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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

26th July 

10:30 - 1:30 [3hr slot] --- may current revision 

2:00- 5:00 [3hr slot] ---- optional revision (paper2)

5:30 - 6:30 [1hr exercise] + [Meditation]

7:30 - 9:00 [1.5hr] --- ethics revision 

10:00- 11:00 -- [1hr] --- daily revision 

Total study target ---- 8.5hr (You can do It! )

Note:- Suffer The Pain of Discipline or Suffer the Pain of Regret !

26th july review 

1st slot -- full 3hr [completed may current]

2nd slot--1.5hr[efficiency was only 50% so will count only 1.5 hr]

3rd slot --- ethics 1,2 revision [1.5hr]

4th slot ---  [not completed ]

did exercise and meditation. 

total hrs[-- 6hr] (although did not complete all targets still feeling positive. today is going to be better than yesterday )


27th july target --- [10.5 hr] 

9:15- 9:30-- Meditation 

9:30- 12:30 --- April current revision [3hr]

1:00- 4:00 ---- Optional paper 2 (1,2,3) [3hr]

4:00 - 5:30 ---- [ ethics revision -- 3,4] [1.5hr]

6:00- 7:00 ---- [exercise ] (Must )

8:00- 9:00 --- Newspaper [1hr]

9:30 -- 11:30 --- answer writing [2hr] 

Note : Exam is near do give your best. Every hour counts. Be focussed. You can do it!


27th july review 

total hrs studies - 7.5 hrs (target to reach 12hrs/day )

target completed - 70% 

28th july goal 

slot 1 - 9am- 12 pm{3hr}- GS

slot2 - 1pm -5pm {4hrs}--- Optional 

slot 3- 8pm - 12am {4hrs}---- Revision +Test 

target -- 11 hrs study 

be more focussed while studying. Don't let your mind wander while sitting on study table. Dont overthinking.

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