: optional last day’s target + one chapter paper 2 

3-6: A&C 

6-7: workout

7-8: freshen up and dinner 

8-12: answer writing practice optional and A&C if time permits 

12-1: CA of the day 

I just realised this thread is for mains 2020. But I’m still posting here cuz it’s more active and people are on a tighter schedule so I might feel more motivated. 
25 Nov 2020
8-12: Laxmikant ch 13-18 
12-2: digital notes revise polity 
3-6: psir federalism 
6-8: workout+refresh+dinner 
9-12: answer writing GS 2
12~1 ish: CA

@HotBloodPrince so sorry for your loss. May you and your family find strength and peace through these difficult times. Om Shanti!

Hang in there my friends. You ain’t alone. A lot of us are stuck in the same storm. Each ship as turbulent as other. Each sailor as panicky as the other. If there is life, there has to be drama. These are the climax shots of your journey. The most nail biting, on the edge of the seat moments. And hey, there is going to be one of the two things from here on... either you will conquer the storm or your ship will wreck and you will be finding yourself in a beautiful island. An island of new found confidence, self belief, courage and new vigour. There is no sinking here, remember that. None of us are built to sink. Have that belief in your potential and that faith in your destiny. 

Lastly learn to  forgive yourself. Time is not working against you, it’s working with you. Grab it by the hand and let it help you. In the end we are all going to be heroes of our story. Don’t give up, happy endings are just around the corner. 

@confused_soul @Sadhika @Bread_pizza 

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