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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

  1. Analysed pre -abhyaas FLT mock test - Done
  2. Test 37 of Vision FLT - Done
  3. Read polity a few chapters - Done

Not a very productive day but I guess it's ok. Will increase the tempo from tomorrow. 

4th September
Modern revision done
Test 5 simulator done
5th September target - 
Revise all monthly CAs of Vision-Done except July
Revise all open tests and Vision, forum previous tests analysis which I had written -Incomplete
Test 5 simulator analysis.  -Done
ATB everyone - let's do the impossible.

Unacademy Open Mock -Done
OnlyIAS Open Mock -Done

Abhyaas Mock -Done

July Monthly CA -Half done

Analysis of above 3 tests + Forum 5 test 40 remaining questions analysis - To be done today(at least 2 of them)

Pending newspaper of 2 days - to be done today

Article of Rajesh Rajagopalan for my PSIR optional - to be done today

SUNDAY GOING BOOM(Laziness may use Counter cyclical policy tomorrow ;)  )

Lets not rest. LET US DO THE IMPOSSIBLE i.e Prelims 2020


Day 1- Sep 6, 2020 - Targets: 

- VisionIASAbhyaas 2(~3 hours (test+analysis)) 

-PYQ Analysisof GS-1 Questions (~3 hours) 

-Ancient India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

-Medieval India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

Abhyaas 2[✓] (Test done + Analysis half done) 

PYQ Analysisof GS-I Questions [✓]

Ancient India - MindMap - [✓]

Medieval India- Mindmap (Done around 60%) - Will cover it off in the morn 

Abhyaas 2 answer is not out yet. How you did the analysis?

  1. Started optional and read around 40 pages.
  2. Went on a 3-hour road trip to a nearby waterfall and a temple situated on hills.
  3. Studied ethics - Values of Civil Servants and wrote 1 PYQ.

That's it. Let's hope for a productive Tuesday. The game is on amidst the uncertainty of prelims speculation. 


Really feel sad after not clearing prelims despite doing everything possible, but no issue. Maybe something better is there for me.

  • Gave the 10th sectional test today of my optional
  • Completed backlogs newspaper of Sep-Oct till 17th October 
  • One ethics answer writing
  • Started Bihar specific GK for BPSC Prelims(My backup plan)

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light


Today's target

  • Test 8 analysis(optional)
  • Newspaper backlogs to complete of Sept-Oct
  • RSTV big picture - 1 video
  • PYQ analysis of BPSC prelims
@balwintejas I know how that feels I know how much you have prepared for this event.. It's not even sad it's just frustating that how some seconds decide a whole year. 

P. S: even I didnt find my roll number in the list! I am in your position only

Yes. It's frustrating but I accepted that I had failed. It comes out now and then but we must keep going for now. 

Because at the end of the day, it's just an exam and not a murder trial!


Today's targets-

Two WH answers to be written 

Optional sectional test - psir

3 days newspaper to be read

1 ethics answer to be written

BPSC pyq - History



8:30-12:30 News 

12:30-2:00 Optional 

3:00-6:00 Optional

6:30-8:30 Optional 

9:00-11:00 Notes

Appreciable! Carry on mam/sir

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