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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Those who are attempting tests, can you please post your score also in brackets etc. It will be helpful for people like me to gauge their level of preparation.

After wasting the last 5-6 days in anxiety, I have decided to keep a tab on my preparation here by posting daily/hourly targets. Now, I am much behind my schedule due to excessive focus on economy portion and wasting the past few days. Nevertheless, now the focus should be on how to complete things in these last ~40 days. 

Overall Target till 30th Aug --->

A) Complete Modern History

B) Complete Environment (except NP, TR, Ramsar etc mapping and Fauna related portion etc)

C) Complete Geography (except Crops, Vegetation, Biomes, Rivers)

D) ~1/3 Laxmikanth

I have not read a single page of modern history, environment, geography and polity in the last 3 months, and it looks like I have messed up. Have done only current affairs and economy portion in the past 2 months and in that too I have to do current affairs again properly. Devoted too much time to do a few portions of GS2 and GS3. So, have to now rigorously focus on achieving targets.

Target till 23 Aug 5:00 am (before I sleep) -->

1) ~60 pgs of Modern History Notes [done ~20 pgs already]

2) ~20 pgs of Laxmikanth


Yesterday's targets -->

1) ~60 pgs of Modern History Notes[done ~40 pgs]

2) ~20 pgs of Laxmikanth[not done]

Today's target (till 24 Aug, 5:00 am) [will adjust my sleeping cycle after few days, gradually, as difficult to sleep for 8 hrs after going to bed at 5-6 am] -->

1) ~80 pages of Modern History Notes

2) ~20 pages of Laxmikanth


Review of 23rd Aug --->
Just studied ~20 pgs of Modern History notes, also slept for 3 hours extra. Sigh :( 

Will not keep daily targets, instead will try to cover more than 80% of weekly targets. As just 6 weeks are left now and last 10-12 days are for revision, I have 4 weeks to finish whatever I can. Let's see how the next 4 weeks will go.


Completed following things since I started posting targets here (past 4 days) -->

a) 1/2 Modern History Notes

b) National Parks & Tiger Reserves Mapping [took too much time than what I thought would take, now will revise it regularly coz don't wanna devote much time to it again]

c) ~30 pgs of Laxmikanth

Review -->Wasted 80% Monday without doing anything substantial. Will try to never waste a complete day.

Now, will go into berserk mode to complete the following targets till 31st Aug -->

1) Complete Modern History Notes [1/2 remaining]

2) Physical Geography NCERT and few other notes [except Biomes, Vegetation, Soils, Crops and Rivers]

3) Complete Environment [except Fauna, Ramsar Sites, Biosphere Reserves]

4) ~200 pages of Laxmikanth [~170 remaining]

The only focus is to complete whatever I can do from these before 31st Aug ends. Ok, will see you on 1st Sep. 

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