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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Hello everyone

I hope preparation is going good. 

So I am writing here to keep a tab on my preparation for I struggle a lot with priorities and bad timings. 

Since it's just 40 days for preliminary examination. I have planned things like this: 

So 5+5:  August 2 loops

September is 30 days : 6 days each loop so in total 5 loops. In that also (2 +2 +1) loop systematically I have assigned certain things for each loop. 

So coming to August : Besides preparation the other side of life has family commitment and responsibilities. So  Gauri and Ganesh preparation and helping few with science assignment can also not be missed. 

Loop 1 has 5 days for me.

Geography and Economics. 

Ancient Medieval and art and culture coherence part 

Current affair part 

And I struggle a lot with anxiety overthinking. Will have diary for my observation and idea since I tend to be forgetful of how do I feel sometimes. And a sketch book so hope so 40 days 40 random doodles. 

So hope so i do things to my contentment in sync with examination requirements. 

August :Loop 1(5):  Day 1

-January 2020 December 2019 keywords and pointers 


-Clarity of basics in economics : planning, reforms, national income, inflation and financial market 

-ancient art and administration pointer stone age till Maurya

Would be reading these and after a break i.e me fulfilling other commitments I would be reassessing topic again. 

So my point is to be confident of topics i covered and logically  answer the twisted tales of question without overthinking. 

Ps: Hope so diligently I follow it :) 


Hello everyone 

I hope your preparation is going on well. 

Previous day :

  1. Geography climatology section covered
  2. Economics and Current affair too
  3. While reading History, I was distracted a bit. So did not do it at all. 
  4. First round of Assessment part was okay there were few mistakes. Reassessment was skipped it was already time to sleep. 

Day 2:

  • Backlog of Day 1 : which I have partially covered (done) 
  • February 2020 and November 2019  keywords and link
  • Revision ( done) 
  • Geography geomorphology and india part
  • Economics adding more few chapters to already added static (done) 
  • Assessment reassessment part 

So next three days also I intend to follow the same pattern. Shuffling between  geography and economics. Then the current affair part and a bit of history. 

About hours :

  • 6:2:4:6::Reading:Revision:family:sleep.
  • 3:2:1::Evaluation and reading :Me time: sleep

Since the Covid time everyone is at home. So I introduced my mumma to South Indian cinema and she binge watch it. And I curate few movies see through its wikipedia page to match her liking. And for my dad he thinks I am photographer he loves being clicked. Even though I am not good at clicking pictures but he make sure he makes those amateur photos as his I do level up my angle light and focus issues of camera. I think he does trust me on that. 

So dodging sarcasm banter saving my mental peace territory strategically I spend my day. It's  always a good break for me to see them happy. As me doing what I need to do and them being engaged in things they always wanted to try. So this works for me.


Hello Everyone

I hope everyone is doing well.   

Day 2: was okay but thankfully I did not have backlog baggage to push it to day 3.

Day 3: Day of lets pause. 

  •  4 months current affairs part already done : Read it again -connect the dots 
  • Geography and economics :as mentioned above. Absorb the concepts have the clarity. Don't be over excited to apply the learnt things in a wrong direction 
  • Only new addition is : map work,survey and budget notes 
  • History is no no because above mentioned things will take time

So I was talking to my Parents yesterday  saying that do you know Netherland model that kerela plans to follow. They have this childlike curiosity so I make them understand in layman terms and then viola they just tell me about the Indian jugaad . They are my favorite because they don't know I am helping myself by sharing and then them being my flashcard of pointers for revision. 

Sometimes I do want to tell them Do you guys know that I am serious about this examination,there is no point of hiding it also. But, to be honest I want them to unlearn the established notion of academics and the result orientation. Hopefully I make some difference for kids in the house to be more creative for their dreams


I am glad that you felt good. And Thanmaathra, duly added to movie bucket list of mumma.  Thank you :blush:


Hello everyone

I hope you guys are doing good. 

Today's target  just to shuffle between geography and economics. And read those 4 months Current affair pointer which I covered in last 3 days. 

A friend asked me to make a birthday video for his significant other. My social anxiety is at peak.  I did politely refuse but he could not understand . My Ukrainian is bad and my pronounciation I do have major problem.

I always tell myself that it's okay to be anxious about the way I speak just have good intention and  get work done. Then I will not have to be conscious about it. I think there are many people who  roll over there eyes when I go wrong but any ways I shall overcome this too.



Haha nahi yaar. I can not put up the act it's just I like to keep things normal and low. The thought that me being seen by other people  and then my own inhibitions scary. I know I get nervous but People need to normalise the fact that there are few who are highly sensitive introvert. And it is okay. 

Oral test mein i flunked when I was in school my situation was worst.My maths teacher was so adamant khadi wooden scale rakh ke puche say say it again say it in a loud voice. Who on earth would be comfortable. 

But i agree to what you say it works and it help.


History still seem a distant dream to me when I club it with art and culture for me my mind says enough is enough. 

And then I know I just don't want to disappoint myself so i should stop fretting. I will have dinner a bit early usually I have it by 7  and then a quick walk. But I am so much disappointed with test score in art and culture any ways. Food is all I need as a break right now. 

I still have 5 hours with me post dinner and quick walk will re read again  culture and sit for economics test won't sleep until I feel I improved. But i know i will be exhausted so I plan to give culture test as soon as I get up. 


Hello Everyone 

I hope everyone is doing well .

I feel like I am eating double decker cheese grilled  sandwich when I club geography and economic. Like you know you like it but it makes you feel a bit heavy that you don't want to eat any thing further.

So here is my plan for day 5 

Double decker sandwich cheese grilled  aka geography and economics I have to cover it static portion major part. 

New addition to already covered 4 months will be the ides of march

I go by primary colour rule : Red blue and yellow

  • Red is basic base strong kariye( two subject ying and yang kind of coupling I do) 
  • Blue is current of water updated raho for it forms interconnected wave ripple effect kind 
  • Yellow to me is gold there is  a saying na Sona jitni aag se tap kar nikalata hai; utna hi jyada chamakata hai yellow essential hai  in the end of the day. 

There are certain perks of living and behaving the way others expects; conforming to their certain idea how an individual should be . But, nothing beats the joy of exploring your own perception and opinion about the things you observe. 

Ps I know my analogies are funny :) 



Hi, need some suggestions for prelims 2020:

I haven't prepared CA well, done 5-6 Vision monthly and now have completed S&T, envy. and Polity 365. Do you think revising 365 will be better or I should do something else.

And in static parts should I revise basic books of polity, mod history, environment( I have read them 2-3 times but not in recent 2-3 months), like I understand basic story/ concepts but make mistakes at facts.

So should I revise notes of Laex rapid reckoner or some other short notes or go by test papers. 

Please suggest, I am losing confidence from 2-3 days that now if I can complete things or not?!!

Just saying. 

  1. Just revise what you have already read sense of familiarity will be there. That will help in revision because you will have grip .Why to start something new. Kindly avoid that. 
  2. Same goes for static revise the already read main book of reference for each subject that you have covered previously.Dont rely on other notes or test paper solutions. Original text book are like concrete base test paper solution are complementary.
  3. I know one feel that they should do this too and that too. Keep things minimal covering the essential. Current affair if you are doing it from 365 stick to that. And since you said that you go wrong fact na so the problem is revision  you might be in rush  I understand but remember the main game is to avoid going wrong in what you have already revise .
  4. And  kindly stop worrying  do not give space to thought that  will I be able to complete or not. It's not good. So just keep a reasonable target for a day and then cover it that would reduce your anxiety and to build the confidence give test daily. That will kill your doubt about yourself. If you do well it's accha if you are scoring less it's more accha for you still have got time to correct yourself right so start now. Don't think much just start. Assessment part gives a chance to prepare oneself in a better way  so never skip test. 
  5. Your cycle should be like read the already done things . Give the test. See where you are going wrong and revise it again and then give your mind a break by sleeping. Practice clean eating too . 

There is saying na aage paath piche sapaat never fall in that bracket. Just saying  based on where I had faltered once. I hope it hold some relevance to you. 


Day 5 learning

A client who I was dealing with had a change of mind in the last moment they cited some emergency as the reason . So I had to do major changes in the blueprint.

Blatantly this individual went on for social media polls saying which one to choose 1or 2. Just to confirm I texted this individual that was it just for an option to choose you wanted to me to urgently work on another draft and unapologetically answer from other side was yes.  

Major impact of that was I scored below my average score in the mocks. I shared this because be ruthless to save your time for the more you invest for yourself the more you get reward.  I was not legally binded to help them but out of good will and the reference they had I gave them my time.But I made a wrong choice. So a good lesson. 

So for Day 6 

Any ways I am still lagging behind. Pace is bit slow for I feel like sloth after dealing with such mean people. So  I will go on easy : revision till I have my lunch then will sit for few mocks. So far I can think of doing this only. I hope my score improves 

Hope everyone have a contentful day with respect to their target.  :) 


Hello Everyone 

Hope you are all doing good. So my today's focus 

  • Economics survey 
  • Geography : resource and location part 
  • Government scheme: I am big time defaulter in it always find an excuse . 
  • Csat wise I think I will have to start solving comprehension.just one  a day kind

I used to sleep like a dog. Slightest sound and I was wide awake now I am a sleepy head one find me crashing on couch kabhi bhi . In order to not feel guilty how irregular I am in my sleep cycle I call it power naps. 

Previous day 

Geography physiography of India partially covered so the economic survey part . 

Mock was okay dokey scheme based test mein I perform bad. 

Tempted by a new series but just turned blind to it and opened my performance sheet so it killed my every urge to watch that series. 


See don't go comprehensively. I do understand the urge to go into details know it all kind . But see the deadline you need to have slot for revision you need to have slot for working on area where you are lacking.

Your main motto should be extract from what you already have absorbed and gained while refering standard source. 

Regarding both of the question you must be solving test series revising current affair. While you do that name of parks and sanctuary  must be reoccurring get hold of that. Also the test series waale team also ask something more related to the standard content you already have something to read about things.  

Ps : jainism and Buddhism ke pointers beyond the standard thing that I should know I never read more because I know one rule I have to be Jack of all trades to clear this paper mastering  would just push me down in the no. Of question that I would have attempted had I not concentrated on one topic too much. 

Just a friendly advice because I am Pitara of mistakes. 


Hello from the other side 

I have been doing economics and geography only since day 1 I started posting here . And it is still not done like few things are here and there. So I am redoing topics again. So it's taking me time. Need to reassess and rethink for I have state thing too coming up. 

Background music score : Kya hua tera vaada. 

I am pretty filmy when it come to calm my nerves down. What I can think of is it's okay if others break their promise they made to me.But I won't break the promise I made to myself. 

So hope so kuch nahi se accha everybody does kuch toh for their respective target. :) 


Haha. Ha hum sab ko aana padega 


Hello everyone 

Spaced interval in order to retain the learning. I just rescheduled everything.What I have in my mind frame is 3 days loop. 


  1. I will give closure to economics and geography.(40) 
  2. History: ancient and Medieval tha art and culture ke respect mein.(40) 
  3. Environmental and science and tech: I feel I was okay but there are so many twist and turn this too will be given closure.(40) 

Thoroughly I will just revise to let them settle in my brain.  Kal ka special is dosa woh acche mood se I want to eat bus. So focus  revise and assessment. 

Hope so everyone is doing well take care :) 


Hello Everyone

Preliminary exam butterflies already fluttering in the garden of my brain and giving me jitters.  

  • Current affair 2 month 
  • Art and culture 65 pages notes quick revision
  • Medieval and ancient history  will be   10  topics revise mainly terms and where I tend to forget
  • Geography Oceanography and resource mapping

Previous day headache was at peak and still it is but what I did was just geography and economics revision and nothing else. 

Ps:Writing here feel like I am openly declaring my relationship status as committed. And for that relationship to work I am putting efforts sometimes it work sometime it doesn't.What everyone just see is the target I set but I only know this aag ka dariya hai doob ke jaana ha kind feeling. 


In my opinion confidence and right logic is the prerequisite thing for this paper to reach to almost correct option for one to choose. If you are solving those static thematic it's okay whatever you are reading it in coming first 15 days while solving them just have a strong hold of it and rest 15 days along with csat just practice revise . At least important points that you must know will not be missed by you isn't it. 

Coming to my today's target 🎯

  • Just Medieval history
  • Will play quiz quiz mostly static and current whenever I get time. 

Need to make arrangement for grocery because I panic more when Ma says accha mein chali jaati hun it's better I go such that next month no extra work. Therefore just Read practice revise and retain 🔃 mode I be totally in. 

@Curiosity  hey how are the pep lectures? There were many prelims oriented class launched this year right. There was a time when I used to subscribe a lot ( silly me) but now I have reduced it to just handful of things . 

Hello everyone 

September it's 3:00am I woke up because of a bad dream so thought of starting my day abhi se hi 

  1. Polity:red flag so just basic which I need to know and must know part 1 
  2. Environment:international intiative and national initiative
  3. Science and tech: health, space, defense
  4. 4 months current affair: self made notes


I slept like bear  and I woke up thinking September started busy in my own world I typed  submitted it too and then I realized oh the duck although my targets remain the same . But oh gaawd what did I do. 

Apologies to everyoneb my sleep cycle is doo doo pie. 

@HotBloodPrince  could you just bring your charm here to cover up my blunder 🥺


Hello everyone 

We all have our reasons to be in this journey so just keep on studying and don't be distracted. 

  • Ancient medieval art and culture are my nemesis currently. I  have made some notes will read that in interval like thats my Jam . And it will take me two days 🐼
  • And if I get overdosed with sangam bahamani and babur only environment will be my saviour. 
  • Started solving csat comprehension part for me paper 2 is kabhi kabhi aisi bhi feeling aayi thi ki paper 2 will hit me like angry bird ka shot so yes I don't want to take the risk. 

Ps just downloaded my admit card and centre is somewhere in a ghost town 


30 more days to go 🎯

It's  around 6 :30 am and I am awake so here I am to peek a boo others task of the day and posting my own too.  Waise Its so nice to see so many people here and I won't deny the fact that woh feeling  that this person is doing this and that and what am I doing it that 5 min pause of self reflection does come. I know I have a sloth+ turtle ka hybrid trait when it comes to speed but then I do have other good points which I am confident about( me just being hopeless romantic here ) 

So my assignments for the day is 

  • Environment and technology mostly current affair coverage.  
  • I have stopped till tripartite struggle in history will try to push myself otherwise will read the previously covered again. I do struggle a lot here so thinking of revisiting the ancient relic section
  •  I know it's unpopular opinion but I don't like polity as much as I am fond to know about other subjects but simple easy peasy basic requirement question I do solve jyada sochne waale I do skip 

Ps I feel like I am quite happy with this rush of doing things assigning myself some task uske baad unapologetically writing here how do I feel about it.  I hope I do well that's it. 

Have a good day amigas and amigo

@HotBloodPrince  haha give me a bit of your sense of humour I would then owe you another double decker cheese sandwich🥺. 


Hello everyone. 29 days to go 🎯

  • Full mock test -1
  • Economic thematic test - 2
  • Government scheme -1 test hi kaafi hai 
  • Geography thematic test -2
  • Current affair test-2 ( 4 months coverage) 

Everything done yesterday ka except the polity part. And my allergies are back. Pre covid times mein this situation lasted for 5 months. I used to cough and sneeze which sounded like a pressure cooker ki siti. 

I remember Undertaker ke entrance music ka bell it did give me chills while he used to make an entrance and now may be me coughing will make other people chill so I will have to do some breath training exercises from now on. 

Hope you guys have awesome sa day


Arey what I do is question sheet prepared hai meri to the topic I have learnt and in that what specific should I know about. Attaching the photo. 

So I see the screen and then I have a rough notebook set timer and start scribbling. Woh 91 jaise  battukam hai den telangana andhra too associated hai 9 days toh Durga maa related meaning too is related to maa and flowers ka stack that has medicinal herbal sort of. I assess myself like this. To I jot it down as quick as I can for my brain to process and connect the dots. If I see options test series mein it makes me over confident that bruuh yeh toh hai but already  sirf ek word se I known it's branches toh it helps me. 


🥺I keep cut off of saal 2016 as my target woh I have never reached and that safe zone waali feeling I never had in flt. And abhi ka scene it's just 114 as my highest mera graph goes up and down I still am not giving up. And vision test offline mode mein i solve. But my revision and assessment ka question sheet I prepare on my own and I am relying on this approach only. 


Ha it's kind of cubersome . Preparing those question sheet it is. But then I do it for mind to be actively link me to one point to another. Quickly give me references when I solve some new question.I started this in April post some bad experience. So all my frustration disappointment were channelised into this approach so it became my habit. It will not work for many. Because my friends abandoned me and shifted to other approach and I was the only one following this. I just want to see how it reflects on final day. 

Ps although I do follow that platform but may be I missed it 🥺


Hello everyone 

I hope your preparation is going on well. 

Idk what should I write here. I have intention of doing N no.of things.So, doing the reverse calculation I realised that at present I need to push myself to frame where I remain more calm and have strong foothold.  

  • So major focus post 1230 pm  will be Environment and its related current affair coverage for 6 months. (Done) 
  • Post 7 30 pm I will be concentrating on ancient India 
  • 1230am tak wind up above two will be reread again quick glance and sleep by 2:00am
  • I thought time lagega but finally complete it hour before my dinner (630 pm) abhi it's 530 toh will take power nap and dine phr ancient. 

Hope you guys have awesome day :) 

  1. Modern history post 1909
  2. Science and technology biotech part defense
  3. Polity state legislature tak will wind up 
  4. Csat practice
  5. Mock test and it's analysis 

Ps slept around 11 could not revise the analysis so will be revising ancient and environment abhi and then start with 1 to 5 

  • Mock and it's analysis  yesterday I just practiced 3 today I hope I do raise the number to 4
  • Mapping notes revision 
  • Budget notes revision
  • Economic survey notes revision
  • Modern history post 1931 
  • Ancient and medieval underlined terms revision 
  • Polity was skipped yesterday uske badle I did science and tech so will be doing the  yesterday's decided target
  • Geography geomorphology oceanology revision

Bit worried but I hope everything goes well

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