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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Unable to study with concentration for a few days till now (around a week to 10 days), though started great after 4 or 5 days after prelims. I have completed some portion but haven't been close to full efficiency. Feeling like it may already be too late...already lost some precious time. How do I not make this worry me?


Unable to study with concentration for a few days till now (around a week to 10 days), though started great after 4 or 5 days after prelims. I have completed some portion but haven't been close to full efficiency. Feeling like it may already be too late...already lost some precious time. How do I not make this worry me?

Almost everyone undergoes this phase during preparations but it needs to be dealt with strictness though not always. Actually remaining motivated all the time is not only tough rather next to impossible and what comes to rescue here is discipline. Discipline is doing what needs to be done in the moment even though one doesn't like doing it. One has to go beyond mind and body, मन और तन से उपर उथना होगा! Also at this stage you have nothing to save. Had it been your post before prelims, you might be suggested by some to skip Prelims (as you said it's already late) because then you had something to save: your attempt. But now since you have already passed Prelims, you have to prepare anyhow for mains be it this mains or 2021 mains. So why not take some risk, hold your nerves, control your anxiety and give your best!  

Thanks for the much needed motivation. I'll try to be disciplined from now on and give my best this time.

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@shruti12345 You’re not alone... try writing answers whenever you feel your concentration dropping while reading (that “pages have turned but brain feels empty” feeling) by finding a PYQ on the topic. If the answers are good you get a confidence boost, if they’re not you get the kick you need to read at least that topic properly. Until you get into a proper groove, switch topics until you find one that retains your attention. Once you get into the study zone with it, other topics should be easier too. Try changing your timings too, wake up earlier or sleep later - sometimes a fresh time of the day helps. And if you have a timetable that you’re not able to follow, make it more realistic - reduce the targets. The feeling of completing your targets itself generates a calmness that will help you complete a bit more the next day. Whatever you do stay away from despair and hopelessness because that makes it harder to even care about studying, leave alone studying. Just some things that worked for me :) it’s not too late if you can pick up successfully now. All the best :)

Yeah that's exactly what I was planning on doing. Finding some discipline that works for me by changing sleeping times etc and completing small targets first. Thanks...that “pages have turned but brain feels empty” feeling was exactly what I was feeling!...hoping to do much better from now! Already studying better than yesterday.

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