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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

"When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions."

Created this thread as a one stop solution for all members so that all the doubts wherein any conceptual clarification is required can be solved here. 

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Yes , according to this act, as and when the CM will be there, he/she will be appointed by the LG.

Currently there's no CM. LG has been appointed by President.


simulator 1, question number 57, option c which is marked to be correct.

it states that- "If any person is convicted of an offence of bribery, he/she shall be disqualified from voting at any electionfor a period of six years''. 

however the disqualification rpa, 1951 talks about is for contesting the elections and not for voting. Is the question wrong or am i missing something here?

Can you share the question please

@upsc2020 Q.57) For elections/nomination to the
Parliament, which of the following is correct?
a) A retired Chief Justice of India cannot be
nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha.
b) A candidate fielded by a recognized political
party does not need any proposer to file his
nomination for Lok Sabha election.
c) If any person is convicted of an offence of
bribery, he/she shall be disqualified from
voting at any election for a period of six years.
d) All of the above statements are incorrect.

solution provided-Exp) Option a is incorrect. Nomination to Rajya Sabha requires a person to have special knowledge or
practical experience in matters like literature, science, art and social service. Recently, retired Chief Justice of
India, Ranjan Gogoi has been nominated to the Rajya Sabha.
Option b is incorrect. A candidate filing for candidature needs one proposer from his/ her constituency
when the candidate belongs to a recognized national or State party.
Option c is correct. A candidate gets six year of disqualification if he/ she gets convicted for an offence of
bribery under Representation of People’s Act 1951.

@upsc2020 Q.57) For elections/nomination to the
Parliament, which of the following is correct?
a) A retired Chief Justice of India cannot be
nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha.
b) A candidate fielded by a recognized political
party does not need any proposer to file his
nomination for Lok Sabha election.
c) If any person is convicted of an offence of
bribery, he/she shall be disqualified from
voting at any election for a period of six years.
d) All of the above statements are incorrect.

solution provided-Exp) Option a is incorrect. Nomination to Rajya Sabha requires a person to have special knowledge or
practical experience in matters like literature, science, art and social service. Recently, retired Chief Justice of
India, Ranjan Gogoi has been nominated to the Rajya Sabha.
Option b is incorrect. A candidate filing for candidature needs one proposer from his/ her constituency
when the candidate belongs to a recognized national or State party.
Option c is correct. A candidate gets six year of disqualification if he/ she gets convicted for an offence of
bribery under Representation of People’s Act 1951.

I think statement c is erroneous. It's not related to the question. 

@upsc2020 Q.57) For elections/nomination to the
Parliament, which of the following is correct?
a) A retired Chief Justice of India cannot be
nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha.
b) A candidate fielded by a recognized political
party does not need any proposer to file his
nomination for Lok Sabha election.
c) If any person is convicted of an offence of
bribery, he/she shall be disqualified from
voting at any election for a period of six years.
d) All of the above statements are incorrect.

solution provided-Exp) Option a is incorrect. Nomination to Rajya Sabha requires a person to have special knowledge or
practical experience in matters like literature, science, art and social service. Recently, retired Chief Justice of
India, Ranjan Gogoi has been nominated to the Rajya Sabha.
Option b is incorrect. A candidate filing for candidature needs one proposer from his/ her constituency
when the candidate belongs to a recognized national or State party.
Option c is correct. A candidate gets six year of disqualification if he/ she gets convicted for an offence of
bribery under Representation of People’s Act 1951.

I think statement c is erroneous. It's not related to the question. 

yeah, that's what my doubt was.


whether office of 'whip' is mentioned in any statute or its just a parliamentry convention?

as per laxmikant----  its covention

in one of the test series-- it has statutory status

@extinctinwild it has a statutory status, lakshmikant does have some mistakes here and there.


whether office of 'whip' is mentioned in any statute or its just a parliamentry convention?

as per laxmikant----  its covention

in one of the test series-- it has statutory status

Additional info:


Q40 of SFT#9: Kindly refer the below mentioned statement.

I think the act is silent about one tenth criteria, rather it was the speaker of Lok Sabha who gave this criteria. Please clarify the doubt.

Statement 1 is correct. The Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 defines LoP as the leader of the largest opposition party having not less than one-tenth seats of the total the strength of the House 


Sir, can you please explain the concept of sudden stratospheric warming and its impact on the ozone layer depletion? Thank you, 


Sir, can you please explain the concept of sudden stratospheric warming and its impact on the ozone layer depletion? Thank you, 

  ......this may help you

upsc2020,Aragorn001and1 otherslike this

Q40 of SFT#9: Kindly refer the below mentioned statement.

I think the act is silent about one tenth criteria, rather it was the speaker of Lok Sabha who gave this criteria. Please clarify the doubt.

Statement 1 is correct. The Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 defines LoP as the leader of the largest opposition party having not less than one-tenth seats of the total the strength of the House 

Please share the Question.


Can someone clarify if Cabinet is a formal constitutional body or not?

Though defined under article 352 of the constitution no elaborate provisions regarding the same are mentioned therein. 



Can someone clarify if Cabinet is a formal constitutional body or not?

Though defined under article 352 of the constitution no elaborate provisions regarding the same are mentioned therein. 

Indian Constitution didn't mention about it originally, but inserted by 44th C.A.A 1978.

Cabinet is an extra-constitutional body based on conventions,

on the other handCouncil of Ministers is a constitutional body, dealt in detail by Art 74 and 75.

@Incognito just 1 rectification after 44 amendment cabinet s a constititional body!

@Mindgame alright. I think so too but haven't found any conclusive source on it. 

With reference to the position of Leader of Opposition in the Indian Parliamentary system, consider the following statements.

1. The leader of the largest opposition party having not less than one-tenth seats of the total strength of the House is recognised as the Leader of the Opposition in that House.

2. The position was recognised in Parliament for the first time in 1977.

3. The Leader of Opposition holds status equivalent to that of a Cabinet Minister.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a 1 and 2 only
b 3 only
c 1 and 3 only
d 1, 2 and 3


Exp) Statement 1 is correct. The Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 defines LoP as the leader of the largest opposition party having not less than one-tenth seats of the total the strength of the House

Statement 2 is incorrect. The leader of Opposition was first recognised in 1969 and in 1977 the position got statutory status via Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act.

Statement 3 is correct. The Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 extends to Leaders of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha the same official status, allowances and perks that are admissible to Cabinet Ministers.


This doubt is regarding Positive Liberty V/s Negative Liberty:

What i understand by these terms is that Positive liberty is freedom to do or have something whereas negative liberty is freedom from something suchasdiscrimination

In this context, I want to ask why " Article 16: Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment " comes under Positive Liberty and not Negative Liberty. 

How to use logic in such questions 

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