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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Morning - 9 to 1 - Optionals time. 

Afternoon - I usually watch video related to my optional - Tales from the jungle. Planning on starting with Main bhi Bharat after this series ends. Usually extends for 45 mins. 

Evening - 5 to 9 - Ethics. 

Night - an hour or 2 - for current affairs- editorials  and factly. 

Ending the day by reading the book Ikigai these days. Its a really nice book about japanese culture. 

Sunday is a bit lighter day for me. Doing answer writing for ethics and CA backlogs :) 

This time range am sharing isnt water tight for me. I have small breaks in between these said hours. I have made plans for what all topics in both subjects need to be covered till 15th July. So working- not as such on how many hours basis, but based on topic completion :) 

What are you guys focusing more on right now ? Prelims or Mains ?

@Upsc_2020 Am also shifting to Prelims now 

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