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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Starting this here now. I need a system of accountability. I have wasted almost the last three months slogging at work and now shit has officially hit the fan and I need to pull up my socks. I really really need your prayers everyone.

For 5th and 6th September

- Finish Modern History

- Finish CA Feb 2020 to July 2020

Squeeze in a thematic modern history test if possible

Seems extensive but must be covered. 



Can anybody give me an idea about how comprehensive Mrunal Eco Pillars are? I have studied eco from Sriram previously but I dont think those notes are enough somehow. (also my pace of revising from Sriram is painfully slow for some reason). 

Thanks in advance!


Goal for 9th September.

- Finish Economics

- Finish CA notes Feb to April 2020


Goal for 9th September.

- Finish Economics

- Finish CA notes Feb to April 2020

Finished only economics. It's so easy to distract oneself from a mountain of pending revision and reading. I need to try harder.

For 10th September,

- Finish Class XI NCERTs : Geography

-CA Feb to April 2020


Goal for 9th September.

- Finish Economics

- Finish CA notes Feb to April 2020

Finished only economics. It's so easy to distract oneself from a mountain of pending revision and reading. I need to try harder.

For 10th September,

- Finish Class XI NCERTs : Geography

-CA Feb to April 2020

Finished the target for today. Didn't really expect to. Hope I don't slack off tomorrow because of this.

Target for 11th September

- Polity (1/2)

- Finish CA notes May 2020

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