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Downto earth magazine notes : community initiative

**** Update:- All the work allocations are completed**** No new allocations needed now.

1) Notes for DowntoEarth magazine is to made from June-2019 to July-2020 (both fortnights). By entering this voluntary initiative, the participant is self-assertive that he has good notes making skill and he can contribute to 'the common good'.

2) Though I recommend digital notes, feel free to make notes in digital format or on paper. ( just make sure the writing is notdoctorish.) however, if you are making physical notes and if  find any important infographs, copy them and send in separate file.

3) Select an available month and make notes onbothfortnights. Please check the 1st comment to know the available month. If you are new, please pick up your month and let me know so that i can update the muster

4) Lets keep in mind the syllabus and questions-asking pattern of GS-1(physical/human geography aka indian society), GS-2 (IR related / Welfare-Development related) GS-3 (Economy,SnT, Environment) GS-4 (Bio ethics...) while making notes

5) After finishing your notes share the google drive links here

6) Lets make sure that, all of us complete our part of the work by this saturday August-15. 2020. If you can submit your part even before, it's appreciated

7) Downtoearth is available on telegram search "downtoearth11". This is shared purely for knowledge purpose. If you have access to physical copy, it is fine

8) If this initiative is successful, we can proceed with other such magazines to reap maximum benefit. At an individual level, we spend some 5-6 hrs, but we reap a multitude of benefit.

9) Before making notes, it is suggested that we go through the syllabus and previous year papers. This helps us in streamlining our notes

10) The success of this initiative depends on our collective intellect and sincere effort. So, let's be truthful to ourselves and let's make our answers resplendent with quality content (issue specific analysis/case studies/ key statistics/ quotable quotes...)

peacefulwarrior,Integerand18 otherslike this


user@Rudra12notes on april2020 updated. pls check the spreadsheet.

user reported that most of the april edition is full of corona, hence he made succinct notes

Most of the things like migration, impact on economy , poverty we have read in newspaper....its better we make topic wise notes or yojana
Most of the things like migration, impact on economy , poverty we have read in newspaper....its better we make topic wise notes or yojana

which app did you use for note making.

@sulawesi Notability......bhai next time ..will try to make typd one ...sorry for this time

I have missed 3 topics -  migration , economic imoact of corona , state of world after covid.......not exhaustively covered and most of the points we have read in newspaper....if u guys want will make a note on these topics and share
@sulawesi Notability......bhai next time ..will try to make typd one ...sorry for this time

no bhai, really good.


user@Thanos_messaged that he will complete his part by today evening. so, spreadsheet will be updated accordingly.

All the best with revision.


Since more than 90% of the notes are submitted,I have an announcement to make.

This initiative is a great value addition to our preparation. I am very glad that we all participated well.

After the remaining one notes (of thanos) is completed, we will take a break , so that we can focus on prelims.

I learned a lot here. I could get a sense of how my fellow aspirants are preparing, their thought process and most importantly, how difficult it is to manage and followup a small group of 14 people. This experience helps me a lot in future.

Thanks again. after updating the remaining Thanos notes this evening,  The activity on this thread will be temporarily closed till prelims.

All the best to all of us.

Hey guys can i join in. Is there any portion i can help you guys with. I saw this thread just now 

user thanos uploaded notes for june2020. he included some addnl info links from wiki too.

kindly find it on the sheet.

Hey guys can i join in. Is there any portion i can help you guys with. I saw this thread just now 

sorry bhai, this just ended as of now. if we start anything afresh, will definitely let you know


I hope all of us got what we intended to get. It is a very eventful project. Hope it helps us in our mains answer writing. also, since we have completed a massive backlogs with crowd support, let us not leave this habit of reading d2e in future and use those inputs in our answer writing.

I feel that it is hightime now to focus purely on prelims in these last 45 days.

So, from now onwards, I am totally shutting out all my forum presence. Let's meet again after prelims with a lot to discuss about mains preparation.

All the best to all of us.

// Jai Hind//

// Sarveshaam Swasthir Bhavatu .. Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu //

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