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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)


Not a fixed routine but things I've learnt through trial and error.

As someone sensitive to caffeine, I eliminated it from weekdays for optimum sleep (need to be up and running every morning for SFG tests). I only have coffee on Saturdays and Sundays. The quality of coffee drinking experience has massively improved.

First thing I do every morning is write SFG test and solve it. Have breakfast and read IE. right after which I either start studying for the next day's test or take a nap depending on how I slept the previous night. Post lunch, do whatever remains.

Workout for 30 minutes listening to vivekananda audiobooks.

Aim to complete test syllabus before dinner. Revise another subject after dinner till I sleep, usually by 12. If any portion of test syllabus is left, wake up 1 hour earlier than usual and complete that before writing test.

Always go to sleep reading some book that changes my understanding of the world. (Currently reading Matthew Crawford's The World Beyo

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