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Downto earth magazine notes : community initiative

**** Update:- All the work allocations are completed**** No new allocations needed now.

1) Notes for DowntoEarth magazine is to made from June-2019 to July-2020 (both fortnights). By entering this voluntary initiative, the participant is self-assertive that he has good notes making skill and he can contribute to 'the common good'.

2) Though I recommend digital notes, feel free to make notes in digital format or on paper. ( just make sure the writing is notdoctorish.) however, if you are making physical notes and if  find any important infographs, copy them and send in separate file.

3) Select an available month and make notes onbothfortnights. Please check the 1st comment to know the available month. If you are new, please pick up your month and let me know so that i can update the muster

4) Lets keep in mind the syllabus and questions-asking pattern of GS-1(physical/human geography aka indian society), GS-2 (IR related / Welfare-Development related) GS-3 (Economy,SnT, Environment) GS-4 (Bio ethics...) while making notes

5) After finishing your notes share the google drive links here

6) Lets make sure that, all of us complete our part of the work by this saturday August-15. 2020. If you can submit your part even before, it's appreciated

7) Downtoearth is available on telegram search "downtoearth11". This is shared purely for knowledge purpose. If you have access to physical copy, it is fine

8) If this initiative is successful, we can proceed with other such magazines to reap maximum benefit. At an individual level, we spend some 5-6 hrs, but we reap a multitude of benefit.

9) Before making notes, it is suggested that we go through the syllabus and previous year papers. This helps us in streamlining our notes

10) The success of this initiative depends on our collective intellect and sincere effort. So, let's be truthful to ourselves and let's make our answers resplendent with quality content (issue specific analysis/case studies/ key statistics/ quotable quotes...)

peacefulwarrior,Integerand18 otherslike this


@sulawesiYes im really sorry its nov 2019.

Ok bhai, go with Nov"19. I will update others..


@sulawesi I will pick August 2019, is that OK?


@sulawesi I will pick August 2019, is that OK?

Aug'19 is in pipeline. Is july19 ok for you


@sulawesi Yes, works for me, will take upJuly 2019

Aug 2019
@root yes root please do provide that option

So I'm left with June 2019, will do that.
So I'm left with June 2019, will do that.

ok bhai. All the best with June2019.
you are the last lucky person...//
i'll confirm to others


  1. june19 :-@Nls9219
  2. jul19:-@vserdame
  3. aug19:-@SandyMatash
  4. sep19:@chaotic_Homo
  5. oct19:@chanakya
  6. nov19 :-@wakanda
  7. dec19 :@AureliusM
  8. jan20:@sadhika
  9. feb20:@underdog44
  10. mar20:@sulawesi
  11. apr20:@Rudra12
  12. may20:@Tenacious
  13. jun20:@Thanos_
  14. jul20 :-@HUMBLEFOOL

others, please let me know of your selection, so that I will confirm to the group and the duplication of efforts is avoided

The first stage (work allocation) is thus fulfilled. No more further allocations needed.

Hope all of us complete our parts by tomorrow at max. If you can complete well within, it is better.

Let us ensure quality in our work, it helps all of us. Since all of us came voluntarily and even though no one can vouch for another's identity let's be true to the spirit of the forum......

All the best to all of us. Thanks to all unknown benefactors

@root yes root please do provide that option

bhai, I don't think that there will be much benefit even if we make a private share.
notes may anyhow come out.  coaching centres make very strict security arrangements and yet their notes becomes available for xeroxcentre/telegram students!!

Yes but we cannot compare ourselves with coaching centres 
i think if more people want to join, let them join as it is a fortnightly magazine. 1 month can be divided b/w two persons (1 fortnightly magazine for each). If you guys are ready. I am okay both ways 
@sulawesi  on the contrary, as this is a small group of creators and not consumers so maybe it won't come out. 
Some may share 5-6 hours of work with altruistic nature others may prefer dividends from their work. Personal call. 
P.S. Feels like it's time to revise IPR. :D

point taken. anyhow, we are 14 in number. lets ask others and look at what they say. I value the work we all did, at the same time apprehensive about this security sort of thing. But, your point has a point


A quick update:-

Nov-19 by@wakandawas completed.....

link will be shared after everyone of us complete our parts...

Let us make sure that we all complete the work by  evening 4:00PM. of 15 aug2020

Yes but we cannot compare ourselves with coaching centres 

not that i am comparing with coaching centre, just saying that , when such security arrangement itself is futile how far will our walls work. no comparison in terms of intent..
we work on a non-commercial quid pro quo basis. so no comparison at all



Great Initiative! Would you like to make this thread private? We dont have that yet, but we can make this.

hello all, what do you say about this "private thread" thing.

@sulawesi can u please share sample notes how u guys making it? 2-3 pages ....I want to check how much in depth u making notes

@sulawesi can u please share sample notes how u guys making it? 2-3 pages ....I want to check how much in depth u making notes


its an amalgam of quotes, stats, fodder for essay, case studies, some prelims pointers...

on an average, i got 2.5 pages per fortnight. i have yet to complete f-2.


how to access and share the notes.

Step:1 Since some of the participants are not ok with sharing notes for non-contributors, we will make a online spreadsheet with drive links of notes.

Step2:-  After completing your part, send your google drive link on DM messenger. I will update the sheet with your notes link and I will DM the spreadsheet link to you, so that you can access all the notes uploaded till then.

Step3:- Like this, links of all 14 contributors will be updated to the spreadsheet progressively and others can access all the notes .

I hope this works. As of now, I received link from@wakanda. and i sent the spreadsheet link to him. as and when others update me, i will update the spreadsheet link and share it with them. Also remember that anyone with spreadsheet link can access the notes. As discussed above , i will be sending it only to those who fulfilled their part.

so, kindly fulfill your part >>DM the notes drive link >>I will update the spreadsheet >>I will share the spreadsheet link  >>All of us can get the notes on progressive basis

(since people are eager on IPR sort of thing, DM the notes link and I will also be DM'mming the updated spreadsheet link. this way, all of us gets the notes and 6hrs hardwork stays within the group.)

Let us stick to the schedule : on or before 4PM of august-15-2020. The earlier we complete our part, the sooner we get access to the notes.... as said earlier, the success depends on the collective intellect and hardwork,

So, those who completed their part, DM the drive link, get the spreadsheet link, sit back and relax and wait for others to join the spreadsheet. All the best.

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